HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix A NMS Error Messages

NMMGRVER Messages, Errors and Warnings


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The following messages may be returned from the NMMGRVER utility (n represents the message number). Note that NMMGRVER may also provide you with messages which tell you that the operation has completed successfully.

(NMMGRVERWARN n) messages are displayed when conversion failed and the file is not changed.

(NMMGRVERERR n) messages are displayed when conversion has failed and the file may be changed. These warning messages are listed and described together at the end of the following error messages.

MESSAGE: CONVERSION completed successfully. (NMMGRVERMSG 0)


CAUSE: Successful completion.




CAUSE: Configuration file version is correct; file does not require conversion.




CAUSE: NMMGRVER was unable to open the configuration file during conversion. More than one user is accessing the file.

ACTION: Execute the LISTDIR5 subsystem and type LISTF to check whether other users are accessing or storing this file. NMMGERVER needs exclusive access to the configuration file. Run NMMGRVER when file is freed.

CAUSE: Internal file system unable to LOCK and OPEN the file with write access due to file system security.

ACTION: Resolve the MPE security restriction and retry. Run LISTDIR5 and type LISTSEC configFileName to determine the security restrictions of the file.

CAUSE: Internal file system unable to OPEN the file if incorrect LOCKWORD was provided.


CAUSE: Another internal error has occurred when opening the file.

ACTION: An internal file system error has occurred. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.



CAUSE: The configuration file is corrupted. One or more of the following situations were detected in the file.

  • Paths are missing.

  • Version stamps are missing or are incorrect.

  • A LINKCONF detail data record has unexpected record length. NOTE: This corrupted configuration file is not changed.

ACTION: Restore an old configuration file if possible and rerun NMMGRVER. If the error still occurs, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FILE CORRUPT: Conversion Failed, file might be changed. (NMMGRVERERR 4).


CAUSE: NMMGRVER was unable to complete the configuration file conversion because a LINKCONF detail data record has the incorrect item identification number. Note: The configuration file may have been changed.

ACTION: The configuration file may be corrupted. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: NMMGRVER was unable to complete the configuration file conversion because a data record has incorrect record length.

ACTION: The configuration file may be corrupted. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: NRJE has the wrong previous version stamp. Note that the configuration file may have been changed.

ACTION: The configuration file may be corrupted. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR: Conversion Failed, file might be changed. (NMMGRVERERR 5).


CAUSE: Disk file space is used up.

ACTION: Purge unnecessary files from disk to recover some space. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred with intrinsics, midasgetdata, midasnextpath, midasupdatedata, or midasaddpath.

ACTION: The configuration file may be corrupted. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An unexpected internal error has occurred.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: CLOSE FILE ERROR: File may have been changed. (NMMGRVERERR 6).


CAUSE: An internal NMMGRVER error has occurred when attempting to close the configuration file.

ACTION: Note that the configuration file may have been changed. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: User has Insufficient Capability to Run NMMGRVER. (NMMGRVERWARN 7)


CAUSE: The user is required to have NM or NA capability to run NMMGRVER. However, the current user does not have sufficient capability.

ACTION: Check user capability with program LISTDIR5.PUB.SYS, and modify the capability list. Contact the account manager or system manager, if needed.



CAUSE: NMMGRVER was unable to write (update or add data) to the existing configuration file due to inconsistent access type (FSERR 40). Usually occurs when updating a file across account boundary. The WRITE, SAVE access types of the GROUP or ACCOUNT for this configuration file are limited to ACCOUNT only. The file is SECURED. NOTE: The configuration file is not changed.

ACTION: Release file security and rerun NMMGRVER, or run NMMGRVER in the GROUP and ACCOUNT where the configuration file is stored.

MESSAGE: Config File Version Is Newer than NMMGRVER can support (NMMGRVERWARN 9).


CAUSE: At least one version stamp of the configuration file is newer than NMMGRVER can support. NMMGRVER cannot convert this file. This configuration file is not changed.

ACTION: Check the module version of NMMGRVER and overall NMC. Install the newer version of NMC and run the newer NMMGRVER if needed or, restore an old configuration file if possible and rerun NMMGRVER.

MESSAGE: File NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS couldn't be opened. (NMMGRVERWARN 12)


CAUSE: NMCONFIG was already open for exclusive access, or MIDASOPEN detected an error.

ACTION: Check NMCONFIG and retry.


Error during merge of configuration files.
Path: !
Midasstat = !


CAUSE: There is an error in one of the cells in the file hierarchy. This error has been detected as an error in the configuration file.

ACTION: Check the midasstat value to determine what the problem is. It may be necessary to use some other tool to determine which cell has the problem. If possible, manually edit the data in this cell and verify it manually. If this is not possible, delete the cell and run NMMGRVER again.

CAUSE: The configuration file is corrupted.

ACTION: Since the destination file has been changed, recovery is not possible. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.


Path not found in the config file.
Path: !


CAUSE: This may be a normal condition if the user does not have NS on the system. However, it may also indicate that you are trying to convert NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS on a non-XL system, when you should actually be converting an NSCONF-like file.

ACTION: The conversion will operate correctly. The user is being warned to be sure that the correct file is being converted.


Invalid data length.
Path: !
Length: !


CAUSE: The length of the data array which was read from the cell was incorrect. This could indicate that an incorrect cell was accessed or that the user is trying to convert an invalid configuration file. The cell is not converted.

ACTION: Verify that the original file was a valid version. Using another tool, examine the cell data and verify the data. Since the cell was not touched, the data may have to be entered manually.


Conversion failure.
P ATH: !


CAUSE: This is a generic message which allows the path name and status to be output.

ACTION: Depends on status and user needs.


Path not allowed for this version. Path purged.
Path: !


CAUSE: Certain paths are not supported on the current version of the configuration file, even though they were supported on previous versions.

ACTION: None necessary. You may want to verify which paths have been deleted.

MESSAGE: File type has not been defined. (NMMGRVERERR 18)


CAUSE: Internal error. User entered valid data but it somehow has been corrupted. The type of the file passed to NMMGRVER is not within the valid range of: 1= MPE V NSCONF type; 2= MPE V NMCONF type.

ACTION: Run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to create LINK subtree (NMMGRERR 19)


CAUSE: You specified that the configuration file was an MPE V file. Therefore, NMMGRVER checked to make sure the LINK subtree did not exist. Since it did not exist, NM tried to create it because iX configuration files need it. However, the NM intrinsic failed during this process. One possible reason for this is that the configuration file may be full.

ACTION: Run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service ReRun NMMGR and expand the size of the configuration file. Then run NMMGRVER again.

MESSAGE: Unable to purge LINKCONF subtree (NMMGRVERERR 20)


CAUSE: Internal error. File has been converted. However, in the attempt to purge the subtree LINKCONF, the NM intrinsic failed.

ACTION: The configuration file may be corrupted. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Error accessing NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS set=! msg=!. (NMMGRVERERR 21)


CAUSE: Returned by NMCPRINTERRMSG. Usually followed by one or more of messages 22 through 25 below, which further clarifies the error.

ACTION: Look for one or more of NMMGRVERERR 22 through 25 following this message, and take the remedial action suggested below. Look up the text and comments for the original message specified in the message, and take the suggested actions.



CAUSE: Returned by NMCPRINTERRMSG and usually followed by the text of the FSError message.

ACTION: If the error number is 1 or 2, NMMGRVERERR 24 will also be displayed. See the NMMGRVERERR 24 causes and actions for further information. Returned by NMCPRINTERRMSG.



CAUSE: Possible bad software installation (NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS).

ACTION: If the error number is not 1 or 2, look up the error number in the MPE Intrinsics Manual under GENMESSAGE. The problem may be due to a corrupt NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS. Restore NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS and run NMMGRVER again. Otherwise, correct the problem causing the GENMESSAGE error and run NMMGRVER again.



CAUSE: Returned by NMCPRINTERRMSG. This message follows NMMGRVERERR 23 message, and is usually followed with the text of the file system error message as well.

ACTION: Correct the file system error and run NMMGRVER again.



CAUSE: Returned by NMCPRINTERRMSG after printing a message from NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS. The FCLOSE of NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS failed.

ACTION: Correct the file system error and run NMMGRVER again.



CAUSE: During the merge of NMCONFIG and the file to be converted, an error was found in one of the paths in NMCONFIG.

ACTION: The configuration file may have been changed. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: The file NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS is not valid.

ACTION: The configuration file may be corrupted. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix

CAUSE: Depth of paths exceed max_path_depth.

ACTION: The configuration file may be corrupted. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: File full; no conversion done. (NMMGRVERWARN 27)


CAUSE: The configuration file to be converted is full. There must be at least two (and possibly more than two) records available in the configuration file to do a conversion.

ACTION: Go to the Compress utility screen in NMMGR and expand the file.

MESSAGE: Cannot copy configuration file to NMTEMP; no conversion done. (NMMGRVERR 40)


CAUSE: The configuration file could not be copied to NMTEMPa.

ACTION: Check if there is any disk space left on LDEV 1.

MESSAGE: Could not rename config file; no conversion done. (NMMGRVERR 41)


CAUSE: Could not rename or copy the configuration file to NMMGBAK, or could not rename or copy NMMGRTMP to the configuration file.

ACTION: Check if there is any disc space left on LDEV 1.

MESSAGE: File not converted NMMGRVERMSG 56.


CAUSE: You selected the skip option when asked for a file type during the configuration file conversion.

ACTION: None. This is an informative message.


Unable to add path.
Path: !
Midasstat = !


CAUSE: An internal error occurred while adding the displayed path.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. Note: not user solvable. A qualified HP representative should check the midasstat value to determine what the problem is and take appropriate action.


Unable to add data.
Path: !
Midasstat = !


CAUSE: Internal error occurred while adding data to the displayed path.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. Note: not user solvable. A qualified HP representative should check the midasstat value to determine what the problem is and take appropriate action.


Unable to purge path.
Path: !
Midasstat = !


CAUSE: Internal error occurred while purging displayed path.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. Note: not user solvable. A qualified HP representative should check the midasstat value to determine what the problem is and take appropriate action.


Unable to purge data.
Path: !
Midasstat = !


CAUSE: Internal error occurred while purging data at displayed path.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. Note: not user solvable. A qualified HP representative should check the midasstat value to determine what the problem is and take appropriate action.


Unable to get son path.
Path: !
Midasstat = !


CAUSE: Internal error, could not get the son of the displayed path.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. Note: not user solvable. A qualified HP representative should check the midasstat value to determine what the problem is and take appropriate action.


Unable to get data.
Path: !
Midasstat = !


CAUSE: Internal error occurred while attempting to get data from the displayed path.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. Note: not user solvable. A qualified HP representative should check the midasstat value to determine what the problem is and take appropriate action.


Unable to get brother path.
Path: !
Midasstat = !


CAUSE: Internal problem accessing path in the configuration file. Brother of displayed path could not be obtained.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. Note: not user solvable. A qualified HP representative should check the midasstat value to determine what the problem is and take appropriate action.


Unable to update data.
Path: !
Midasstat = !


CAUSE: Internal problem updating data in configuration file.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. Note: not user solvable. A qualified HP representative should check the midasstat value to determine what the problem is and take appropriate action.

MESSAGE: Error in MPE-V Phase I file. (NMMGRVERR 70)


CAUSE: An error occurred in the converting of the file from MPE V phase I to MPE V phase II. The process of converting an MPE V configuration file to an MPE/iX file includes checking whether the file is NS I or NS II. If the file is NS I, NMMGR first converts it to NS II and then to MPE/iX. This error message was generated because NMMGR detected an error during the conversion from NS I to NS II.

ACTION: The configuration file may be corrupted. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: ** Converting MPE V Nsconf file to MPE/iX file **


CAUSE: This is an informative message.


MESSAGE: ** Converting MPE V Nmconfig file to MPE/iX file **


CAUSE: This is an informative message.


MESSAGE: ** Converting MPE/iX config file **


CAUSE: This is an informative message.



Invalid path found in source file.
Path: !


CAUSE: An invalid path was found in the source configuration file. The path may have been created by an unofficial NMMGR tool. Conversion will continue if possible. NMMGRVERERR 76 will usually be displayed along with this message.

ACTION: Note that the configuration file may have been changed. Depending on which subsystem is involved, the invalid path may or may not be deleted from the converted file. Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Attempting to continue conversion. (NMMGRVERERR 76)


CAUSE: This is used to inform the user that NMMGRVER is continuing the conversion process.


MESSAGE: The default NS LINK physical path is 6/4.2; User modification may be needed. (NMMGRVERERR 77)


CAUSE: The default physical path has been set to 6/4.2.

ACTION: Confirm that this value is correct for your system and modify it with NMMGR if needed.

MESSAGE: The default DTS LINK physical path is 2/4.2; User modification may be needed. (NMMGRVERERR 78)


CAUSE: The default physical path has been set to 2/4.2.

ACTION: Confirm that this value is correct for your system and modify it with NMMGR if needed.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during LINKCONF CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 80)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the LINKCONF part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during IMF CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 81)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the IMF part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during SNA CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 82)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the SNA part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during NRJE CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 83)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the NRJE part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during LOGGING CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 84)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the LOGGING part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during NETXPORT CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 85)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the NETXPORT part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during LAPB LINK CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 86)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the LAPB LINK part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during DTS CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 87)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the DTS part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during LAN LINK CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 88)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the LAN LINK part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Duplicate host luname (!) found in node !. (NMMGRVERERR 89)


CAUSE: The configuration file contains an SNANODE that contains two or more lus that have the same name. Only the first lu found is converted. The other names are skipped, and the conversion will continue.

ACTION: Use the same version of NMMGR that created it to modify the unconverted configuration file. Delete the duplicate lu names or change them to unique names and then convert the configuration file.

MESSAGE: Can't find host luname. Nau = !, Node = !. (NMMGRVERERR 90)


CAUSE: The host luname is not configured in the configuration file. Therefore, this nau is not converted.

ACTION: Use the same version of NMMGR that created it to modify the unconverted configuration file. Either delete the host luname or add the host lu and then convert the configuration file.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during LINK CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 91)


CAUSE: An error occurred during the LINK part of the conversion process. The actual error is listed in an error message which should be displayed along with this one.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible. Use the version of NMMGR that created the configuration file to make sure that each data screen in the configuration file has data associated with it and that its data flag is set to Y. Run NMMGRVER again. If the same error occurs again, check any accompanying error message and take the action listed for it in this appendix. If this fails, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: The default SNA/SDLC LINK physical path is 24; User modification may be needed. (NMMGRVERERR 92)


CAUSE: The default physical path has been set to 24, which may be correct for the given system.

ACTION: Run NMMGR, confirm this value, and modify it as needed.

MESSAGE: The default LAPB LINK physical path is 24; User modification may be needed. (NMMGRVERERR 93)


CAUSE: The default physical path has been set to 24, which may be correct for the given system.

ACTION: Run NMMGR, confirm this value, and modify it as needed.

MESSAGE: An error has occurred during APPC CONVERSION. (NMMGRVERERR 94)


CAUSE: During the APPC conversion process an error occurred.

ACTION: User should restore file with backup copy and use the version of NMMGR that had created it to confirm that each data screen has data associated with it. Each data screen should have its data flag set to Y. If this does not solve the problem, consult your Hewlett-Packard representative.

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