HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Basics of NMMGR

Moving Between Screens


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There are two ways to move from one NMMGR screen to another. One way is to use the function keys present on one screen to select and move to another screen in a progression. The second way is to enter a path name in the command window to move directly to a specified screen.

Moving with Function Keys

When you are creating a configuration file, you will generally traverse downward on one of the configuration branches until you have completed configuration for a subsystem.

Normally, you will make selections or enter data into the lowest level data screens of a branch before moving to another branch. You may need to transfer only to screens directly above or below your current screen in the structure. This is generally accomplished by pressing the appropriate function key.


Branching is a method you can use to go directly to a particular screen, rather than traveling through every screen in a branch to get to that screen.

Direct Path Branching

You can use direct path branching to transfer from any NMMGR screen to any screen having a path name in one of the subsystem branches. To use this feature, you must be familiar with the tree structure of the configuration file. You enter @pathname in the command window to cause NMMGR to transfer you to the screen at the end of the specified path name. For example, when configuring SNA, you could enter @SNANODE.PU3000E in the command window to see the LUs configured for the node PU3000E. The path name for each subsystem configuration screen is displayed in the Path field of each screen.

Brother Branching

Screens that share a common parent screen are referred to as brothers. If you are working in a screen with one or more brothers, you can use the NEXT command to transfer to the next brother screen. This feature is called brother branching.

For example, the unguided NS configuration screen called NETXPORT Configuration has three subscreens, or children, referred to here by their path names:




These three screens are brothers. To transfer directly from one of these screens to its brother without going back through the parent screen you would simply type NEXT in the command window and press [ENTER].

The command would look like this:

Command: NEXT

The screens are visited in the order their names appear on the parent screen. Typing NEXT in the command window will transfer you to the next brother as long as one exists. When the last brother screen is reached, typing NEXT will transfer you to the first brother screen. Typing NEXT has no effect on the prior screen list.

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