HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems



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This manual documents functionality for the MPE/iX 6.0 Release.

This is the reference manual for users of the Node Management Services Utilities. These utilities are:

  • The Node Management Services Configuration Manager (NMMGR).

  • The Node Management Maintenance Utility (NMMAINT).

  • The Node Management Services Trace/Log File Analyzer (NMDUMP).

  • The Node Management Services Conversion Utility (NMMGRVER).

  • The Node Management Services Validation Utility (NMMGRVAL).

The major part of this manual covers the NMMGR program. It includes information common to all the subsystems that use NMMGR to create or modify a configuration file. Information that is subsystem-specific is located in the manuals for that subsystem. NMMGR is used to configure any or all of the following subsystems on a network:

  • SNA (for HP 3000-IBM data communications)

  • BSC (for HP 3000-IBM data communications)

  • NS 3000/iX (for HP 3000-HP 3000 data communications)

  • Distributed terminal subsystem (for HP 3000-terminal communications)

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