HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix A NMS Error Messages

NMGR Error and Warning Messages


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MESSAGE: Terminal is of incorrect type or cannot be opened. (NMGRERR 1)

Level: NMGRERR 1

CAUSE: The user's terminal is not a block mode terminal supported by VPLUS/3000.

ACTION: Check the terminal type and strap settings.

CAUSE: The user is attempting to run NMMGR from a batch job. Batch operation is not supported.


CAUSE: A terminal I/O or internal VPLUS/3000 error occurred.

ACTION: Check the version of VPLUS/3000 and repeat VPLUS/3000 installation if necessary.

MESSAGE: Form file is missing or cannot be opened. (NMGRERR 2)

Level: NMGRERR 2

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to open the forms file NMMGRF.PUB.SYS at program startup. The file NMMGRF.PUB.SYS is missing.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: A file equation exists for NMMGRF.PUB.SYS.

ACTION: Check for file equations using LISTEQ5.PUB.SYS and RESET if necessary.

CAUSE: File NMMGRF.PUB.SYS is not a valid VFAST or VFORM forms file, or it has become corrupted.

ACTION: Restore a back-up copy of NMMGRF.PUB.SYS.

CAUSE: An internal VPLUS/3000 error occurred.

ACTION: Check the version of VPLUS/3000 and repeat VPLUS/3000 installation if necessary.

MESSAGE: That type is not defined for this class of items. (NMGRERR 3)

Level: NMGRERR 3

CAUSE: The user entered a type name in the TYPE field of a typed-select screen that is not defined for this screen.

ACTION: Check the subsystem manual for correct type names and try again.

MESSAGE: That function is not implemented. (NMGRERR 4)

Level: NMGRERR 4

CAUSE: The user pressed an invalid function key (with a blank label), or pressed the [ENTER] in a screen without a command window (currently only the OPEN FILE screen).


MESSAGE: Not a valid <NMMGR cmd> or @<pathname or : <MPE cmd>. (NMGRERR 5)

Level: NMGRERR 5

CAUSE: The user typed an unrecognizable command in the command window and pressed [ENTER].

ACTION: Check the spelling of the command, and check the list of valid commands in your subsystem node management or configuration manual.

MESSAGE: End of file on $STDINX. Cannot accept further input. (NMGRERR 6)

Level: NMGRERR 6

CAUSE: The user typed :EOF or :EOD in response to the prompt:

"Press Return when done viewing screen contents."

ACTION: This error is irrecoverable since the terminal is closed for further input. Run NMMGR again to continue configuration.

MESSAGE: Warning: Screen changed. Use Save Data key to save data. (NMGRWARN 7)


CAUSE: The user changed information on a data screen and pressed a key other than UPDATE. This warning prevents accidental exit from the screen without saving changes.

ACTION: The user may ignore the warning by pressing a key other than UPDATE, or may save changes by pressing UPDATE.

MESSAGE: There are no entries at this level to display. (NMGRWARN 8)


CAUSE: The user pressed the PREV PAGE or NEXT PAGE key in a selection screen when there are no items to be displayed on this select screen. Scrolling with these keys is only necessary when there are already items configured.


MESSAGE: Internal NM configuration file error. (NMGRERR 9)

Level: NMGRERR 9

CAUSE: NMMGR has encountered an unexpected condition in the configuration file.

ACTION: Check the NMCONF error (if one is reported) for further information.

CAUSE: NMMGR has encountered an unexpected condition in the configuration file. Two or more users are updating the same configuration file concurrently, and one renames or deletes a path which another is configuring.

ACTION: Coordinate activity between users.

CAUSE: NMMGR has encountered an unexpected condition in the configuration file. An internal error occurred. Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

ACTION: Check the version of NMCONF.

MESSAGE: Unexpected type: NM config file corrupt or bad version. (NMGRERR 10)

Level: NMGRERR 10

CAUSE: NMMGR has encountered a link data record with a type code (word #1) that is not currently supported. The configuration file may have been corrupted by a file system or disk error.

ACTION: Restore an old version of the configuration file if possible, or delete and reconstruct the corrupt link data record.

MESSAGE: Type must be present. (NMGRERR 11)

Level: NMGRERR 11

CAUSE: The user attempted to add a new LINK without specifying a link type.

ACTION: The type for a new link must be specified.

MESSAGE: Unexpected data: NM config file corrupt or bad version. (NMGRERR 12)

Level: NMGRERR 12

CAUSE: NMMGR has encountered unrecognizable data in the configuration file. A file system or disc error may have corrupted the configuration file. Possible situations which may cause this error include: 1) A data record does not match the expected format. 2) A link data record has an unexpected type code (word #1). 3) A link exists without a data record to indicate its type.

ACTION: Restore an old version of the configuration file if possible, or delete and reconstruct the corrupt link data record.

MESSAGE: Maximum number of allowed items already configured. (NMGRERR 13)

Level: NMGRERR 13

CAUSE: The user attempted to add more items than the maximum allowed at this level.

ACTION: Check the NMMGR manual for these maximum values.

MESSAGE: Cannot build command table; NMCAT.PUB.SYS corrupt. (NMGRERR 14)

Level: NMGRERR 14

CAUSE: The file NMCAT.PUB.SYS is not a valid message file, does not exist, or is corrupt.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: A file equation exists for NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS.

ACTION: Check for file equations using LISTEQ2.PUB.SYS and RESET if necessary.

CAUSE: The table of commands in the NM catalog file NMCAT.PUB.SYS is corrupt or missing. File NMCAT.PUB.SYS is not a valid catalog file, or it has become corrupted.

ACTION: Restore a back-up copy of NMMGRF.PUB.SYS.

CAUSE: The table of commands in the NM catalog file NMCAT.PUB.SYS is corrupt or missing. Set 7 of NMCAT.PUB.SYS (the command set) is missing, or some commands have been deleted from this set.

ACTION: Restore a back-up copy of NMMGRF.PUB.SYS.

MESSAGE: Missing data: NM config file corrupt or bad version. (NMGRERR 15)

Level: NMGRERR 15

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to locate type code in data record.

ACTION: Restore an old version of the configuration file if possible, or delete and reconstruct the corrupt link data record.

MESSAGE: Cannot set up form for next screen. (NMGRERR 16)

Level: NMGRERR 16

CAUSE: The forms file NMMGRF.PUB.SYS may be missing or corrupt.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check any other errors which are displayed. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: A terminal I/O error may have occurred. A user may have entered :EOF or :EOD in response to the prompt "Press RETURN when done viewing contents," thereby closing the terminal for further input.

ACTION: Check the state of the terminal. Run NMMGR again if the terminal is closed for input.

CAUSE: A data record may be corrupted, making it impossible for NMMGR to display it.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check any other errors which are displayed. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to display the form for the screen which the user selected. An internal VPLUS/3000 or NMCONF error may have occurred.

ACTION: Check the version of VPLUS/3000 and NMCONF and restore back-up copies if necessary.

MESSAGE: No errors have yet occurred. (NMGRWARN 17)

Level: NMGRWARN 17

CAUSE: The user has gone to the ERRORS screen to check the last error, but no errors have occurred.


MESSAGE: MPE command error. (NMGRERR 19)

Level: NMGRERR 19

CAUSE: The user executed an MPE command (by entering the command preceded by a colon and pressing ENTER), and the command terminated in an error state.

ACTION: Use the Error Information screen and check the Command Interpreter error for further information.

MESSAGE: Item does not exist: use the ADD key to create a new item. (NMGRERR 20)

Level: NMGRERR 20

CAUSE: The user tried to DELETE, RENAME, or UPDATE an item in a select screen, but the item does not exist in the configuration file.

ACTION: Use the ADD key if you intend to add the new item; otherwise check the spelling of the item name.

MESSAGE: Item already exists. (NMGRERR 21)

Level: NMGRERR 21

CAUSE: The user tried to ADD an item in a select screen, but the item already exists.

ACTION: Check the spelling of the item name.

MESSAGE: Cannot open NM configuration file. (NMGRERR 22)

Level: NMGRERR 22

CAUSE: A file system error occurred.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check for a file system error (FSERR). Correct the error and try again.

CAUSE: The NMFILE.PUB.SYS process of the Node Management Services is not running.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check for FSERR 97. If this error occurred, the problem may be due to a version mismatch in the NMS subsystem. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot reopen NM configuration file. (NMGRERR 23)

Level: NMGRERR 23

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to reopen the configuration file after closing it for compression.

ACTION: Check the NMCONF or File System error (if one is reported) for further information. This error is fatal and cannot be recovered except by running NMMGR again. See message NMGRERR 22.

MESSAGE: Cannot compress NM configuration file. (NMGRERR 24)

Level: NMGRERR 24

CAUSE: A file system error occurred.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check for a file system error (FSERR). Correct the error and try again.

CAUSE: You are not the creator of the configuration file.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check for FSERR 94. If this error occurred, you can copy the file and then compress it, or ask the creator to compress the file.

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to compress the configuration file because at least one other user is currently accessing the file.

ACTION: COMPRESS requires exclusive access to the configuration file. Use LISTF,2 to check whether other users are accessing this file. Wait until the file is not being accessed and try again.

CAUSE: The absolute value of the number of records to add or remove is too large. The resulting file would not have been able to contain all the records in the file, or, if a positive number was specified, the resulting file would have exceeded the 64,000 record limit.

ACTION: Enter a different value.

MESSAGE: NA or NM capability is needed to run NMMGR. (NMGRERR 25)

Level: NMGRERR 25

CAUSE: The user does not have the Node Manager or Network Administrator capability required to run NMMGR.

ACTION: Check user capability with program LISTDIR5.PUB.SYS, and contact the account manager or system manager if an additional capability is needed.

MESSAGE: File already exists. Use OPEN FILE (f1). (NMGRERR 26)

Level: NMGRERR 26

CAUSE: The user tried to CREATE a file in the OPEN FILE screen when the file already exists.

ACTION: Delete the file to create a new, empty configuration file, or use the OPEN key to open an existing file.

MESSAGE: Must specify new name for rename. (NMGRERR 27)

Level: NMGRERR 27

CAUSE: The user tried to RENAME an item in a select screen without specifying the new name.

ACTION: Enter a name in the rename field and try again.

MESSAGE: File does not exist. Use CREATE FILE (f2). (NMGRERR 28)

Level: NMGRERR 28

CAUSE: The user tried to OPEN a file in the OPEN FILE screen when the file does not exist.

ACTION: Use the CREATE key to create a new file.

MESSAGE: That command is ambiguous — use more letters. (NMGRERR 31)

Level: NMGRERR 31

CAUSE: The user typed an ambiguous command prefix in the command window and hit ENTER.

ACTION: Make the prefix unambiguous by using more letters of the command. Check the NMMGR manual for unambiguous command prefixes.

MESSAGE: Maximum path depth exceeded. (NMGRERR 32)

Level: NMGRERR 32

CAUSE: This error in an internal NMMGR error. NMMGR has created a path whose depth exceeds the maximum allowable depth for paths.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Path name format is invalid. (NMGRERR 33)

Level: NMGRERR 33

CAUSE: NMMGR encountered a path name whose format is not recognized. A possible situation which may cause this error is that the user has entered an incorrect path name in the command window.

ACTION: Check your subsystem node management or configuration manual for correct format of a path name and check the subsystem manual for valid paths.

CAUSE: An internal NMMGR error has occurred.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Error occurred while listing configuration file. (NMGRERR 34)

Level: NMGRERR 34

CAUSE: An error occurred during output of the tree structure or data records of a configuration file.

ACTION: Check the NMCONF or File System error to determine the specific error.

CAUSE: The configuration file may have corrupt data records or invalid paths.

ACTION: Delete and reconstruct the corrupt link data record, or restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: If the file FORMLIST is equated to a disk file, the file may be too small to accommodate the output listing.

ACTION: Check the size of the file and change the file size specification if necessary.

MESSAGE: Invalid syntax for file name. (NMGRERR 36)

Level: NMGRERR 36

CAUSE: The user attempted to OPEN or CREATE a configuration file with an invalid file name.

ACTION: Check the spelling and syntax of the file name.

MESSAGE: ENTER executes commands: the command field is blank. (NMGRERR 37)

Level: NMGRERR 37

CAUSE: The user pressed [ENTER] without putting a command in the command window. NMMGR uses [ENTER] ONLY for commands. Modifications to the configuration file are all made using function keys.

ACTION: Make modifications to the configuration file by using the function keys.

MESSAGE: MPE command warning. (NMGRERR 38)

Level: NMGRERR 38

CAUSE: The user executed an MPE command (by entering the command preceded by a colon and pressing ENTER), and the command terminated in a warning state.

ACTION: Use the Error Information screen and check the Command Interpreter error for further information.

MESSAGE: Unable to set termination trap handler. (NMGRERR 39)

Level: NMGRERR 39

CAUSE: The termination trap handling procedure for program aborts cannot be set. This error indicates an internal MPE problem in the procedure XDSNTRAP, which places a termination procedure PLABEL in the process context for use by MPE during process termination.

ACTION: Check the MPE installation to see that XDSNTRAP is present and working.

MESSAGE: Must open a file before using this command. (NMGRERR 40)

Level: NMGRERR 40

CAUSE: The user is trying to view a configuration screen without first opening a configuration file.

ACTION: Open the configuration file and enter the command again.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Unexpected screen length. (NMGRERR 41)

Level: NMGRERR 41

CAUSE: The configuration file is corrupted.

ACTION: Restore a backup copy of the configuration file if possible and run NMMGRVER again. If the error still occurs, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: The forms file is corrupted or is a bad version.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Unexpected screen contents. (NMGRERR 42)

Level: NMGRERR 42

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. NMMGR has encountered unexpected data from the screen.

ACTION: Check to see that the correct version of NMMGR is installed. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Unexpected data record length. (NMGRERR 43)

Level: NMGRERR 43

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. NMMGR cannot properly create a data record from the input from the screen.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Unexpected data record contents. (NMGRERR 44)

Level: NMGRERR 44

CAUSE: NMMGR cannot properly display a data field in the configuration file on the screen. The configuration file is corrupted.

ACTION: Restore a back-up copy of the configuration file if possible.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Unexpected status code from procedure. (NMGRERR 45)

Level: NMGRERR 45

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. An unknown status code is returned from a procedure.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Specified path is not in this configuration file. (NMGRERR 46)

Level: NMGRERR 46

CAUSE: The user has entered a path name in the command field that is not in the configuration file.

ACTION: Check the path name entered and try again.

MESSAGE: Internal error: No child with this type is in schema. (NMGRERR 47)

Level: NMGRERR 47

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. NMMGR cannot match a path name and a type code to an internal table.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Can't find this path in the schema. (NMGRERR 48)

Level: NMGRERR 48

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. NMMGR cannot match a path name to an internal table.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: The root node has parent node. (NMGRERR 49)

Level: NMGRERR 49

CAUSE: This is an NMMGR internal error. NMMGR is scanning the configuration file off the boundary.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: The schema has an invalid format. (NMGRERR 50)

Level: NMGRERR 50

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. NMMGR cannot locate a node in an internal table describing the configuration file structure.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: No screen for this path. (NMGRERR 51)

Level: NMGRERR 51

CAUSE: There is no screen to display that is associated with this path name. A path exists in the configuration file but is not recognized by NMMGR.

ACTION: This path is for internal use only. Check the pathname and try again.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Cannot create version stamps. (NMGRERR 52)

Level: NMGRERR 52

CAUSE: NMMGR creates version stamps for each subsystem in configuration file at file creation time, and in some cases at file open time. This is an internal NMMGR error. NMMGR cannot create version stamps in the configuration file due to an NMCONF error. Check the NMCONF error number for detail.

ACTION: Purge this new file and try to recreate it. If an error still occurs, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Version mismatch found on specified subsystem. Please run NMMGRVER. (NMGRERR 53)

Level: NMGRERR 53

CAUSE: NMMGR checks version stamps of each subsystem in the configuration file at file open time. Version checking results show that there is configuration data for at least one subsystem in the configuration file that is not supported by this version of NMMGR.

ACTION: Run the version control program NMMGRVER to update the file, or open another file, or create a new file.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Version checking routine failed. (NMGRERR 54)

Level: NMGRERR 54

CAUSE: NMMGR checks version stamps of each subsystem in the configuration file at file open time. An error has occurred in the version checking routine. The configuration file may have corrupt data records or invalid paths.

ACTION: Restore a back-up copy of the configuration file if possible.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Version-flag checking failed. (NMGRERR 55)

Level: NMGRERR 55

CAUSE: An internal NMMGR error has occurred: unable to get vsflag status. The possible causes include: internal error in vsflag_check_driver, or the parameters file_num, file_type_column, or vsflag_path do not match those stored in vsflag array at open time.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Version mismatch found on specified subsystem. (NMGRERR 56)

Level: NMGRERR 56

CAUSE: NMMGR checks version stamps of each subsystem in the configuration file at accessing time. The version checking result shows that the specified subsystem has a mismatched version stamp in the configuration file that is not supported by this version of NMMGR.

ACTION: Since this version stamp is greater than what NMMGR supports, use NMMGR to create a new file. In this case, the NMMGRVER conversion utility will not help.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Unable to get info on VPLUS field. (NMGRERR 70)

Level: NMGRERR 70

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to retrieve information on the screen field via VPLUS utilities.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check the VPLUS error message to determine the specific error. Correct the error and try again.

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to retrieve information on the screen field via VPLUS utilities. The forms file NMMGRF.PUB.SYS and NMMGR are different versions, or the forms file is corrupt.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Unable to get info on VPLUS form. (NMGRERR 71)

Level: NMGRERR 71

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to retrieve information on the screen field via VPLUS utilities.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check the VPLUS error messages to determine the specific error. Correct the error and try again.

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to retrieve information on the screen field via VPLUS utilities. The forms file NMMGRF.PUB.SYS and NMMGR are different versions, or the forms file is corrupt.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Data field alignment error. (NMGRERR 72)

Level: NMGRERR 72

CAUSE: This is an NMMGR internal conversion table error.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Data field extraction is out of bounds. (NMGRERR 73)

Level: NMGRERR 73

CAUSE: This is an NMMGR internal conversion table error. NMMGR cannot locate data for a field to display on this screen.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Conversion code not yet implemented. (NMGRERR 74)

Level: NMGRERR 74

CAUSE: This is an NMMGR internal conversion table error. NMMGR encountered an unknown conversion code.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: String overflow. (NMGRERR 75)

Level: NMGRERR 75

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. A character string passed to one of the conversion routines is too long.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Screen conversion ptr is out of bounds. (NMGRERR 76)

Level: NMGRERR 76

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check for a VPLUS error message to determine the specific error. Correct any errors and try again.

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. The forms file NMMGRF.PUB.SYS and NMMGR are not the same version, or the forms file is corrupt.

ACTION: Restore a back-up copy of NMMGRF.PUB.SYS.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Data conversion ptr is out of bounds. (NMGRERR 77)

Level: NMGRERR 77

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR conversion table error.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Missing description for this screen. (NMGRERR 78)

Level: NMGRERR 78

CAUSE: This is an NMMGR internal table error. The screen name is not in an internal conversion table.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Invalid scr field position from VPLUS. (NMGRERR 79)

Level: NMGRERR 79

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. NMMGR cannot properly locate field data from this screen.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Data field not on proper unit boundary. (NMGRERR 80)

Level: NMGRERR 80

CAUSE: This is an internal NMGRR conversion table error.

ACTION: Submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot lock NM configuration file. (NMGRERR 81)

Level: NMGRERR 81

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to successfully lock the configuration file.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check for any NMERR or FSERR error messages to determine the specific error. Correct the error and try again. If necessary, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot unlock NM configuration file. (NMGRERR 82)

Level: NMGRERR 82

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to successfully unlock the configuration file.

ACTION: Go to the Errors screen and check for any NMERR or FSERR error messages to determine the specific error. Correct the error and try again. If necessary, submit a Service Request. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Press Delete again to confirm deletion. (NMGRERR 83)

Level: NMGRERR 83

CAUSE: The Delete key needs to be pressed twice to accomplish the deletion.

ACTION: Press the Delete key a second time to confirm the deletion.

MESSAGE: Cannot access the NMMGR help catalog. (NMGRERR 84)

Level: NMGRERR 84

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to open the NMMGR help catalog, NMMGRHLP.PUB.SYS.

ACTION: Restore the NMMGR help catalog.

MESSAGE: Incomplete summary printed. (NMGRERR 85)

Level: NMGRERR 85

CAUSE: Some configuration data could not be found or printed in the summary.

ACTION: Check the summary to ensure that all required fields are configured.

CAUSE: The data that could not be found or printed is replaced with asterisks in the summary printout.

ACTION: Check the summary to ensure that all required fields are configured.

MESSAGE: Cannot invoke subsystem summary routine. (NMGRERR 86)

Level: NMGRERR 86

CAUSE: The subsystem summary output routine cannot be load processed from the group, account, or system SL.

ACTION: Stream the install job I00INMAC.NMA.HPPL87 to add the routine to system SL.


Level: NMGRERR 87

CAUSE: The additional address in the Network Directory data screen must be in the format of AXXXXXXX.AXXXXXXX, where A is any alpha char and X is any alphanumeric character.

ACTION: Use correct format.

MESSAGE: Error in NMMGR help catalog. (NMGRERR 88)

Level: NMGRERR 88

CAUSE: The MPE HELP subsystem could not use the help file NMMGRHLP.PUB.SYS.

ACTION: Make sure that the file NMMGRHLP.PUB.SYS is properly formatted (RUN MAKECAT.PUB.SYS,HELP).

CAUSE: The MPE HELP subsystem could not use the help file NMMGRHLP.PUB.SYS.


MESSAGE: Warning: Incompatible selection. Press key again to confirm. (NMGRWARN 89)


CAUSE: The user pressed a GO TO type function key on the DTS screen that was not compatible with the type of DTS subsystem specified on that screen.

ACTION: Press the correct key or, to force selection of the incompatible subsystem, press the incompatible key a second time.

MESSAGE: Invalid IP Address; press Help for more information. (NMGRERR 90)

Level: NMGRERR 90

CAUSE: The user entered an IP address that failed IP address edits (address was invalid).

ACTION: Enter a valid IP address; check the class letter (A, B, C, or E accepted). (Press the Help key for more information on entering a valid IP address.)

MESSAGE: Must be xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx where x is a hex number. (NMGRERR 91)

Level: NMGRERR 91

CAUSE: The user entered a LAN station address that failed station address edits (address was invalid).

ACTION: Enter a valid LAN station address; must be six pairs of hex digits. (Press the Help key for more information on entering a valid LAN station address.)

MESSAGE: Reachable Net IP Addr can't be the same as the Gateway IP Addr. (NMGRERR 92)

Level: NMGRERR 92

CAUSE: A reachable network IP address is the same as the gateway IP address. The network portion of these addresses must be different.

ACTION: Correct either the reachable network IP address or the gateway IP address and re-enter.

MESSAGE: Enter the required Reachable Net IP Address with Hops. (NMGRERR 93)

Level: NMGRERR 93

CAUSE: User attempted to update information without entering required data. At least one Reachable Net IP Address/Hop pair is required on page 1 of the Reachable Networks screen.

ACTION: Enter the required information and continue.

MESSAGE: Maximum page count exceeded. (NMGRERR 94)

Level: NMGRERR 94

CAUSE: User attempted to go to next page at the maximum page count (256).


CAUSE: User attempted to do "LAST PAGE" or "CONDENSE PAGE". The configuration file may have Reachable Network paths in excess of the maximum page count.

ACTION: Restore the configuration file with Reachable Network paths within the maximum page count.

MESSAGE: You must enter a configuration file name to open or create. (NMGRERR 95)

Level: NMGRERR 95

CAUSE: The user pressed "Open Config" or "Create Config" but did not enter the configuration file name on the OPEN screen.

ACTION: Supply the configuration file name.

MESSAGE: You must enter a directory file name to open or create. (NMGRERR 96)

Level: NMGRERR 96

CAUSE: The user pressed "Open Directory" or "Create Directory", but did not fill in the Network Directory File Name field on the OPEN screen.

ACTION: Supply the network directory file name.

MESSAGE: You must enter a directory file name to open or create. (NMGRERR 97)

Level: NMGRERR 97

CAUSE: The user entered the NEXT command but there is no next screen.


MESSAGE: There is no entry to be condensed. (NMGRERR 98)

Level: NMGRERR 98

CAUSE: No reachable networks exist in the file to be condensed.


MESSAGE: Condense Page function failed. (NMGRERR 99)

Level: NMGRERR 99

CAUSE: Error occurs during "CONDENSE PAGE" while doing an "nmconfgetdata" or "nmconfrenamepath". It can be caused by a corrupted configuration file. Another possibility is that an internal error is occurring with NMCONF intrinsics.

ACTION: Restore a back up copy of the configuration file and try again. If the error still occurs, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Nmconf file number not in file table. (NMGRERR 100)

Level: NMGRERR 100

CAUSE: The file number was changed in NMMGR but not entered in the table.

ACTION: Exit NMMGR, then rerun it and try to observe what damage has been done. Repair if possible or restore the configuration file.

CAUSE: The file number was changed in NMMGR but not entered in the table.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Midas file number not in file table. (NMGRERR 101)

Level: NMGRERR 101

CAUSE: The file number was not located in a search through the table. It is likely that a file number was changed in NMMGR but not entered in the table.

ACTION: Exit NMMGR, and rerun NMMGR and try to observe what damage has been done. Repair if possible or restore the configuration file. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Unable to remove closed file from file table. (NMGRERR 102)

Level: NMGRERR 102

CAUSE: An attempt to clear the file table of a closed file failed.

ACTION: Exit NMMGR. It is possible that no damage occurred. Rerun NMMGR. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: NMMGR file table inconsistent. (NMGRERR 103)

Level: NMGRERR 103

CAUSE: On trying to access the file table, an error was found in the table. This will happen at open time if an attempt is made to put a file into the file table and if the slot in the table is already occupied.

ACTION: Exit NMMGR. It is possible that no damage occurred. Rerun NMMGR. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Netxport has locked the file; cannot begin guided task; wait. (NMGRERR 104)

Level: NMGRERR 104

CAUSE: The network transport is being started using the file that NMMGR has open as the active configuration file. A guided dynamic update cannot be started until the transport has been started.

ACTION: Wait until the transport is started and then try again.

MESSAGE: The file has been locked; type 'STOP' to abort, or wait. (NMGRERR 105)

Level: NMGRERR 105

CAUSE: Either the transport is being started using the file NMMGR has open as the active configuration file, or NMMGR is processing a guided dynamic update which cannot continue until the transport has been started.

ACTION: Wait until the transport is started and then try again.

MESSAGE: The file has been locked; cannot begin guided task. (NMGRERR 106)

Level: NMGRERR 106

CAUSE: The transport is using the file NMMGR has open as the active configuration file. Guided configuration cannot be performed on an active configuration file (only guided dynamic updates can).


MESSAGE: The file has been locked; Type 'STOP' to abort. (NMGRERR 107)

Level: NMGRERR 107

CAUSE: The transport is being started using the file NMMGR has open as the active configuration file. NMMGR is performing a guided configuration which cannot continue while the transport is up. The file cannot be modified except with guided dynamic updates until the transport is brought down.

ACTION: Type 'STOP' in the command window and press ENTER to stop guided configuration.

MESSAGE: The file has been locked; cannot make any modifications. (NMGRERR 108)

Level: NMGRERR 108

CAUSE: Transport is using the file NMMGR has open as the active configuration file. The file cannot be changed except with guided configuration.

ACTION: Enter guided configuration to perform this function.

MESSAGE: This file has been locked; subtree copy aborted. (NMGRERR 109)

Level: NMGRERR 109

CAUSE: The transport is being initiated using the file that NMMGR has open as the active configuration file, and NMMGR was in the middle of a subtree copy.

ACTION: When the transport is no longer running, purge the subtree you were copying into and restart the subtree copy.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Cannot check file lock status; data not saved. (NMGRERR 110)

Level: NMGRERR 110

CAUSE: NMMGR cannot determine whether or not the transport is using this file.

ACTION: If the transport is being started or shut down, wait until it is finished and then try again. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: NETXPORT not validated. Type exit again to leave NMMGR. (NMGRERR 111)

Level: NMGRERR 111

CAUSE: Data in the NETXPORT subsystem was changed and NETXPORT was not successfully validated afterwords.

ACTION: Go to the validation screen and validate NETXPORT or type exit again, this leaves the file unvalidated.

MESSAGE: DTS/LINK not validated. Type exit again to leave NMMGR. (NMGRERR 112)

Level: NMGRERR 112

CAUSE: Data in the DTS or LINK subsystems was changed and DTS/LINK was not successfully validated afterwords.

ACTION: Go to the validation screen and validate DTS/LINK or type exit again, this leaves the file unvalidated.

MESSAGE: HP-IBM not validated. Type exit again to leave NMMGR. (NMGRERR 113)

Level: NMGRERR 113

CAUSE: Data in the SNANODE, NRJE, or IMF subsystems was changed and HP-IBM was not successfully validated afterwards.

ACTION: The user can go to the validation screen and validate HP-IBM. The user can type exit again and leave the file unvalidated.

MESSAGE: Cannot find validation program NMMGRVAL.PUB.SYS. (NMGRERR 114)

Level: NMGRERR 114

CAUSE: File does not exist.

ACTION: Check to see what happened to the file NMMGRVAL.PUB.SYS. If it has been inadvertently purged, try restoring it from a backup tape.

MESSAGE: Cannot send mail to validation program. (NMGRERR 115)

Level: NMGRERR 115

CAUSE: Internal error.

ACTION: Contact your Hewlett-Packard representative.

MESSAGE: Cannot activate validation program NMMGRVAL.PUB.SYS. (NMGRERR 116)

Level: NMGRERR 116

CAUSE: Internal error.

ACTION: Contact your Hewlett-Packard representative.

MESSAGE: Cannot receive mail from validation program. (NMGRERR 117)

Level: NMGRERR 117

CAUSE: Internal error.

ACTION: Contact your Hewlett-Packard representative.

MESSAGE: LU Number "!" on page ! is a duplicate. (NMGRERR 118)

Level: NMGRERR 118

CAUSE: The user entered two LU's with the same LU Numbers. The duplicate numbers may be on the same page of LU data, or one may be on page 1 of LU data and the other on page 2 of LU data.

ACTION: Make sure all LU's have unique numbers.

MESSAGE: LU Number "!" on page ! is a duplicate. (NMGRERR 119)

Level: NMGRERR 119

CAUSE: You have entered two LUs with the same LU name. These names may be on the same page (1 or 2) of LU data, or one name may be on page 1 and the other on page 2.

ACTION: Make sure all LUs have unique names.

MESSAGE: If the Node Type is "2.0", then the LU # is required. (NMGRERR 120)

Level: NMGRERR 120

CAUSE: The user entered an LU Number out of the acceptable range of 1-255.

ACTION: Enter an LU Number that is in the range 1-255.

MESSAGE: IP Address with node portion of zeros is reserved for broadcast. (NMGRERR 121)

Level: NMGRERR 121

CAUSE: You entered an IP address with the node portion of the IP address equal to zero.

ACTION: Modify the node portion of the IP address to a valid IP address.

MESSAGE: LU Name must be a letter followed by letters for digits. (NMGRERR 122)

Level: NMGRERR 122

CAUSE: The user entered a string that contained some non alpha-numeric characters.

ACTION: Re-enter the string with alpha-numeric characters only.

MESSAGE: IP Mask can only contain digits separated by periods or spaces. (NMGRERR 123)

Level: NMGRERR 123

CAUSE: The IP mask was entered incorrectly. Each octet (XXX) can only contain digits. The octets can be separated by periods or blank spaces.

ACTION: Enter a mask in the correct format.

MESSAGE: IP Mask octets can only contain values between 0 and 255. (NMGRERR 124)

Level: NMGRERR 124

CAUSE: One or more of the octets entered in the IP mask contains a number less than 0 or greater than 255.

ACTION: Enter a mask with octets within the range 0 to 255.

MESSAGE: IP Mask must contain exactly four octets. (NMGRERR 125)

Level: NMGRERR 125

CAUSE: More or less than four octets (XXX) were entered.

ACTION: Re-enter the mask with exactly four octets.

MESSAGE: IP Subnet Mask of 255.255.255 is not allowed. (NMGRERR 126)

Level: NMGRERR 126

CAUSE: An IP Subnet Mask of 255.255.255 was entered. This is not a legal mask.

ACTION: Re-enter the mask with a different value.

MESSAGE: If Node 2.1 Dependent LU Support, then LU #'s must be blank. (NMGRERR 127)

Level: NMGRERR 127

CAUSE: If the PU Type is 2.1 and the PU Dependent Support is N, then there cannot be any LU Numbers associated with the LU names.

ACTION: Make all the LU Numbers blank and try again.


Level: NMGRERR 128

CAUSE: The user entered an invalid SNA LU name. The SNA LU Name must be in the format of AXXXXXXX.AXXXXXXX, where A is any alpha character and X in any alphanumeric character.

ACTION: Make all the LU Numbers blank and try again.

MESSAGE: No previous page. (NMGRERR 130)

Level: NMGRERR 130

CAUSE: The user pressed the PREV PAGE function key on a paged data screen and there was no previous page of data.


MESSAGE: Ldev of ! is not valid. Valid range is -1 to 4679. (NMGRERR 131)

Level: NMGRERR 131

CAUSE: The user entered an Ldev that is out of range.

ACTION: Re-enter an Ldev within the allowed range.

MESSAGE: Names can only be 16 characters long. (NMGRERR 132)

Level: NMGRERR 132

CAUSE: The user entered a name in a field that allows more characters than a valid name allows. This field is usually used for more than one type of entry. The program believes that the user is trying to store a name that is too long.

ACTION: Enter a new name 16 characters or shorter.

MESSAGE: Allowed name chars are "A".."Z", "0".."9", "_" and "-". (NMGRERR 133)

Level: NMGRERR 133

CAUSE: The user has tried to enter a name with invalid characters in it.

ACTION: Enter a name with valid characters.

MESSAGE: IP Address with node portion of zero's reserved. (NMGRERR 134)

Level: NMGRERR 134

CAUSE: The node portion of the IP address is all zeros.

ACTION: Check the IP address and make sure that the node portion is not all zeros. Enter a valid IP address. (Press the Help key for more information on entering a valid IP address.)

MESSAGE: IP Address with network portion of zero's reserved. (NMGRERR 135)

Level: NMGRERR 135

CAUSE: The network portion of the IP address is all zeros.

ACTION: Check the IP address and make sure that the network portion is not all zeros. Enter a valid IP address. (Press the Help key for more information on entering a valid IP address.)

MESSAGE: IP Address A 127 XXX.XXX.XXX is reserved for Loopback. (NMGRERR 136)

Level: NMGRERR 136

CAUSE: The IP address entered has a network address of 127. This network address with any node address is reserved for loopback.

ACTION: Check the IP address and make sure that the network address is not 127. Enter a valid IP address. (Press the Help key for more information on entering a valid IP address.)

MESSAGE: IP Address E is reserved for Broadcast. (NMGRERR 137)

Level: NMGRERR 137

CAUSE: The IP address the user entered is a reserved address.

ACTION: Enter a different IP address. (Press the Help key for more information on entering a valid IP address.)

MESSAGE: Bad LAN address. Format is xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx; x is 0-9 or A-F. (NMGRERR 138)

Level: NMGRERR 138

CAUSE: The user entered an invalid LAN address on a screen or in a maintenance mode command.

ACTION: Correct the LAN address and repeat the last command or action. (Press the Help key for more information on entering a valid LAN address.)

MESSAGE: Invalid response. you must enter ON or OFF. (NMGRERR 139)

Level: NMGRERR 139

CAUSE: The user, while using the DTSDYNCONF command in maint mode, they entered in invalid char. The only valid response is either ON or OFF.

ACTION: Enter either ON or OFF.

MESSAGE: SNA/DS not validated. Type exit again to leave NMMGR. (NMGRERR 140)

Level: NMGRERR 140

CAUSE: Data in the SNA.DS subsystem was changed and SNA/DS was not successfully validated afterwords.

ACTION: Go to the validation screen and validate SNA/DS or type exit again to leave the file unvalidated.

MESSAGE: Subsystem(s) are not validated. Type ERR for more information. (NMGRERR 141)

Level: NMGRERR 141

CAUSE: One or more of the subsystems in NMMGR have not been validated.

ACTION: To see which subsystems have not been validated, type ERRORS in the command line and press the Enter key. Go to the validation screen to validate the unvalidated subsystems or type exit again to leave the file unvalidated.

MESSAGE: Error in build statement table. (NMGRERR 200)

Level: NMGRERR 200

CAUSE: This is an internal NMMGR error. The number of statements in an internal table does not match the number expected by NMMGR.

ACTION: Restore the file NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS. Then run NMMAINT.PUB.SYS to make sure the version of NMMGR is correct.

MESSAGE: Internal error in Guided config scanner. (NMGRERR 201)

Level: NMGRERR 201

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error caused by a corrupt NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS file.

ACTION: Restore NMMGRCAT and retry. If this fails see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Aux NCONF file already open. (NMGRERR 202)

Level: NMGRERR 202

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error caused when more than one NMCONF file is opened by the guided configuration open statement.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot open source, destination, or Aux NCONF file. (NMGRERR 203)

Level: NMGRERR 203

CAUSE: This is caused when the source/destination file or the file NMAUX1.PUB.SYS is either missing, is the wrong version, is locked for exclusive access, or was corrupted during a subtree copy.

ACTION: If doing a subtree copy, check to see that the source and destination files really exist. If performing a guided configuration task, copy NMAUX1.PUB.SYS from backup tape, and run NMMAINT.PUB.SYS to make sure that you have the correct version.

MESSAGE: Aux NCONF file not opened. (NMGRERR 204)

Level: NMGRERR 204

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error caused when data is copied from the auxiliary file to the user file and the auxiliary file was not opened.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Aux file does not contain specified path. (NMGRERR 205)

Level: NMGRERR 205

CAUSE: This is a guided configuration error caused when NMMGRCAT specifies a path in the auxiliary file that does not exist.

ACTION: Copy NMAUX1.PUB.SYS from back-up tape, and run NMAINT.PUB.SYS to make sure that the version of NMAUX1 is the same as the version of NMMGR.

MESSAGE: Path to subtree in user file does not exist. (NMGRERR 206)

Level: NMGRERR 206

CAUSE: This problem could be caused by a corrupt file or by an old configuration file that needs to be updated.

ACTION: Run NMMGRVER.PUB.SYS. If needed, restore a known good configuration file from a back-up tape, or create a new configuration file with NMMGR.

MESSAGE: Internal error; Guided token overflow. (NMGRERR 207)

Level: NMGRERR 207

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: Restore NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from a back-up tape. If this fails see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unexpected Guided Config error. (NMGRERR 208)

Level: NMGRERR 208

CAUSE: An unexpected or internal guided configuration error occurred.

ACTION: Type the "ERROR" command after this message is displayed for clarification of the error(s). A PC value is specified at the end of this error message. If you are unable to include the value problem, submit an SR. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. Be sure to include the value of the PC with the SR.

MESSAGE: Cannot Stop Guided Configuration. (NMGRERR 209)

Level: NMGRERR 209

CAUSE: The STOP command is allowed only on screens which contain a "path." This is most likely to occur when the user types the command "STOP" on the errors screen during guided configuration.

ACTION: Move to a screen which contains a "path" at the top of the menu and retype the stop command.

MESSAGE: Cannot perform NEXT function. (NMGRERR 211)

Level: NMGRERR 211

CAUSE: This error occurs when the user attempts to use the NEXT command when no selection screen has been encountered.

ACTION: There is no need to use this function at this time.

MESSAGE: Function is not allowed during Guided configuration. (NMGRERR 214)

Level: NMGRERR 214

CAUSE: The user has pressed a function key that is not allowed during guided configuration. If the user is on a data screen, it is possible to advance by pressing the Update function key.

ACTION: Press a labeled function key.

MESSAGE: Illegal vplus field specified in Guided config. (NMGRERR 215)

Level: NMGRERR 215

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error that is caused by missing information in the forms file.

ACTION: Restore NMMGRF.PUB.SYS from back-up tape, and run NMMAINT.PUB.SYS. If this fails see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Illegal Guided config variable name. (NMGRERR 216)

Level: NMGRERR 216

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Illegal path iden name in Guide config. (NMGRERR 217)

Level: NMGRERR 217

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Max num of items that can be put to a screen exceeded. (NMGRERR 218)

Level: NMGRERR 218

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: String overflow. (NMGRERR 219)

Level: NMGRERR 219

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Boolean logic error. (NMGRERR 220)

Level: NMGRERR 220

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Missing ENDIF statement. (NMGRERR 221)

Level: NMGRERR 221

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Select loops nested too deep. (NMGRERR 222)

Level: NMGRERR 222

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Select stack underflow probably missing SELECT. (NMGRERR 223)

Level: NMGRERR 223

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Missing ENDSELECT statement. (NMGRERR 224)

Level: NMGRERR 224

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unknown statement in Guided Configuration driver. (NMGRERR 226)

Level: NMGRERR 226

CAUSE: This is an internal guided configuration error.

ACTION: Restore NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from back-up tape. If this fails see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Command not allowed on error or version screen. (NMGRERR 227)

Level: NMGRERR 227

CAUSE: Certain commands are only allowed on states which contain a path. This is likely to occur when the user types STOP on the errors screen or the version screen during guided configuration.

ACTION: Move to a state which contains a path and retype the stop command.

MESSAGE: The network interface data and the topology key must match. (NMGRERR 228)

Level: NMGRERR 228

CAUSE: The type of the network interface does not match the topology key which you selected.

ACTION: Make sure you pressed the correct topology key and have the correct network interface name. Check the type of the network interface name by going to NEXPORT.NI (do a direct branch).

MESSAGE: The Network interface must of type POINT-TO-POINT. (NMGRERR 229)

Level: NMGRERR 229

CAUSE: The Network Interface must be of type POINT-TO-POINT.

ACTION: Check the type of the network interface name by going to NETXPORT.NI (do a direct branch).

MESSAGE: The Network interface may not be of type LOOPBACK. (NMGRERR 230)

Level: NMGRERR 230

CAUSE: There is no Internet data to configure under the loopback network interface.

ACTION: Do not use this function with loopback.

MESSAGE: No network interface found, or unknown type. (NMGRERR 231)

Level: NMGRERR 231

CAUSE: You may have spelled the name incorrectly.

ACTION: Check the spelling and reenter.

CAUSE: The type may be unknown.

ACTION: Check the type of the network interface name by going to NETXPORT.NI (do a direct branch). File an SR if the type is labeled as UNKNOWN. (See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix). Delete the unknown type and retry.

MESSAGE: Unable to open source NCONF file for copy. (NMGRERR 232)

Level: NMGRERR 232

CAUSE: File does not exist or is the wrong version.

ACTION: If in guided configuration, then NMAUXI.PUB.SYS could not be opened. If performing a copy subtree, check the source file to make sure it exists and is the correct version.

MESSAGE: Unable to open destination NCONF file for copy. (NMGRERR 233)

Level: NMGRERR 233

CAUSE: File does not exist or is the wrong version.

ACTION: If in guided configuration, then NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS or the user file does not exist, or is corrupt. You may check the version by running NMMAINT.PUB.SYS. You may also run NMMGRVER to determine if your file is corrupt.

If performing a copy subtree, check the destination file to make sure it exists. Check the version and check to see if the file is corrupt (as above).

MESSAGE: No PC return value is on the Gosub stack. (NMGRERR 234)

Level: NMGRERR 234

CAUSE: There is an internal G-code error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Illegal PC value specified in statement. (NMGRERR 235)

Level: NMGRERR 235

CAUSE: There is an internal G-code error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: The Gosub stack is full. (NMGRERR 236)

Level: NMGRERR 236

CAUSE: There is an internal G-code error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: The Network interface must be of type X.25. (NMGRERR 237)

Level: NMGRERR 237

CAUSE: The operation is illegal if the NI is not an X.25 link.

ACTION: Check to make sure that the NI is an X.25 link.

MESSAGE: Data must be entered and Saved before continuing. (NMGRERR 240)

Level: NMGRERR 240

CAUSE: While running guided configuration, the user tried to press Next Screen without first pressing Update Data while at the path SNANODE.nodename.

ACTION: Enter the correct data and press Update Data.

MESSAGE: The NI Name must be specified. (NMGRERR 250)

Level: NMGRERR 250

CAUSE: At the Guided HP Configuration screen, the user attempted to fine tune the parameters for an NI configuration without specifying the NI name in the NI Name field.

ACTION: Enter a valid NI name in the NI Name field and press the FineTune Parms key again.

MESSAGE: The NI Name does not exist in the configuration file. (NMGRERR 251)

Level: NMGRERR 251

CAUSE: The user attempted to perform an operation on an non-existent NI. Either the NI is not configured or the specified NI name is incorrect.

ACTION: Specify the correct NI name of a configured NI and try again.

MESSAGE: The NI Name already exists and is of another type. (NMGRERR 253)

Level: NMGRERR 253

CAUSE: The user attempted to create an NI using an NI name that has already been configured for another NI of a different type.

ACTION: Specify an NI name that has not already been used and try again.

MESSAGE: This link name is used by another NI; select another name. (NMGRERR 254)

Level: NMGRERR 254

CAUSE: While configuring an NI, the user specified a link name that has already been configured for a different NI and cannot be shared.

ACTION: Specify a different link name and try again.

MESSAGE: A link name must be entered. (NMGRERR 255)

Level: NMGRERR 255

CAUSE: The user attempted to update the configuration file without specifying a link name, which is required for this screen.

ACTION: Enter a link name in the Link name field and try again.

MESSAGE: This link cannot be renamed. It is used by another NI. (NMGRERR 256)

Level: NMGRERR 256

CAUSE: The user attempted to change the name of a link that is used by more than one NI.

ACTION: Leave the link name as it is or reconfigure one or the other of the NIs to use a different link.

MESSAGE: The NI name does not exist. Please specify a type to create it. (NMGRERR 257)

Level: NMGRERR 257

CAUSE: At the Guided HP Configuration screen, the user entered a new NI name and pressed the Config Network key without specifying a type in the NI type field. The type must be specified if the NI does not already exist.

ACTION: If you are configuring a new NI, enter the type of the new NI in the NI type field and press Config Network. If you are updating an existing NI and entered the wrong name in the NI name field, enter the correct NI name and press Config Network.

MESSAGE: Data saved, but profile doesn't exist. Use GoToProfiles command to create it. (NMGRERR 258)

Level: NMGRERR 258

CAUSE: At the DTS Configuration screen or at one of the DTC card configuration screens, the user specified the name of a profile that is not configured and then pressed the save data key.

ACTION: Press the Go To Profiles key if one exists for the screen. If not, type GoToProfiles in the command line and press Enter. This will take you to the profile configuration screens. Configure the nonexisting profile(s) and save the information in the configuration file. When you are finished, press the Prior Screen key until NMMGR returns you to the screen you were at when you originally entered the nonexisting profile name. There is no need to re-enter the data on this screen, since it has already been saved. Continue with the next configuration task.

MESSAGE: A DTC name must be specified. (NMGRERR 259)

Level: NMGRERR 259

CAUSE: At the DTC Configuration screen, the user pressed the Read DTC function key without specifying a DTC name.

ACTION: Enter a valid DTC name and try again.

MESSAGE: The DTC name does not exist; enter data and press Save Data to create it. (NMGRERR 260)

Level: NMGRERR 260

CAUSE: At the DTC Configuration screen, the user specified a nonexisting DTC name and pressed either the Config Card key or the Read DTC key.

ACTION: If an incorrect DTC name was entered, enter the correct DTC name and try again. If the DTC name is correct but the DTC has not yet been configured, enter the information for the DTC and press the Save Data key, then try again.

MESSAGE: The DTS Link does not exist. Enter a Link name and press Sate Data. (NMGRERR 261)

Level: NMGRERR 261

CAUSE: At the DTS Configuration screen, the user entered a nonexisting link name and pressed the Tune DTS Link key.

ACTION: If an incorrect link name was entered, enter the correct link name and try again. If the link name is correct but the link has not yet been configured, enter the information for the link and press the Save Data key, then try again.

MESSAGE: Must be a number from 0 to 5. (NMGRERR 262)

Level: NMGRERR 262

CAUSE: At the DTC Configuration screen, the user entered an invalid character in the field specifying the card to be configured and pressed the Config Card key.

ACTION: Enter the number of the card to be configured and press Config Card again. The number must be between 0 and 5 and must correspond to the DTC slot number of the card being configured.

MESSAGE: Data saved, but the home Network Interface does not exist. (NMGRERR 263)

Level: NMGRERR 263

CAUSE: The user specified a nonexisting NI name as the home network interface and saved the data on the screen.

ACTION: If an incorrect NI name was specified, correct the NI name and press Save Data again. If the NI name is correct but the NI has not yet been configured, configure the NI. There is no need to re-enter the information on the current screen since it has already been saved.

MESSAGE: Data saved, but the SNA does not exist. (NMGRERR 264)

Level: NMGRERR 264

CAUSE: The user specified a nonexisting SNA node and saved the data on the screen.

ACTION: If an incorrect SNA node was specified, correct the SNA node name and press Save Data again. If the SNA node name is correct but the SNA node has not yet been configured, configure the SNA node. There is no need to re-enter the information on the current screen since it has already been saved.

MESSAGE: This link name does not exist for this router NI. (NMGRERR 265)

Level: NMGRERR 265

CAUSE: The user entered a nonexisting link name and pressed the Link Routing key.

ACTION: If an incorrect link name was specified, correct the link name and try again. If link name is correct but the link has not yet been configured, configure the link.

MESSAGE: The path report for the node is full; no new address can be added. (NMGRERR 266)

Level: NMGRERR 266

CAUSE: The user attempted to add an address to the network directory for a node whose path report is already full. No additional addresses can be added.

ACTION: Go to the Network Directory Data screen for the node and delete some of the addresses assigned to the node name.

MESSAGE: The node name must be configured first. (NMGRERR 267)

Level: NMGRERR 267

CAUSE: The node name was not configured.

ACTION: Go to the Main screen and configure the node name.

MESSAGE: Missing IP address. (NMGRERR 268)

Level: NMGRERR 268

CAUSE: The user neglected to enter the IP address in the appropriate field.

ACTION: Enter the IP address and try again.

MESSAGE: You must enter a backup configuration file name. (NMGRERR 269)

Level: NMGRERR 269

CAUSE: The user pressed the Open Config or Create Config key with no file name specified in the backup configuration file name field.

ACTION: Enter a valid file name in the backup configuration file name field and press Open Config or Create Config again.

MESSAGE: Cannot open node information file for ADDVC or PURGEVC. (NMGRERR 270)

Level: NMGRERR 270

CAUSE: NMMGR was unable to open the file whose name was specified in the ADDVC or PURGEVC command, either because the file does not exist or because a more serious file system error occurred.

ACTION: 1. The file name specified may not exist. Try the command again with a file that exists.

ACTION: 2. A more serious file system error may have occurred. See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: You must open the configuration and directory files first. (NMGRERR 271)

Level: NMGRERR 271

CAUSE: The user attempted to perform an ADDVC or PURGEVC command without first opening the configuration and/or directory files.

ACTION: Open a configuration file with the OPENCONF command and a directory file with the OPENDIR command.

MESSAGE: The link exists, but its type is not correct for this NI. (NMGRERR 272)

Level: NMGRERR 272

CAUSE: The user specified an existing link name on one of the custom NI update screens. The selected link's type was not correct; that is, a LAPB type link was specified for an X.25 NI.

ACTION: Enter the name of a link with the correct type or delete the link configuration.

MESSAGE: The selected card number is not configured with a card type. (NMGRERR 273)

Level: NMGRERR 273

CAUSE: At the DTC Configuration screen, the user selected a card number and pressed the Config Card key. No type was entered in the Type field associated with the selected card.

ACTION: Fill in a card type in the Type field for the selected card and press the Save Data key. Type must be "D" for direct connect, "M" for modem, or "P" for PAD. Once the data has been saved, select the card and press the Config Card key again.

MESSAGE: The config is valid, but could not be backed up; Type ERR for info. (NMGRERR 274)

Level: NMGRERR 274

CAUSE: The user pressed the validate key and the configuration validated correctly, but NMMGR could not back up the configuration file because an error occurred while writing the backup file.

ACTION: Type ERR on the command line and view the errors that occurred. After correcting the errors, retry the validate operation.

MESSAGE: You must specify either a switched or permanent virtual circuit address. (NMGRERR 275)

Level: NMGRERR 275

CAUSE: The user failed to enter either a valid switched virtual circuit address or a valid permanent virtual circuit address. One or the other must be entered.

ACTION: Enter a valid address as appropriate for the VC, either switched or permanent.

MESSAGE: The NI name exists, but its type is not X.25. (NMGRERR 276)

Level: NMGRERR 276

CAUSE: The user entered the name of an existing NI and specified the type as X.25. The NI exists but its type is not X.25.

ACTION: If you are updating an existing NI, enter the correct NI name and the correct type and try again. If you are configuring a new NI, enter a name that has not already been used and try again.

MESSAGE: Duplicate address key; it must be unique for the X.25 NI. (NMGRERR 277)

Level: NMGRERR 277

CAUSE: The user specified an address key that was not unique for the NI specified at the VC Configuration screen or through the ADDVC command.

ACTION: Go to the SVC and PVC paths screens for the NI to see the names that are already configured. Choose an address key that is not used in either of these screens.

MESSAGE: Missing quote; the IP address must be enclosed in quotes. (NMGRERR 278)

Level: NMGRERR 278

CAUSE: While using the ADDVC command in maintenance mode, the user forgot to enter the IP address with either an opening or a closing quote.

ACTION: Re-issue the command with the correct IP address enclosed in quotes.

MESSAGE: The source path was not found. (NMGRERR 280)

Level: NMGRERR 280

CAUSE: The path to the subtree to copy was not found.

ACTION: Check to make sure you have the correct file and check the source path spelling.

MESSAGE: The destination path was not found. (NMGRERR 281)

Level: NMGRERR 281

CAUSE: The destination path, which is created by substituting any destination IDs into the source path, was not accessible. The path in the file was not an exact match, or the destination path was missing.

ACTION: Check the source and destination path spelling and make sure you have the correct file.

MESSAGE: The destination path exists. Use the overwrite option to replace. (NMGRERR 282)

Level: NMGRERR 282

CAUSE: The destination path already exists in the file.

ACTION: Enter 'Y' in the overwrite option.

MESSAGE: Source and destination do not map with each other correctly. (NMGRERR 283)

Level: NMGRERR 283

CAUSE: The source and destination paths must start at the same spot in the NMMGR schema. Most likely the user attempted to change the name of an item in the destination of a subtree copy.

ACTION: Check to see if the item that was changed was a select or type select identifier. If not, that will cause the subcopy to fail.

Check to make sure that any destination type select items, if changed, were changed to items of the same type (as in LAN to LAN, instead of LAN to router).

MESSAGE: Internal ERROR in subtree copy. (NMGRERR 284)

Level: NMGRERR 284

CAUSE: Internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: A non select screen id was changed in the destination path. (NMGRERR 285)

Level: NMGRERR 285

CAUSE: Incorrect ids in the destination path.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Illegal path name identifier in destination path name. (NMGRERR 286)

Level: NMGRERR 286

CAUSE:A path id in the destination pathname is not legal.

ACTION: Check the destination path id for typing mistakes.

MESSAGE: Invalid destination path — path too long. (NMGRERR 287)

Level: NMGRERR 287

CAUSE: The source and destination paths must be the same length. When entering data on the subtree copy screen, the source path may appear longer, but should this be the case, the destination path uses IDs from the source path. This error is generated in the other case when the destination path is longer than the source path.

ACTION: Check to make sure that you are not missing path ids in the source path.

MESSAGE: Source path contains empty path identifiers. (NMGRERR 288)

Level: NMGRERR 288

CAUSE: This occurs when the user leaves path IDs empty in the middle of the source path field on the copy subtree screen.

ACTION: Check the source path, and fix the path, so that none of the source path IDs in the middle of the source path are blank.

MESSAGE: The source and destination may not be the same file and path. (NMGRERR 289)

Level: NMGRERR 289

CAUSE: The user is attempting to copy over the source data, which is not allowed.

ACTION: Select another file or path to copy into.

MESSAGE: The file does not exist or cannot be opened. (NMGRERR 290)

Level: NMGRERR 290

CAUSE: An NMCONF file to be opened for a copy could not be accessed.

ACTION: Check the spelling of the filename. Do a "listf <filename>" to see if file exists.

MESSAGE: Source path is not allowed to be copied. (NMGRERR 291)

Level: NMGRERR 291

CAUSE: The source path is not permitted to be copied by the subtree command.


MESSAGE: Internal NMMGR error: cannot close current Network Directory. (NMGRERR 300)

Level: NMGRERR 300

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal NMMGR error: corrupt file likely. (NMGRERR 301)

Level: NMGRERR 301

CAUSE: This is an internal error.

ACTION: The directory file is probably corrupt and should be replaced by a copy from a back-up tape. Restore both data and key files. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: No next page of node names. (NMGRERR 302)

Level: NMGRERR 302

CAUSE: This is an informative message that is issued when the user hits NEXT PAGE and there are no subsequent names in the directory, or when the name supplied does not exist.


MESSAGE: No previous page of node names. (NMGRERR 303)

Level: NMGRERR 303

CAUSE: This is an informative message that is issued when the user hits PREV PAGE and there are none, or when the name supplied does not exist.


MESSAGE: A node with the same name and global/local setting already exists. (NMGRERR 304)

Level: NMGRERR 304

CAUSE: This is an informative message that is issued when the user tries to add a node name that already exists into the directory. The name is probably misspelled, or the wrong global/local setting was given.

ACTION: Correct the node name, the global/local setting, the type, and/or the enable flag.

MESSAGE: Cannot find a node with this name and global/local setting. (NMGRWARN 305)

Level: NMGRWARN 305

CAUSE: This is an informative message that is issued when the user tries to delete or update a node name that does not exist. The name is probably misspelled, or the wrong global/local setting was given.

ACTION: Correct the node name, the global/local setting, the type, and/or the enable flag.

MESSAGE: RENAME requires a new node name and/or new global/local setting. (NMGRERR 306)

Level: NMGRERR 306

CAUSE: This is an informative message that is issued when the user tries to rename a node name (global/local setting), but both the new node name and new global/local setting were omitted.

ACTION: Specify the missing information.

MESSAGE: The current node name entry has been deleted by another user. (NMGRERR 307)

Level: NMGRERR 307

CAUSE: The user attempted to delete or update a network address, or path data, but another user who is modifying the same directory file has just deleted the entry.

ACTION: Coordinate update activities with other user(s).

MESSAGE: Duplicate IP address. (NMGRERR 308)

Level: NMGRERR 308

CAUSE: The user attempted to add a network address that already exists in the current path report.

ACTION: Either choose a different network address, or make sure you are updating the correct node name global/local setting.

MESSAGE: Not enough room in the path report list for this addition. (NMGRERR 321)

Level: NMGRERR 321

CAUSE: This is an informative message that is issued when the user attempts to add or update a path in a very large path report list. This can happen only on very large gateway nodes, such as a node with more than 15 network addresses.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. (Request an expansion on the limit on path reports.)

MESSAGE: Internal NMMGR error — corrupt path report list data. (NMGRERR 322)

Level: NMGRERR 322

CAUSE: Severe error indicating an internal logic error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: No directory file open. (NMGRERR 323)

Level: NMGRERR 323

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: An informative message that is issued when a user gives a command prior to completing a successful OPENDIR command.

ACTION: Open or create a directory file using OPENDIR, then reissue the command.

MESSAGE: Cannot find this entry in the directory. (NMGRWARN 324)

Level: NMGRWARN 324

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: An informative message that is issued when no directory entry (either global, local, or neither — if no ;GLOBAL or ;LOCAL keyword given) could be found in the directory matching the specified node name.

ACTION: Correct the node name.

MESSAGE: Cannot open source file / wrong file type. (NMGRERR 325)

Level: NMGRERR 325

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: An informative message issued when an invalid file was specified in a MERGEDIR command. Possible causes are:

  • Nonexistent file

  • Wrong type of file (not directory or configuration file)

  • Security violation

  • A system file name was given

  • Other file system problem

ACTION: Correct the filename.

MESSAGE: Cannot specify a node name when source is a configuration file. (NMGRERR 326)

Level: NMGRERR 326

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: Informative message issued when a user specified a node name in conjunction with a configuration file in a MERGEDIR command.

ACTION: Omit the node name from the command or use a directory file as the source and retain the node name.

MESSAGE: Local and global entries exist for this node name; choose one. (NMGRERR 327)

Level: NMGRERR 327

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: An informative message issued when the user has given a DELETENODE command, specifying a node name that is not unique. For example, both a local and global entry could exist for the node name.

ACTION: Explicitly state the entry to be deleted using ;LOCAL or ;GLOBAL.

MESSAGE: The node name must be of the form NAME.DOMAIN.ORG. (NMGRERR 328)

Level: NMGRERR 328

CAUSE: A node name was expected, however, the data present did not conform to the node name format.

ACTION: Correct the node name.

CAUSE: The node name is more than 50 characters long.

ACTION: Correct the node name.

MESSAGE: The catalog file has an error in the Batch Command list. (NMGRERR 329)

Level: NMGRERR 329

CAUSE: An internal error in NMMGR has occurred.

ACTION: Run NMMAINT.PUB.SYS to make sure that you have the correct version of NMMGR. If necessary, restore the file NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from a back-up tape. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Extra data was specified for this command. (NMGRERR 330)

Level: NMGRERR 330

CAUSE: The user specified too much data.

ACTION: Check syntax of command or type "help" for more information.

MESSAGE: A key operator was already specified. (NMGRERR 332)

Level: NMGRERR 332

CAUSE: The user specified both a ;LOCAL and ;GLOBAL key operator.

ACTION: Retype the command with only a ;LOCAL or ;GLOBAL key operator.

MESSAGE: A merge operator was already specified. (NMGRERR 333)

Level: NMGRERR 333

CAUSE: The user specified more than one merge operator (KEEP, NOKEEP, TIMESTAMP).

ACTION: Retype the command with only one merge operator.

MESSAGE: Unknown command encountered. (NMGRERR 334)

Level: NMGRERR 334

CAUSE: The user typed in an incorrect command.

ACTION: If the command is an MPE command, the command must start with a ':'. Check the spelling of the command name and reenter as needed.

MESSAGE: Parameter length overflow. (NMGRERR 335)

Level: NMGRERR 335

CAUSE: A parameter's length in characters exceeds the maximum length permitted.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unexpected semicolon encountered. (NMGRERR 336)

Level: NMGRERR 336

CAUSE: A semicolon was encountered before other expected data was entered.

OPENDIR: no options (no semicolon) are allowed.
MERGEDIR: no filename was specified.
LISTDIR: no options (no semicolon) are allowed.
EXPANDDIR: no options (no semicolon) are allowed.

ACTION: Check syntax of the command or type "help" for more information.

MESSAGE: Expected parameter after command. (NMGRERR 337)

Level: NMGRERR 337

CAUSE: A parameter is needed after certain commands. This error occurs if the user does not specify that parameter. OPENDIR: needs a filename. MERGEDIR: needs a filename. EXPANDDIR: needs an integer.

ACTION: Check syntax of the command or type "help" for more information.

MESSAGE: Unknown or extra keyword parameter specified. (NMGRERR 338)

Level: NMGRERR 338

CAUSE: This occurs in DELETENODE or MERGEDIR when the keyword local, global, keep, nokeep, or timestamp is spelled incorrectly or you have a duplicate type of keyword. DELETENODE only allows local or global keywords.

ACTION: Check spelling of keywords. Check for duplicate keyword types. Type "help" for correct syntax.

MESSAGE: Illegal configuration file name. (NMGRERR 339)

Level: NMGRERR 339

CAUSE: Configuration file name is invalid.

ACTION: Check the file name for validity. Also, make sure the name is not too long.

MESSAGE: Illegal directory file name. (NMGRERR 340)

Level: NMGRERR 340

CAUSE: Directory name may be too long, or contains illegal characters.

ACTION: Recheck file name specified.

MESSAGE: No keywords are allowed for this command. (NMGRERR 341)

Level: NMGRERR 341

CAUSE: This command does not allow keywords.

ACTION: Check syntax of the command or type "help" for more information.

MESSAGE: Node Name length must be from 5 to 50 chars in length. (NMGRERR 342)

Level: NMGRERR 342

CAUSE: The node name length is wrong.

ACTION: Check the length of each segment in the node name. Each segment (name,domain,org) must be 1-16 characters in length.

MESSAGE: Name segment in node name must be from 1 to 16 chars in length. (NMGRERR 343)

Level: NMGRERR 343

CAUSE: The name portion of the node name is the incorrect length.

ACTION: Fix the length of the name in NAME.domain.org.

MESSAGE: Domain segment in node name must be from 1 to 16 chars in length. (NMGRERR 344)

Level: NMGRERR 344

CAUSE: The domain portion of the node name is the incorrect length.

ACTION: Fix the length of the domain in name.DOMAIN.org.

MESSAGE: org segment in node name must be from 1 to 16 chars in length. (NMGRERR 345)

Level: NMGRERR 345

CAUSE: The org portion of the node name is the incorrect length.

ACTION: Fix the length of the org in name.domain.org.

MESSAGE: Each segment in the node name must begin with an alphabetic char. (NMGRERR 346)

Level: NMGRERR 346

CAUSE: Each segment in node name (name,domain, and org) must begin with an alphabetic character.

ACTION: Check to see that the first char in each segment is in the set ['A' .. 'Z'].

MESSAGE: Node names may only be composed of alpha, numeric and _, "-". (NMGRERR 347)

Level: NMGRERR 347

CAUSE: Illegal character specified.

ACTION: Check each segment for an illegal character.

MESSAGE: Expected the destination path anf file to be formatted as PATH:FILE. (NMGRERR 348)

Level: NMGRERR 348

CAUSE: Incorrect format specified.

ACTION: Check to make sure that the three components—path, colon, and file—are present.

MESSAGE: Expected three filename parameters : streamfile, nodefile, cmdfile. (NMGRERR 349)

Level: NMGRERR 349

CAUSE: Incorrect format specified.

ACTION: File name parameters incorrectly specified.

MESSAGE: Missing or invalid source file name. (NMGRERR 350)

Level: NMGRERR 350

CAUSE: Missing or invalid source file name specified.

ACTION: Check to make sure that an MPE file name was specified after the : delimiter to the copyconf command.

MESSAGE: Missing comma. (NMGRERR 351)

Level: NMGRERR 351

CAUSE: The syntax of the command requires a comma.

ACTION: Reissue the command using a comma.

MESSAGE: Need to save data on previous screen before adding domain name. (NMGRERR 352)

Level: NMGRERR 352

CAUSE: Data was not updated for this node.

ACTION: Update the data for this node.

MESSAGE: The path specified does not point to a paged data screen. (NMGRERR 353)

Level: NMGRERR 353

CAUSE: You did not access a paged data screen which has only one page.

ACTION: Check the path specified in the PATHCONF command.

MESSAGE: Entry selected is empty. (NMGRERR 354)

Level: NMGRERR 354

CAUSE: User selected an empty selection from the entry selection window.

ACTION: Select an existing entry.

MESSAGE: Domain labels can only end in an alphabetic character or digit. (NMGRERR 355)

Level: NMGRERR 355

CAUSE: User entered a name which contained a label that terminated with an invalid character. Valid terminating characters are A..Z..,a..z, or 0..9.

ACTION: Enter the name correctly.

MESSAGE: Domain labels can only begin with an alphabetic character. (NMGRERR 356)

Level: NMGRERR 356

CAUSE: User entered a domain name which began with an invalid character. Domain name labels can only begin with an alphabetic character.

ACTION: Enter the name correctly.

MESSAGE: Domain labels can only consist of A..Z, a..z, 0..9, or -. (NMGRERR 357)

Level: NMGRERR 357

CAUSE: User entered an invalid domain name. Valid characters consist of A..Z, a..z, 0..9 or -.

ACTION: Enter the name correctly.

MESSAGE: Domain label lengths cannot exceed 63 characters. (NMGRERR 358)

Level: NMGRERR 358

CAUSE: Valid label length is 1 to 63 characters. User entered more than 63 characters.

ACTION: Enter the name correctly.

MESSAGE: Domain name is empty. (NMGRERR 359)

Level: NMGRERR 359

CAUSE: The user selected an operation which required a domain, yet neglected to enter a domain.

ACTION: Re-enter the information with the domain name specified.

MESSAGE: Domain screen can be accessed only after an NS nodename addition. (NMGRERR 360)

Level: NMGRERR 360

CAUSE: User can access the domain screen only after using the add function key to add an NS nodename.

ACTION: Follow the instructions in "Cause."

MESSAGE: Select an entry between 1 and 8, or enter the full node name. (NMGRERR 361)

Level: NMGRERR 361

CAUSE: User pressed a key which required that an entry selection be provided.

ACTION: User must either select an entry via the entry field, or enter the full node name in the nodename field.

MESSAGE: User cannot add a domain name to a record already containing one.

Level: NMGRERR 362

CAUSE: User attempted to go to the domain screen after having just added a domain entry.


MESSAGE: Entry field must contain a value between 1 and 8. (NMGRERR 363)

Level: NMGRERR 363

CAUSE: The entry field was empty or contained a value not in the range 1 to 8.

ACTION: Enter a value in the correct range.

MESSAGE: Nodename too long. Max for NS is 50; Max for Domain name is 255. (NMGRERR 364)

Level: NMGRERR 364

CAUSE: User entered a name that exceeded 255 characters for DDN name, or user entered a name that exceeded 50 characters for NS name.

ACTION: Re-enter the name correctly.

MESSAGE: File name entered is invalid; max length is 36 characters. (NMGRERR 365)

Level: NMGRERR 365

CAUSE: User entered a file name that exceeded 36 characters.

ACTION: Enter a filename of correct length.

MESSAGE: Domain name entered already exists. (NMGRERR 366)

Level: NMGRERR 366

CAUSE: User entered a domain name that already existed in the directory.


MESSAGE: User is not allowed to merge individual domain entries. (NMGRERR 367)

Level: NMGRERR 367

CAUSE: The MERGEDIR command not permit the merging of a single domain entry. However, you can merge domain entries as a group, such as all the global domains or all the local domains.


MESSAGE: User must enter: Node Name, Type, Global, and Enable settings. (NMGRERR 368)

Level: NMGRERR 368

CAUSE: User has selected a function that needs the above information.

ACTION: Enter the above information.

MESSAGE: User cannot select using both Entry Name Field and Name Field. (NMGRERR 369)

Level: NMGRERR 369

CAUSE: User has entered a name into the node name field and data into the entry number field. User can only specify one at a time for the operation selected (update, delete).

ACTION: Re-try with the correct information.

MESSAGE: The options when merging from a config file are LOCAL and GLOBAL. (NMGRERR 370)

Level: NMGRERR 370

CAUSE: The user is using the merged command and is attempting to merge from a configuration file. In this case, the only valid options that can be specified are LOCAL and GLOBAL.

ACTION: Specify correct options.

MESSAGE: User must save data prior to using NEXT function. (NMGRERR 371)

Level: NMGRERR 371

CAUSE: User is on the directory data screen and wants to use NEXT branching. User cannot do so until the current data is updated.

ACTION: Press UPDATE; then NEXT can be used.

MESSAGE: Problem accessing the existing directory file. (NMGRERR 380)

Level: NMGRERR 380

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: An operation on the existing directory file could not be performed. The possible operations are: FOPEN the file as a KSAM file exclusively, FGETINFO and FGETKEYINFO on the file, or FCLOSE the file with the delete option.

ACTION: Check the accompanying file system error for more information. If the error reflects an exclusive access violation, correct the multiple access and/or the user capabilities.

MESSAGE: Problem accessing the new (expanded) directory file. (NMGRERR 381)

Level: NMGRERR 381

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: An operation on a COPY of the existing directory file could not be performed. The possible operations are:

  • FOPEN the file (new) as a KSAM file (opened with a temporary file name "ZTMPxxxx").

  • FWRITE to the file.

  • FCLOSE with the save option on.

  • FOPEN the data file in copy mode.

  • FREADLABEL the data file.

  • FWRITELABEL the data file.

  • FOPEN the key file in copy mode.

  • FREAD from the key file.

  • FUPDATE the key file.

  • FCLOSE the key file.

ACTION: Check the accompanying file system error for more information. If the error reflects a security violation, then you are most likely (a) trying to access a file for read/write access for which you do not have adequate capabilities, or (b) trying to expand the file in a different account than your logon account.Since the expand operation involves a RENAME, you MUST be logged into the same account as the directory file that you are trying to expand. If the original directory file does not exist, but the temporary files ("ZTMPxxxx" and "ZTMPxxxK") do exist, then the directory can be recovered by building a new KSAM file manually (use KSAMUTIL) with attributes identical to that of the original file. Use FCOPY to copy the data and key files SEPARATELY into the newly built KSAM data and key files. Be sure to use the ";NOKSAM" option of FCOPY. If the temporary files do not exist, then the original directory must be restored from a back-up tape.

MESSAGE: Incompatible version of KSAM for file rename operation. (NMGRERR 382)

Level: NMGRERR 382

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: The location of internal KSAM data and key information has changed and thus cannot be updated with this version of the NMC software.

ACTION: For an intermediate solution, use KSAMUTIL to build a larger (expanded) file and use FCOPY to copy the directory to the new file. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot specify a negative number for expansion. (NMGRERR 383)

Level: NMGRERR 383

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: The user gave a negative number of records to expand the file.

ACTION: Supply a positive number of records.

MESSAGE: Cannot open command file "NMMGRCMD". (NMGRERR 384)

Level: NMGRERR 384

CAUSE: The command file NMMGRCMD could not be opened.

ACTION: Check for any file equations set for "NMMGRCMD". See the accompanying file system error message for problem resolution.

MESSAGE: An NMMGR configuration file name must be specified. (NMGRERR 385)

Level: NMGRERR 385

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: An error message is issued when the configuration file argument for the OPENCONF command is missing.

ACTION: Reissue the command with the configuration file name.

MESSAGE: Invalid subsystem name, enter valid name (ie, NETXPORT, SNANODE). (NMGRERR 386)

Level: NMGRERR 386

CAUSE: Maintenance mode interface: An error message is issued when an invalid subsystem name is entered.

ACTION: Reissue the command with a correct subsystem name.

MESSAGE: Unable to OPEN, and unable to CREATE config file. (NMGRERR 387)

Level: NMGRERR 387

CAUSE: File system error.

ACTION: Check to see if user is allowed to access file. Check to see if user and account capabilities of NA or NM are set.

MESSAGE: Attempted to access non data or page data screen with PATHCONF. (NMGRERR 388)

Level: NMGRERR 388

CAUSE: Incorrect use of PATHCONF command.

ACTION: Make sure that the screen you are trying to access is data or paged data. This can be checked by looking at the screen and seeing if there is a data flag in the upper right corner of the screen. If not, you are trying to access a screen which has no data fields.

MESSAGE: Attempt to access field which does not exist. (NMGRERR 389)

Level: NMGRERR 389

CAUSE: You are trying to access a field N+k when there are only N fields on the form.

ACTION: Use NMMGR to go to the path which you specified in the PATHCONF command. Make sure that your field count matches the field number you are trying to access. Make sure you are not trying to use Vplus field numbers to access the field.

MESSAGE: Path not specified, or path specified does not exist. (NMGRERR 390)

Level: NMGRERR 390

CAUSE: PATHCONF was not previously issued.

ACTION: Check to see if you set the path with the PATHCONF command. Check to see if the path that you specified exists in the configuration file

MESSAGE: Version stamp in VERSIONCONF does not match NMMGR version. (NMGRERR 391)

Level: NMGRERR 391

CAUSE: Version stamp must match NMMGR version.

ACTION: Change the version stamp in your batch file to match the version displayed on the NMMGR banner line.

MESSAGE: VERSIONCONF must be called before this command may be called. (NMGRERR 392)

Level: NMGRERR 392

CAUSE: Tried to perform OPENCONF before VERSIONCONF.

ACTION: Call VERSIONCONF with the version stamp which NMMGR displays on the banner line.

MESSAGE: Missing or invalid destination path name. (NMGRERR 393)

Level: NMGRERR 393

CAUSE: The copyconf command will not operate without a valid destination path.

ACTION: Check to make sure an NMCONF path name was specified for the copyconf command.

MESSAGE: Missing or invalid destination file name. (NMGRERR 394)

Level: NMGRERR 394

CAUSE: The copyconf command will not operate without a valid destination file name.

ACTION: Check to make sure that an MPE file name was specified after the colon (:) delimiter in the copyconf command.

MESSAGE: Invalid option specified for copyconf command. (NMGRERR 395)

Level: NMGRERR 395

CAUSE: An option other than KEEP was specified.

ACTION: Retry with valid option.

MESSAGE: Cannot open the nodelist file. (NMGRERR 400)

Level: NMGRERR 400

CAUSE: The nodelist file could not be opened for read/write access.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: Record size of nodelist file too small; must be >= 80 bytes. (NMGRERR 401)

Level: NMGRERR 401

CAUSE: The record size of the nodelist file is too small to be used.

ACTION: If creating the nodelist file using the LISTDIR command, then do not include a ;REC= parameter in the file equation. Copy the nodelist file into a file with a larger record width.

MESSAGE: Filecode of nodelist file non zero. (NMGRERR 402)

Level: NMGRERR 402

CAUSE: The nodelist file supplied did not have a 0 filecode—it was not a standard EDITOR-type file.

ACTION: If creating the nodelist file using the LISTDIR command, then do not include a ;CODE= parameter in the file equation. Copy the nodelist file into a file created with no file code.

MESSAGE: FREADDIR failed trying to read from nodelist file. (NMGRERR 403)

Level: NMGRERR 403

CAUSE: Could not issue a directed read to the nodelist file. The file most likely has a variable-length record structure.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: FWRITEDIR failed trying to write to nodelist file. (NMGRERR 404)

Level: NMGRERR 404

CAUSE: Could not issue a directed write against the nodelist file.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: Cannot close nodelist file. (NMGRERR 405)

Level: NMGRERR 405

CAUSE: Could not close the nodelist file.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: FCONTROL failed trying to set EOF marker on nodelist file. (NMGRERR 406)

Level: NMGRERR 406

CAUSE: Internal error.

MESSAGE: FPOINT failed on nodelist file. (NMGRERR 407)

Level: NMGRERR 407

CAUSE: Could not set the record pointer in the nodelist file.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: FGETINFO failed on nodelist file. (NMGRERR 408)

Level: NMGRERR 408

CAUSE: Internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FREAD failed trying to read from nodelist file. (NMGRERR 409)

Level: NMGRERR 409

CAUSE: Could not read sequentially from the nodelist file.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: Cannot gain access to the stream file. (NMGRERR 410)

Level: NMGRERR 410

CAUSE: A check to verify that the stream file does not already exist could not be completed.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: The stream file already exists; choose another name. (NMGRERR 411)

Level: NMGRERR 411

CAUSE: The stream file given already exists as a permanent file. The MAKESTREAM command requires that this file not exist.

ACTION: Choose another file name or rename the existing file to another name.

MESSAGE: Cannot gain access to the command file. (NMGRERR 412)

Level: NMGRERR 412

CAUSE: A check to verify that the command file does exist could not be completed.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: The command file does not exist. (NMGRERR 413)

Level: NMGRERR 413

CAUSE: The command file given does not exist.

ACTION: Supply the name of an existing command file.

MESSAGE: Internal catalog error: job text identifier table overflow. (NMGRERR 414)

Level: NMGRERR 414

CAUSE: Message catalog NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS is incorrect.

ACTION: RESTORE NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from a backup tape. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal catalog error: incorrect format for job text ID entry. (NMGRERR 414)

Level: NMGRERR 415

CAUSE: Message catalog NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS is incorrect.

ACTION: RESTORE NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from a backup tape. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Error converting a catalog entry into a numeric value. (NMGRERR 416)

Level: NMGRERR 416

CAUSE: Internal error.

ACTION: RESTORE NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from a backup tape. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Catalog entry value not in range -32768..32767. (NMGRERR 417)

Level: NMGRERR 417

CAUSE: Message catalog NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS is incorrect.

ACTION: RESTORE NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from a backup tape. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot read an entry from the message catalog. (NMGRERR 418)

Level: NMGRERR 418

CAUSE: Message catalog NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS is incorrect.

ACTION: RESTORE NMMGRCAT.PUB.SYS from a backup tape. If the problem still exists, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Cannot open the stream file. (NMGRERR 419)

Level: NMGRERR 419

CAUSE: The stream file could not be opened.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: FWRITE failed trying to write to the stream file. (NMGRERR 420)

Level: NMGRERR 420

CAUSE: Could not write to the stream file. Most likely, the end-of-file has been reached and the file is full.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution. If end-of-file has been reached, issue a file equation for the stream file: FILE yourfile;DISC=nnnn,32,1 where "yourfile" is the name of the stream file, and "nnnn" is the number of records needed in the file. Approximately 150 records should be allocated for each node in the nodelist file. Note that the stream file is created as a variable-length file, so fewer records should be required per node. The file is opened with a default of 5000 records. Retry the MAKESTREAM command with the new file equation.

MESSAGE: Cannot close the stream file. (NMGRERR 421)

Level: NMGRERR 421

CAUSE: The stream file could not be closed.

ACTION: See the accompanying file system error message for resolution.

MESSAGE: Missing equal sign. (NMGRERR 500)

Level: NMGRERR 500

CAUSE: An equal sign was missing in the command syntax.

ACTION: Re-enter the command with the proper syntax.

MESSAGE: Missing or invalid pathname parameter. (NMGRERR 501)

Level: NMGRERR 501

CAUSE: The syntax of the command requires a pathname parameter.

ACTION: Check pathname and reissue the command.

MESSAGE: Missing or invalid field number. (NMGRERR 502)

Level: NMGRERR 502

CAUSE: Either the field number parameter was not specified or the field number was not terminated with a comma.

ACTION: Check the field number on the screen.

MESSAGE: Missing data. Data follows a comma. (NMGRERR 503)

Level: NMGRERR 503

CAUSE: WRITECONF command did not list data to be stored.

ACTION: The syntax of the command requires a data parameter. The data may be enclosed in quotes.

MESSAGE: Invalid option specified. (NMGRERR 504)

Level: NMGRERR 504

CAUSE: An invalid option was specified for the command.

ACTION: Use help to enter correct option.

MESSAGE: Missing or invalid version string. (NMGRERR 505)

Level: NMGRERR 505

CAUSE: Did not specify version correctly.

ACTION: The syntax of the command requires a valid version string parameter.

MESSAGE: Missing or invalid page number. (NMGRERR 506)

Level: NMGRERR 506

CAUSE: The syntax of the command requires a page number.

ACTION: The page number must be a positive integer.

MESSAGE: Invalid path, a select or type select path is required. (NMGRERR 507)

Level: NMGRERR 507

CAUSE: The path must be for a select or type select screen.

ACTION: Check the path and reissue.

MESSAGE: Unable to open Formlist as OLD or NEW. (NMGRERR 508)

Level: NMGRERR 508

CAUSE: File system error.

ACTION: Check the file equation. See if the file is locked open or cannot be accessed. Check to see if there is disk space.

MESSAGE: The new data is larger than the field size. (NMGRERR 509)

Level: NMGRERR 509


ACTION: Check to see that you are accessing the correct field, or reduce the size of the data you are entering.

MESSAGE: There are Vplus field edit errors. (NMGRERR 510)

Level: NMGRERR 510


ACTION: Examine all WRITECONF statements before the screen associated with the UPDATECONF which caused the error. One or more of these fields does not match the edits which are associated with this field. Go to the NMMGR screen which corresponds to the path for further explanation of the Vplus error.

MESSAGE: Field number must be a positive integer. (NMGRERR 511)

Level: NMGRERR 511

CAUSE: A READCONF or WRITECONF error occurred.

ACTION: Check to see if the field number entered is greater than zero.

MESSAGE: Missing closing quote. (NMGRERR 512)

Level: NMGRERR 512

CAUSE: A closing quote is needed.

ACTION: Retype the erroneous string with a closing quote.

MESSAGE: Must open config file before executing this command. (NMGRERR 514)

Level: NMGRERR 514

CAUSE: The user tried to perform some maint mode command like SUMMARYCONF, COMPRESSCONF, PATHCONF, etc. that requires an open file.

ACTION: Open a config file with the OPENCONF command first.

MESSAGE: Unexpected parameter encountered. (NMGRERR 550)

Level: NMGRERR 550

CAUSE: You specified an invalid LDEV range while using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report on a range of logical devices.

ACTION: Reenter the SUMMARYCONF command with a correctly specified LDEV range. The LDEV range must be separated by a slash. (Example: SUMMARYCONF DTS,LDEV 35/83)

MESSAGE: The parameters for this command must be an integer. (NMGRERR 551)

Level: NMGRERR 551

CAUSE: While using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report, you specified one or more of the parameters as a non-integer. The correct format for the LDEV specification is LDEV [xxx[/yyy]], where xxx and yyy are integers.

ACTION: Reenter the command with the parameters specified as integers.

MESSAGE: Extra data was specified in the command line. (NMGRERR 552)

Level: NMGRERR 552

CAUSE: While using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report on a range of logical devices, you entered more data than was expected in the command line.

ACTION: Reenter the command with the parameters specified in the correct format (LDEV [xxx[/yyy]], where xxx and yyy are integers).

MESSAGE: The lower LDev # must be less than the upper LDev #. (NMGRERR 553)

Level: NMGRERR 553

CAUSE: While using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report on a range of logical devices, the first LDEV number you specified was higher than the second LDEV number you specified. This is an invalid range specification.

ACTION: Reenter the command with the LDEV range specified correctly, with the first number in the range lower than the second number in the range.

MESSAGE: There are no LDevs within the specified range. (NMGRERR 554)

Level: NMGRERR 554

CAUSE: While using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report on a range of logical devices, you specified a valid range; however, there are no LDEVs within that range.

ACTION: Reenter the command with a correct range of logical devices specified (one that includes LDEVS).

MESSAGE: The DTC Name specified is not configured. (NMGRERR 555)

Level: NMGRERR 555

CAUSE: You specified an incorrect DTC name while using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report on a specific DTC. Either the DTC does not exist or no data has been configured for that DTC.

ACTION: If the name was entered incorrectly, reenter the SUMMARYCONF command with the correct DTC name specified. If the DTC exists but is not correctly configured, use NMMGR to configure the data for the DTC, then reenter the SUMMARYCONF command.

MESSAGE: The Card specified is not configured in the specified DTC. (NMGRERR 556)

Level: NMGRERR 556

CAUSE: You specified an incorrect card number while using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report on a specific DTC. Either the DTC does not exist or the card specified is not configured for that DTC.

ACTION: Reenter the command with the correct card number and DTC specified. If the card exists but is not properly configured, use NMMGR to correct the card configuration, then reenter the SUMMARYCONF command.

MESSAGE: That Port is not configured in the DTC and Card specified. (NMGRERR 557)

Level: NMGRERR 557

CAUSE: You specified an incorrect port number while using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report on a specific card in a specific DTC. Either the DTC does not exist, the card specified is not configured for that DTC, or the port is not configured for that card.

ACTION: Reenter the command with the correct port number, card number, and DTC specified. If the port exists but is not properly configured, use NMMGR to correct the configuration, then reenter the SUMMARYCONF command.

MESSAGE: The DTC subsystem has not been configured. (NMGRERR 558)

Level: NMGRERR 558

CAUSE: You entered a SUMMARYCONF DTS command on a system where no distributed terminal subsystem is configured (the HOST/PC flag has not been set).

ACTION: Configure the distributed terminal subsystem, then reenter the SUMMARYCONF DTS command.

MESSAGE: Illegal delimiter given. Type HELP for command syntax. (NMGRERR 559)

Level: NMGRERR 559

CAUSE: While using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report, you entered an illegal delimiter.

ACTION: Type HELP at the prompt to access the HELP messages for the SUMMARYCONF command. Study these messages to determine the proper syntax to obtain the desired information. Reenter the command using the correct delimiters.

MESSAGE: The card number must be an integer from 0 to 5. (NMGRERR 560)

Level: NMGRERR 560

CAUSE: While using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report on a specific card in a DTC, you entered an invalid card number. Card numbers must be entered as integers, from 0 to 5.

ACTION: Reenter the command with a card number specified in the valid range, 0 through 5.

MESSAGE: The port number must be an integer from 0 to 7. (NMGRERR 561)

Level: NMGRERR 561

CAUSE: While using the SUMMARYCONF command to obtain a DTS critical summary report on a specific port, you entered an invalid port number. Port numbers must be entered as integers, from 0 to 7.

ACTION: Reenter the command with a port number specified in the valid range, 0 through 7.

MESSAGE: Expected a parameter after the delimiter. (NMGRERR 562)

Level: NMGRERR 562

CAUSE: You entered a SUMMARYCONF DTS command that ended in a delimiter when another parameter could have been entered. For example, you may have entered "LDEV 23/" instead of "LDEV 23".

ACTION: Reenter the command correctly. Type HELP to access the help messages if you do not know the correct syntax for the command you are trying to enter.

MESSAGE: Cannot end a command with a delimiter. (NMGRERR 563)

Level: NMGRERR 563

CAUSE: You entered a SUMMARYCONF DTS command that ended in a delimiter (",", "/", etc.)

ACTION: Reenter the command correctly. Type HELP to access the help messages if you do not know the correct syntax for the command you are trying to enter.

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