HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Using NMMGR in Maintenance Mode



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Merges entries from another network directory or configuration file into the current network directory.


         {otherdir	  [,nodename]	}	 [;LOCAL] 	[;KEEP	      ]
MERGEDIR 	{configfile           			}	          [;NOKEEP    	]
                                 [;GLOBAL][;TIMESTAMP	 ]



The name of another network directory file to merge one or more entries from. The format is:


A file lockword may not be specified.


The name of a single node entry to merge when the source file is a network directory. This parameter may not be specified if the source is a configuration file. The format is:


Each of the three names may be from one to sixteen characters long, must begin with a letter, and may contain letters, digits, underscores, or dashes.


The name of an NMMGR configuration file (NCONF file) from which a single entry is to be extracted. The format of this filename is the same as that for otherdir.


When the source file is a network directory, LOCAL indicates that only those entries classified as "local" will be merged into the current directory.

When the source is a configuration file, LOCAL specifies that the extracted entry will be classified as "local" in the current directory.


When the source file is a network directory, GLOBAL indicates that only those entries classified as "global" will be merged into the current directory.

When the source is a configuration file, GLOBAL specifies that the extracted entry will be classified as "global" in the current directory.

GLOBAL is the default classification when neither LOCAL nor GLOBAL is specified.


Indicates that entries in the current directory are to be retained when duplicate entries exist in the source directory.

This keyword is not applicable when the source is a configuration file.


Indicates that entries in the current directory are to be overwritten with duplicate entries found in the source directory.

This keyword is not applicable when the source is a configuration file.


Indicates that duplicate entries found in both directories are to be compared, and the one that was created most recently will be stored in the current directory.

This is the default action taken when neither KEEP, NOKEEP, nor TIMESTAMP is specified.

This keyword is not applicable when the source is a configuration file.


MERGEDIR takes entries from either another network directory or an NMMGR configuration file and merges them into the current directory.

Entries that do not exist in the current directory are unconditionally added to the current directory. Duplicate entries are handled differently depending upon the source file type. If the source file is a network directory, then duplicate entries are either ignored or replaced in the current directory depending on the KEEP, NOKEEP, or TIMESTAMP keyword used. If the source file is an NMMGR configuration file, then the duplicate entry is replaced in the current directory.


To merge an entry from the system configuration file and store it as a local entry, enter the following command:


To merge all global entries from another network directory, overwriting any duplicates in the current directory, enter the following command:

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