HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix A NMS Error Messages

ND Error Messages


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NDIERR messages are produced by errors from the Network Directory intrinsics. In most cases, they are accompanied by other messages (NMGRERRs or MPE File System errors). You should take the action recommended for the accompanying messages first.

MESSAGE: Directory file not open. (NDIERR 001)

Level: NDIERR 001

CAUSE: No directory file was opened.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Directory is not open for write access. (NDIERR 002)

Level: NDIERR 002

CAUSE: The currently opened directory was not opened with write access.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 003)

Level: NDIERR 003

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Requires Network Administrator capability. (NDIERR 004)

Level: NDIERR 004

CAUSE: User does not have network Administrator capabilities.

ACTION: Change user capabilities.

MESSAGE: Not enough room in directory for new entry. (NDIERR 006)

Level: NDIERR 006

CAUSE: The directory file is full.

ACTION: Expand the directory file capacity using the NMMGR maintenance mode EXPANDDIR command.

MESSAGE: FCONTROL/FUNLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 007)

Level: NDIERR 007

CAUSE: The directory file is full.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Name type invalid; must be 1 (NS node name). (NDIERR 008)

Level: NDIERR 008

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Name length invalid for name type. (NDIERR 009)

Level: NDIERR 009

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Path report list length cannot be negative. (NDIERR 010)

Level: NDIERR 010

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Path report list length > than ND'CREATE maximum. (NDIERR 011)

Level: NDIERR 011

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Duplicate node name in directory — cannot add new entry. (NDIERR 012)

Level: NDIERR 012

CAUSE: An entry with the same node name and global/local flag setting already exists in the directory.

ACTION: Supply a different node name and/or global/local setting.

MESSAGE: FFINDBYKEY failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 013)

Level: NDIERR 013

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Directory file not open. (NDIERR 020)

Level: NDIERR 020

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot close directory file — internal error. (NDIERR 021)

Level: NDIERR 021

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Requires Node Manager or Network Administrator capability. (NDIERR 022)

Level: NDIERR 022

CAUSE: User does not have Node Manager or Network Administrator capabilities.

ACTION: Change user capabilities.

MESSAGE: Directory size too small; must be > 0. (NDIERR 040)

Level: NDIERR 040

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Directory size too large; must be <= 10,000 records. (NDIERR 041)

Level: NDIERR 041

CAUSE: Directory size parameter too large.

ACTION: If a larger file is really desired, create one at the maximum size, then use NMMGR maintenance mode EXPANDDIR command to increase the file to desired size. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Maximum path report list length negative; must be > 0. (NDIERR 042)

Level: NDIERR 042

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Maximum path report list length too large; must be <= 500. (NDIERR 043)

Level: NDIERR 043

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot create directory file. (NDIERR 044)

Level: NDIERR 044

CAUSE: The network directory file could not be opened.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for problem resolution.

MESSAGE: FWRITE of header record failed — internal error. (NDIERR 045)

Level: NDIERR 045

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FCLOSE failed — internal error. (NDIERR 046)

Level: NDIERR 046

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Directory name cannot contain a lockword. (NDIERR 047)

Level: NDIERR 047

CAUSE: Directory file names may not be lockword protected.

ACTION: Resubmit the file name with no lockword or a null lockword.

MESSAGE: Requires Network Administrator capability. (NDIERR 048)

Level: NDIERR 048

CAUSE: User does not have Node Manager or Network Administrator capabilities.

ACTION: Change user capabilities.

MESSAGE: ND'FSERR called when no file system error had occurred. (NDIERR 060)

Level: NDIERR 060

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Directory file not open. (NDIERR 080)

Level: NDIERR 080

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Item number invalid; must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. (NDIERR 081)

Level: NDIERR 081

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Requires Node Manager or Network Administrator capability. (NDIERR 082)

Level: NDIERR 082

CAUSE: User does not have Node Manager or Network Administrator capabilities.

ACTION: Change user capabilities.

MESSAGE: FGETINFO failed — internal error. (NDIERR 083)

Level: NDIERR 083

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 084)

Level: NDIERR 084

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FCONTROL/FUNLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 085)

Level: NDIERR 085

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot open directory file. (NDIERR 100)

Level: NDIERR 100

CAUSE: Could not open the directory file due to various MPE file system errors.

ACTION: Consult accompanying file system error message for problem resolution.

MESSAGE: FGETINFO failed — internal error. (NDIERR 101)

Level: NDIERR 101

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Wrong filecode for directory file; expected 1211. (NDIERR 102)

Level: NDIERR 102

CAUSE: The file name specified is not a network directory file.

ACTION: Correct filename to refer to a network directory file.

MESSAGE: Access mode invalid; must be 0 or 1. (NDIERR 103)

Level: NDIERR 103

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Share option invalid; must be 0, 1, 2 or 3. (NDIERR 104)

Level: NDIERR 104

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 105)

Level: NDIERR 105

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Incompatible directory version — outdated directory. (NDIERR 106)

Level: NDIERR 106

CAUSE: The current level of software does not support the format of the directory file.

ACTION: Install correct versions of NMC software or restore correct version of the network directory file.

MESSAGE: FCONTROL/FUNLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 107)

Level: NDIERR 107

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FCLOSE failed — internal error. (NDIERR 108)

Level: NDIERR 108

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Directory name cannot contain a lockword. (NDIERR 109)

Level: NDIERR 109

CAUSE: The network directory file cannot be lockword protected.

ACTION: Remove the lockword from the filename, or replace it with a null lockword.

MESSAGE: Requires Node Manager or Network Administrator capability. (NDIERR 110)

Level: NDIERR 110

CAUSE: User does not have Node Manager or Network Administrator capabilities.

ACTION: Change user capabilities.

MESSAGE: File is not a Network Directory. (NDIERR 111)

Level: NDIERR 111

CAUSE: User calling ND'OPEN passed a file that is not a network directory file. The most likely CAUSE is that the file is not a KSAM file.

ACTION: Correct the filename.

MESSAGE: One or more required parameters are missing. (NDIERR 120)

Level: NDIERR 120

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Directory file not open. (NDIERR 121)

Level: NDIERR 121

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Relop parameter invalid; must be 0, 1 or 2. (NDIERR 122)

Level: NDIERR 122

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Name type invalid; must be 1 (NS node name). (NDIERR 123)

Level: NDIERR 123

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Name length invalid for name type. (NDIERR 124)

Level: NDIERR 124

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FFINDBYKEY failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 125)

Level: NDIERR 125

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot find a matching node name in the directory. (NDIERR 126)

Level: NDIERR 126

CAUSE: In the directory, no entry could be found with the requested nodename and global/local flag setting, or a partial nodename (generic key) was requested and no match could be found.

ACTION: Supply the nodename of an existing entry, or a generic key to satisfy the match.

MESSAGE: FREAD failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 127)

Level: NDIERR 127

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 128)

Level: NDIERR 128

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FCONTROL/FUNLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 129)

Level: NDIERR 129

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Requires Node Manager or Network Administrator capability. (NDIERR 130)

Level: NDIERR 130

CAUSE: User does not have Node Manager or Network Administrator capabilities.

ACTION: Change user capabilities.

MESSAGE: Select parameter invalid; must be 0, 1 or 2. (NDIERR 131)

Level: NDIERR 131

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FSPACE failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 132)

Level: NDIERR 132

CAUSE: Probable corrupt directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Directory is not open. (NDIERR 140)

Level: NDIERR 140

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Directory is not open for write access. (NDIERR 141)

Level: NDIERR 141

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 142)

Level: NDIERR 142

CAUSE: Internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot remove node name — internal error. (NDIERR 143)

Level: NDIERR 143

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Requires Network Administrator capability. (NDIERR 144)

Level: NDIERR 144

CAUSE: User does not have Network Administrator capabilities.

ACTION: Change user capabilities.

MESSAGE: FREAD failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 145)

Level: NDIERR 145

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FCONTROL/FUNLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 146)

Level: NDIERR 146

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Name type invalid; must be 1 (NS node name). (NDIERR 147)

Level: NDIERR 147

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Name length invalid for name type. (NDIERR 148)

Level: NDIERR 148

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FFINDBYKEY failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 149)

Level: NDIERR 149

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: No such name in directory — cannot remove it. (NDIERR 150)

Level: NDIERR 150

CAUSE: The name does not exist in the directory file.

ACTION: Correct the nodename and/or global/local setting.

MESSAGE: Directory file not open. (NDIERR 160)

Level: NDIERR 160

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Requires Node Manager or Network Administrator capability. (NDIERR 161)

Level: NDIERR 161

CAUSE: User does not have Node Manager or Network Administrator capabilities.

ACTION: Change user capabilities.

MESSAGE: Request parameter invalid; must be 1 or 2. (NDIERR 162)

Level: NDIERR 162

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FREADBYKEY failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 163)

Level: NDIERR 163

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FREAD failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 164)

Level: NDIERR 164

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 165)

Level: NDIERR 165

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FCONTROL/FUNLOCK failed — internal error. (NDIERR 166)

Level: NDIERR 166

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot read node name backreference record — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 167)

Level: NDIERR 167

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FOPEN of message catalog failed. (NDIERR 180)

Level: NDIERR 180

CAUSE: The message catalog NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS could not be opened. Possible CAUSEs and solutions include incorrect software installation, insufficient user access rights to the file, or incorrect version of software.

ACTION: Restore NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from a back-up tape, increase user's access rights, or reinstall the product.


Level: NDIERR 181

CAUSE: A message could not be read from the message catalog. A possible CAUSE is incorrect version of the software.

ACTION: Reinstall the product.

MESSAGE: Error in NMCONF Intrinsic; check for error status. (NDIERR 190)

Level: NDIERR 190

CAUSE: A problem was encountered when calling an NMCONF procedure.

ACTION: Refer to the accompanying NMCONF error message.

MESSAGE: Error in Network Directory intrinsic; check for error status. (NDIERR 191)

Level: NDIERR 191

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: Refer to the accompanying NMCONF error message. If the associated error is number 58, then the configuration file to merge from does not have any directory data in it. The file must first be read by the network transport by bringing up the transport in order to extract the directory data.

MESSAGE: Requires Network Administrator capability. (NDIERR 192)

Level: NDIERR 192

CAUSE: User does not have Network Administrator capabilities.

ACTION: Change user capabilities.

MESSAGE: File recovery: cannot open message catalog. (NDIERR 200)

Level: NDIERR 200

CAUSE: The message catalog NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS could not be opened. Possible CAUSEs include: improper product installation, insufficient user access rights to the catalog file, or an incorrect version of the software installed.

ACTION: Reinstall the product, increase the user's access rights, or restore NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from a back-up tape.

MESSAGE: File recovery: FOPEN of temporary command file failed. (NDIERR 201)

Level: NDIERR 201

CAUSE: MPE could not open a scratch file to write file recovery commands into. This could be CAUSEd by one or more of the following reasons:

  • Duplicate file name. BeCAUSE the file name generated is random, this CAUSE is very unlikely.

  • User does not have Save Files capability.

  • Other file system error.

ACTION: 1. Consult the associated file system error for problem resolution.

ACTION: 2. Attempt manual recovery of the directory file using KSAMUTIL.PUB.SYS.

MESSAGE: File recovery: GEMMESSAGE failed. (NDIERR 202)

Level: NDIERR 202

CAUSE: Could not read a message from the catalog NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS. A possible CAUSE is that an incorrect version of the software is installed.

ACTION: Reinstall the product, restore NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS, or attempt manual recovery of the directory file using KSAMUTIL.PUB.SYS.

MESSAGE: File recovery: FWRITE to temporary command file failed. (NDIERR 203)

Level: NDIERR 203

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: File recovery: FCLOSE of temporary command file failed. (NDIERR 204)

Level: NDIERR 204

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.


Level: NDIERR 205

CAUSE: Problem encountered trying to create a son process to run KSAM.PUB.SYS. It is possible that the program file KSAMUTIL.PUB.SYS is missing.


CAUSE: Out of some type of system resource — check SYSDUMP configuration.

ACTION: Consult CREATEPROCESS errors in the MPE Intrinsics Reference Manual.

MESSAGE: File recovery: cannot open directory file exclusively. (NDIERR 206)

Level: NDIERR 206

CAUSE: The network directory file could not be opened exclusively in order to recover the file.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message. If FSERR 192 is displayed, recover the network directory file.

MESSAGE: File recovery: FCLOSE failed — internal error. (NDIERR 207)

Level: NDIERR 207

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: File recovery: FFINDBYKEY failed — internal error. (NDIERR 208)

Level: NDIERR 208

CAUSE: Network directory file is irrecoverable.

ACTION: Attempt manual recovery of the file using KSAMUTIL.PUB.SYS or restore the data and key files from a back-up tape.

MESSAGE: File recovery: FREAD failed — internal error. (NDIERR 209)

Level: NDIERR 209

CAUSE: Network directory file is irrecoverable.

ACTION: Attempt manual recovery of the file using KSAMUTIL.PUB.SYS or restore the data and key files from a back-up tape.

MESSAGE: FPOINT to header record failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 220)

Level: NDIERR 220

CAUSE: The file is corrupt, empty, or is not a network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape.

MESSAGE: FREADC of header record failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 221)

Level: NDIERR 221

CAUSE: The file is not a KSAM file (and thus not a network directory file), or is a corrupt network directory.

ACTION: Restore the proper KSAM file from a back-up tape (data and key files) or attempt manual recovery on the file using KSAMUTIL.PUB.SYS.

MESSAGE: Length of header record incorrect — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 222)

Level: NDIERR 222

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FPOINT to header record failed. (NDIERR 230)

Level: NDIERR 230

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FUPDATE of header record failed. (NDIERR 231)

Level: NDIERR 231

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FUPDATE of existing record failed. (NDIERR 240)

Level: NDIERR 240

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FWRITE of new record failed. (NDIERR 241)

Level: NDIERR 241

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Actual path report list length differs from passed length. (NDIERR 250)

Level: NDIERR 250

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Path report list length too small to support minimal report. (NDIERR 251)

Level: NDIERR 251

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Domain report in path report list too short (< 6 bytes). (NDIERR 252)

Level: NDIERR 252

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Version of domain report in path report list <> 0. (NDIERR 253)

Level: NDIERR 253

CAUSE: The version number (1st octet) of a domain indicates an unsupported version.

ACTION: Possible version mismatch; reinstall the product. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Domain number of domain report in path report list 1. (NDIERR 254)

Level: NDIERR 254

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot read a node name back reference record — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 260)

Level: NDIERR 260

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: A required node name record is not in dir — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 261)

Level: NDIERR 261

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FUPDATE failed — internal error. (NDIERR 262)

Level: NDIERR 262

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FGETINFO failed — internal error. (NDIERR 270)

Level: NDIERR 270

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FFINDBYKEY failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 271)

Level: NDIERR 271

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FREAD failed — corrupt file likely. (NDIERR 272)

Level: NDIERR 272

CAUSE: Possible corrupt network directory file.

ACTION: Restore the data and key files from a back-up tape. If this fails, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

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