HPlogo HP Data Entry and Forms Management System (VPLUS) Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix E Application Hints

Rules for the DL Area


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VPLUS makes use of the DL area for buffers and internal tables. Therefore, if the DL area is put to any other use during the execution of a VPLUS application, such use must not conflict with that of VPLUS. To insure against conflict, observe the following rules:

  1. The first use of the DL area by an application, including any procedures, routines, or intrinsics executed on behalf of the application, should be the call to VOPENFORMF that opens the forms file and allocates the DL area needed by VPLUS.

  2. The call to VCLOSEFORMF that frees up the DL area used by VPLUS must not occur until the application has released all other DL space allocated subsequent to the VOPENFORMF call.

These restrictions need not be followed if the application is wholly coded in any combination of Pascal, HPFORTRAN 77, and HPBUSINESS BASIC and sets the comarea item language to 5, which causes VPLUS to use the heap procedures provided by Pascal instead of managing the DL area directly.

VPLUS applications coded in other languages need to take great care if they pass the language identifier of 5 as a means of getting around the restrictions stated above. Specifying an incorrect language identifier can cause other aspects of the VPLUS interface, such as addressing of byte parameters, to function unreliably. In such a case, the application must use the INTRINSIC mechanism (CALL INTRINSIC in COBOL) for the main and all interacting parts of the application. Check the Pascal and COBOL reference manuals for more information.

In all cases, check for any other use of the DL area by intrinsics such as the DSG intrinsics.

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