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Adds an X.25 virtual circuit address key to the network directory and to the configuration file.


		ADDVC [filename]



The name of a text file that contains X.25 address information for each remote node to be added to the configuration file and directory. The format for the file name is:


A file lockword may not be specified. The contents of the file must be formatted as described below.


ADDVC updates both the local network directory and the configuration file with X.25 address information. It uses the address key specified for the network directory to relate the remote node name to an IP address, local NI name, and an X.25 address.

The directory and configuration files must be opened either via the Open Configuration/Directory File screen or via the OPENDIR and OPENCONF maintenance mode command before ADDVC is invoked.

This command can be run interactively, by entering maintenance mode from screen mode and typing the command, or it can be run from a batch job.

When ADDVC is used interactively and no filename is specified, the user is prompted to enter address parameters for each remote node. When ADDVC is run interactively and a filename is specified, or when the command is run from a job, each entry is defined as a set of positional parameters delimited by spaces or a comma. An unspecified parameter must be delimited by a comma, or by a semicolon if it occurs at the end of the entry.

For switched virtual circuits, the format is:

nodename[,] "IP address"[,] address key[,] NI name[,] Y[,] svc address[,] [facility set][,] [security class][;]

For permanent virtual circuits, the format is:

nodename[,] "IP address"[,] address key[,] NI name[,] N[,] circuit number[;]

The description of each parameter that must be defined when the command is run from a job or with a filename specified is as follows:


The name of a node to which the address key is to be added. The format is:


Each of the three names may be from one to sixteen characters long, must begin with a letter, and may contain letters, digits, underscores, or dashes.

If the nodename does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, the IP address and additional address (if any) will be added to its path report list in the directory.

IP address

The IP address of the remote node whose X.25 address is to be added to the configuration. The format of the address is the same as the IP address in the Network Directory Data screen. It must be enclosed in quotes (" ") if it is not entered interactively.

address key

The name tag used to relate a node name and IP address from the network directory, with a switched or permanent virtual circuit address, configured under an X.25 NI in the local configuration file. The name may contain a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters.

NI name

The name of the local X.25 NI. The name may contain a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters.

Y or N

A Y or an N must be entered after the NI name parameter to indicated whether the virtual circuit being added is a switched virtual circuit (Y) or a permanent virtual circuit (N).

svc address

The address associated with an X.25 node. The address can be a maximum of 15 digits and is supplied with the network subscription or assigned by the network administrator.

facility set

The name of the facility set to be used when the switched virtual circuit connection is created with the remote node. The name may contain a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. The default is STDSFSET, which is supplied when the NI is created using NS guided configuration.

security class

The security class to be associated with switched virtual circuit connections established with the remote node. The choices are:


Initiate outbound and accept inbound connections.


Accept inbound connections only.


Initiate outbound connections only.


Do not permit inbound or outbound connections (placeholder entry).

circuit number

The permanent virtual circuit number supplied with your network subscription or assigned by your network administrator.


To interactively add a switched virtual circuit for the node named NODE1.XLNET.ACCTG to the NI named X25 (user input is italicized):

Enter node name (or press return to exit):
Enter IP address:
ADDVC> C 192.000.001 001
Enter address key:
Enter NI name:
Is the X.25 address a switch VC (Y/N)?
Enter X.25 address:
ADDVC> 123456789O12345
Enter facility set name (press return for STDSFSET):
Enter security class (IO,IN,OU,LK):
Address key NODE1 added.
Enter node name (or press return to exit):
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