The special system constant $STATE consists of a table of
all the state codes for the 50 states of the United States, plus
U. S territories, armed services and other valid postal codes. When
an entered postal code is matched against the table, the entered
code can be in any combination of upper or lowercase letter. For
instance the code for California is CA; any of the following codes can be successfully
matched against the California code: CA, ca, Ca, or even cA.
The state codes listed below are shown only in uppercase for
Area Americas | AA | Mississippi | MS |
Area Europe | AE | Missouri | MO |
Area Pacific | AP | Montana | MT |
Alabama | AL | Nebraska | NE |
Alaska | AK | Nevada | NV |
American Samoa | AS | New Hampshire | NH |
Arizona | AZ | New Jersey | NJ |
Arkansas | AR | New Mexico | NM |
California | CA | New York | NY |
Canal Zone | CZ | North Carolina | NC |
Colorado | CO | North Dakota | ND |
Connecticut | CT | Northern Mariana
Islands | CM |
Delaware | DE | Ohio | OH |
District of
Columbia | DC | Oklahoma | OK |
Florida | FL | Oregon | OR |
Federated States
of Micronesia | FM | Palau | PW |
Georgia | GA | Pennsylvania | PA |
Guam | GU | Puerto Rico | PR |
Hawaii | HI | Rhode Island | RI |
Idaho | ID | South Carolina | SC |
Illinois | IL | South Dakota | SD |
Indiana | IN | Tennessee | TN |
Iowa | IA | Texas | TX |
Kansas | KS | Utah | UT |
Kentucky | KY | Vermont | VT |
Louisiana | LA | Virginia | VA |
Maine | ME | Virgin Islands | VI |
Marshall Islands | MH | Washington | WA |
Maryland | MD | West Virginia | WV |
Massachusetts | MA | Wisconsin | WI |
Michigan | MI | Wyoming | WY |
Minnesota | MN | | |