HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Basics of NMMGR

Entering Data


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You enter data into NMMGR by typing the appropriate information in the data entry fields on a screen and pressing the [Save Data] key. (You can also use the [ENTER] key, if the command window is blank.) This causes the data in the fields to be included in the configuration file, as a data record. NMMGR confirms that you have updated the configuration file by printing the following message in the message field:

Configuration data updated.

NOTE: The data from the screen is immediately included into the configuration file. NMMGR does not wait until you exit the program to save the new information. You should be very careful to change only certain information in an active configuration file.

If you enter data in a field and then try to transfer to another screen (by pressing a function key or by using the command window) before saving the data, NMMGR will print the following message:

Warning: Screen changed. Use UPDATE to save data. (NMGRWARN7)

This warning cautions you against unintentionally leaving a data screen before you have updated the configuration file. If you decide you do not want to update the configuration file with the data on the screen, you can ignore the warning and repeat the action to transfer to another screen.

If you enter the wrong type of data in any field and try to update the configuration file, NMMGR prints an error message that corresponds to the first field with invalid data. NMMGR highlights and underlines the fields with invalid data and positions the cursor at the first field with invalid data. For example, suppose you enter an alphabetic character in a location that must contain an integer. When you try to update the file, NMMGR may print:

The field can contain only digits.

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