HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Using NMMGR in Maintenance Mode



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Reads selected data from the current configuration record.


READCONF fieldname [;FORMAT]



The field name associated with the current path.

Use READALLCONF;FORMAT to find the fieldnames in the current path.


Designates output formatting. Output is formatted in a WRITECONF format so that it can be re-entered into NMMGR's maintenance mode. If the format option is omitted, data will be formatted with one field per line when writing to a file.


READCONF reads and displays the selected field in the configuration record identified by the current path. If the current path is associated with a multipaged data screen, then the displayed value is from the current page set by PAGECONF.

You must enter the CARDCONF, then the PATHCONF command before using the READCONF command. This defines the pathname of the record from which the data will be read. If you want READCONF to display the data written in the previous WRITECONF commands, you must first enter the UPDATECONF command.

If you are referencing a DTC card screen, you must use the CARDCONF command to set the current card number before issuing the READCONF command.

Output is directed to the file defined in the file equation FORMLIST. If FORMLIST is not defined, output is sent to $STDLIST.

CAUTION: The output should first be sent to a file, then the entire file should be printed. Otherwise, if output is sent directly to a printer, each READCONF command will generate a separate spool file, resulting in only one field printed per page.


To display the first field in the NETXPORT.NI.GLOBAL screen:


(Sets the path to the screen.)


(Reads and displays the named field.)

WRITECONF    homenet,   "netname"
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