HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Using NMMGR in Screen Mode

Before You Start


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There are a number of requirements that you need to be aware of before you attempt to run NMMGR:

  • You must have MPE Node Manager (NM) or Network Administrator (NA) capability to run NMMGR.

  • Your terminal must have block mode capability to run NMMGR in screen mode. All terminals supported by MPE/iX have this capability.

  • An NMMGR screen is 24 lines long. If your terminal screen is longer than 24 lines, the NMMGR function key labels on some (older) screens appear to be four lines tall with blank labels on the bottom two lines. These lines are blank because the functions assigned by NMMGR clear any existing functions, although blank labels may still appear on the screen. The function keys on more recently added NMMGR screens, which store their function key information in a different way, will appear as normal softkeys, on two lines.

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