HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 6 NMMAINT



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To run NMMAINT, enter the command:


NMMAINT responds with the following:

NMS Maintenance Utility 32099-11018v.uu.ff (C) Hewlett Packard Co. 1985

NMMAINT then lists the version identification numbers for each software module and information for each subsystem. As shown in the example below, the NMMAINT utility displays version information for the subsystems of the products actually installed on your system. The node management services, link services, and network transport subsystems are displayed if an NS 3000/iX link product is installed. The Network Services subsystem is displayed if the NS 3000/iX services product is installed. The SNA Transport, SNA NRJE, RJE, SNA DHCF, APPC, HP SNADS, SNA/X.25, NS Over SNA, HP SNADS, and SNA IMF subsystems are displayed if the appropriate HP-to-IBM data communications products are installed on your system.


This example of NMMAINT output shows a system with NS 3000/iX services and an IEEE 802.3 link installed. (The IPCVERSION module is port software. This is not part of the NetworkIPC user service, nor does it form a subsystem, but its individual version ID number is displayed by NMMAINT for your information.)

Notice that version ID numbers include version, update, fix levels, and an internal fix level in the format vuuffiii. For NMVERS00, the version ID number is A0103023. A is the version level, the next two digits represent the update level, and the next two digits are the fix level. The remaining numbers, 023, show the internal fix level, which is used only within Hewlett-Packard.

NOTE: The version numbers shown in this example are not intended to be the same as the version numbers of your software.


NMS Maintenance Utility 32098-20014B.00.08   (C) Hewlett Packard Co. Subsystem version ID's
Node Management Services 32098-20014 module versions:
SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: CM program file: CM program file: CM program file: NM program file: NM program file: CM program file: CM program file: Catalog file: NM program file: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure:NMVERS00 NMVERSCSL NMVERS01 NMLOGSLVERS NMLOGDATAVERS NMVERS04 MWRITEVERS NMMAINT.PUB.SYS NMFILE.PUB.SYS NMTRCMON.PUB.SYSNMLOGMON.PUB.SYSNMCONSOL.PUB.SYSNMINIT.PUB.SYS NMDUMP.PUB.SYS NMCAT.PUB.SYS NMLOGICS.PUB.SYSSUBSYS0FMTVERS NMINTERVERS BFM'MOD'54'VERS BMGR_MOD_51_VERSBMGR_MOD_52_VERSBMGR_MOD_53_VERSNMVERS30 NMVERS33 NMVERS34 NMVERS32 Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version:B0008037 B0008039 B0008008 B0008034 B0008023 B0008011 B0008013 B0008011 B0008009 B0008062 B0008021 B0008019 B0008006 B0008064 B0008035 B0008005 B0008013 B0008003 B0008009 B0008067 B0008070 B0008028 B0008010 B0008018 B0008024 B0008018

Node Management Services 32098-20014 overall version = B.00.08
@COMPUTERTEXTW = Network Transport 32098-20023 module versions:
NM program file: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: Catalog file: CM program file: NL procedure: NL procedure: NM program file: Catalog file: SL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: SL procedure: NM program file: SL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: NM program file: NM program file: NL procedure:NETCP.NET.SYS NET_CF_VERS NET_IPC_VERS NET_IPC_VERS2 NET_IPC_VERS3 NET_IPC_VERS4 PIVERS SIVERS SOCKCAT.NET.SYS SOCKREG.NET.SYS NWTMVERS TI_T1_VERS PT2PNSTN.NET.SYS NETMSG.NET.SYS NET'UI'VERS NET'SL'VERS NET_NI_VERS NET'PROBE'VERS NET_ARP_VERS NET'DIAL'VERS TCPSIP.NET.SYS NET'STUB'VERS NET_TCP_VERS NET_UDP_VERS NET_DICT_VERS NET'PXP0'VERS NET'PXP1'VERS NET_IP_VERS NET'IPU'VERS NET_X25_VERS NET'PD'VERS NET_PD_VERS NET_MAP_VERS NET_GLBL_VERS NET_REG_VERS NET'REG'CM'VERS DCLDM_FMT_VERS DCLDM_PS_VERS DCLDM_CONF_VERS NSLOPENLINK_VERS RLM_SERVER_VERS RLM_CONFIG_VERS RLM_LOAD_TABLE_VERSRLM_FMT_VERS NET_FC_VERS SOCKIOVERS SOCKACCESSVERS SOCKMISC1VERS SUBSYS3FMTVERS SUBSYS5FMTVERS LEVEL2_RESOLVE_VERSICMPSERV.NET.SYS NETTOOL.NET.SYS NETTMRVERS Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: B0507013 B0507006 B0507014 B0507013 B0507012 B0507011 B0507010 B0507009 B0507000 B0507001 B0507011 B0507004 B0507004 B0507003 B0507004 B0507002 B0507008 B0507001 B0507015 B0507000 B0507000 B0507001 B0507062 B0507012 B0507001 B0507001 B0507000 B0507007 B0507000 B0507002 B0507100 B0507002 B0507008 B0507013 B0507001 B0507001 B0507001 B0507002 B0507002 B0507004 B0507000 B0507000 B0507000 B0507000 B0507000 B0507000 B0507000 B0507002 B0507006 B0507001 B0507001 B0507001 B0507012 B0507000

Network Transport 32098-20033 overall version = B.05.07
Network Services individual module versions:
NM program file: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: Catalog file: SL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: CM program file: CM program file: CM program file: NL procedure: NL procedure: CM program file: CM program file: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: NM program file: NM program file: CM program file: SL procedure: SL procedure: CM program file: NL procedure: Catalog file: SL procedure: NL procedure: CM program file: NL procedure:DSDAD.NET.SYS ASCXVERS ASBUFVERS ASENVVERS DSUTILVERS SUBSYS6FMTVERS ASCAT.NET.SYS VTSRVTVER VTS_LDMVER VTS_UTILVER LOOPBACK.NET.SYS LOOPINIT.NET.SYS NSSTATUS.NET.SYS NSSTATUSNMVERS NSINFONMVERS CONFPROG.NET.SYS MASTMAKE.NET.SYS VTS_SMVER NSUTILNMVERS ASCXNMVERS ASENVNMVERS RASERVER.NET.SYS VTSERVER.NET.SYS DSSERVER.NET.SYS ASRFAVERS ASPTOPVERS NFT.NET.SYS NFTNMVERS NFTCAT2.NET.SYS ASRPMVERS RPMNMVERS RPMDAD.NET.SYS RFANMVERS Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: B0010007 B0010008 B0010000 B0010005 B0010007 B0010001 B0010001 B0010000 B0010005 B0010005 B0010000 B0010000 B0010002 B0010001 B0010002 B0010000 B0010000 B0010005 B0010001 B0010001 B0010001 B0010003 B0010005 B0010000 B0010002 B0010001 B0010018 B0010001 B0010002 B0010001 B0010001 B0010003 B0010001

Network Services overall subsystem version:   B.00.10
Link Support Services 32098-20015 module versions:
NL procedure: NM program file: NL procedure: SL procedure: XL procedure: XL procedure: NL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: NL procedure: TRACE_INT_VERS TRACEMGR.PUB.SYS TVPGEN00VERS SUBSYS18FMTVERS LSSLINKCONTROLVERS LSSLINKCONTROLVERS01LSSLKTBLVERS LSSVERS00 DCC_VERSION DCC_VALID  Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: C0104016 C0104039 C0104007 C0104008 C0104145 C0104014 C0104008 C0104016 C0104006 C0104003

XL procedure: Version:  C0104014NL procedure: Version:  C0104008SL procedure: Version:  C0104012NL procedure: Version:  C0104506NL procedure: Version:  C0104503
Link Support Services 32098-20015 overall version = C.01.04
Node Management Configurator 32098-20016 module versions:
SL procedure: SL procedure: SL procedure: NL procedure: NM program file: CM program file: CM program file: CM program file: V+ forms file: Catalog file: Catalog file: NM conf file: NM conf file: NM conf file: NMCVERS NMVERS06 NETDIRVERS NMNETDIRVERS NMMGR.PUB.SYS NMMGRVER.PUB.SYSNMMGRVAL.PUB.SYSNMSIG.PUB.SYS NMMGRF.PUB.SYS NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYSNMMGRHLP.PUB.SYSNMSAMP1.PUB.SYS NMAUX1 NMNOVA.PUB.SYS Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version: Version:B0407000 B0407000 B0407000 B0407000 B0407035 B0407003 B0407000 B0407000 B0407026 B0407012 B0407013 B0407004 B0407014 B0407003

Node Management Configurator 32098-20015 overall version = B.04.00

Explanation of NMMAINT Output

The first group of numbers in the above example are the version ID numbers of the modules of the Node Management Services subsystem. Notice that the first five characters of the version for each module listed in this group are the same. This means that all the software modules in the subsystem match. It is necessary for all the modules of a given subsystem to be the same version. If a subsystem module does not match, NMMAINT prints the following error message:


This message indicates that the modules of the subsystem are not compatible.

Because the module version ID numbers match, NMMAINT displays the overall subsystem version number for the node management services; for the above example, it is A.01.03. The rest of the subsystems are handled in a similar fashion.

NMMAINT also checks that all the modules that belong with a particular subsystem are present. If a module is missing, NMMAINT displays the name of the module with the following error message in place of the version number.

	SL procedure:  NMVERS01              **  REQ'D MODULE MISSING **

If an optional module is not present, NMMAINT displays a message similar to the following:


If the modules were correct when installed, only unusual circumstances such as a reload, a disk problem, or a system failure would result in missing or invalid modules. Restore a known valid version of the modules in error.

Question marks displayed for the overall version number indicate that the fix levels of the individual modules do not match. Remember that the internal fix level, represented by the last three numbers of the version ID, does not need to match between modules for the software to be compatible. Fix numbers are requested in service requests for HP to use when troubleshooting.

As each subsystem is displayed, NMMAINT checks that all the modules are present and compatible. However, NMMAINT does not perform any cross-subsystem version verification. When a system has HP-to-IBM products as well as HP-to-HP products installed, the Node Management Services, link services and the port software are used by both types of data communications products. Therefore, it is important to check that the version numbers of these common subsystems and port software module are correct. It is possible for the HP-to-IBM products to use previous versions of the common software that are not compatible with the HP-to-HP products.

NMMAINT displays information on only the subsystems for the products installed on your system. In the example above, none of the HP-IBM products were installed, so their subsystems were not displayed.

Running NMMAINT With Subsystem ID

NMMAINT can also be executed to display the version information for just one subsystem, by entering a command: NMMAINT, Subsystem number, where the subsystem number can be obtained from running NMDUMP.

For example, NMMAINT,3 displays the version information for Network Transport 32098-20033.

The only exception for using the subsystem number found from running NMDUMP is for the NMS, Node Management Services, which would be 0. Use NMMAINT, 10000 to display NMS version information.

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