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Adds LDEVs to a DTC card.


		ADDLDEV	  {dtc-nodename}     	[filename]



The NMMGR nametag for the DTC being accessed. The nametag is the last name in the pathname of the DTC. For example, the dtcname is DTC01 in the pathname DTS.DTC.SELECT.DTC01. The dtcname in a one to eight character alphanumeric string.


The nodename of the DTC that has been configured at the DTC nametag path. The name must conform to the NODENAME.ORGANIZATION.DOMAIN format. The name is a five to fifty character alphanumeric string.

station- address

The hexadecimal station of the DTC being accessed.


A text file that contains the LDEVs to be added or purged. The file name's format is:


A file lockword may not be specified. The contents of the file must be formatted as described here.


This command adds LDEVs to the cards in the DTC's configuration. The first DTC found that matches the selection criteria will be operated on. For example, this could occur if more than one DTC is configured with the same station-address.

LDEVs for one of more cards can be entered on each invocation of this command. If the filename is not specified you will be prompted with the ADDLDEV> prompt. The format for each entry depends on the card type. The formats for these card types are as follows:

  • For direct connect or modem cards:

    LDEV[,] cardno[,] portno[,] profilename[,]

  • For X.25 PAD cards:

    LDEV[,] cardno[,] profilename[,] device-name[,] x25address[,] [CUG] [;]

All text following the number sign "#" will be interpreted as a comment.

For X.25 cards the LDEV will be added to the first available line on the first available page of LDEVs shown on the PAD screen mode.



NMMGR> ADDLDEV dtc01.ind.hp

Enter LDEVs;

       For M or D type cards: ldev#, card#, port#, profile#;
       For x type cards: ldev#, card#, profile, device, address [, CUG];
ADDLDEV> 100, 1, 1, tr10d96;                 				#jack's terminal
ADDLDEV> 101, 1, 2, tr10d96;			                 	#jill's terminal
ADDLDEV> 102, 1, 3, tr10d96;				                 #building 43U,R6
ADDLDEV> 201, 2, tr10d96, pad1, 123456789012301 		 	#building 41U,A7
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