HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix A NMS Error Messages

NM Error Messages


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MESSAGE: Invalid parameter specified. (NMERR 1)

Level: NMERR 1

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure has passed an invalid value for one or more of the parameters.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid SubsystemID parameter. (NMERR 2)

Level: NMERR 2

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure has passed an invalid value for the parameter SubsystemID. Returned by NMOPENTRACE, NMOPENLOG, NMGETTRACEID, NMVERSCHECK. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid UserID parameter. (NMERR 3)

Level: NMERR 3

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure has passed an invalid value for the parameter UserID. Returned by NMOPENTRACE, NMGETTRACEID. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid TraceElement parameter. (NMERR 5)

Level: NMERR 5

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure passed an invalid value to the TraceElement parameter. Returned by NMOPENTRACE, NMGETTRACE. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid Dest parameter. (NMERR 6)

Level: NMERR 6

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure passed an invalid value to the Dest parameter. Returned by NMOPENTRACE. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid TraceID parameter. (NMERR 7)

Level: NMERR 7

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure passed an invalid value to the TraceID parameter. Returned by NMWRITETRACE, NMCLOSETRACE. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid InfoMode parameter. (NMERR 8)

Level: NMERR 8

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure passed an invalid value to the InfoMode parameter. Returned by NMWRITETRACE. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid Mode parameter. (NMERR 9)

Level: NMERR 9

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure passed an invalid value to the Mode parameter. Returned by NMWRITETRACE, NMCLOSETRACE, NMOPENLOG, NMWRITELOG, NMCLOSELOG. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid FileName, RecordSize, and/or FileSize parameter. (NMERR 10)

Level: NMERR 10

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure passed an invalid value to the FileName, RecordSize, and/or FileSize parameters. Returned by NMOPENTRACE, NMCONFOPEN. An invalid file name, record size, or filesize was specified by the user in a CI command, subsystem command, or NMMGR screen or in a configuration file.

ACTION: Correct and retry.

CAUSE: One or more of these parameters are being passed incorrectly by the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid LogID parameter. (NMERR 11)

Level: NMERR 11

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure passed an invalid value to the LogID parameter. Returned by NMWRITELOG, NMCLOSELOG. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid LogClass parameter. (NMERR 12)

Level: NMERR 12

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure passed an invalid value to the LogClass parameter. Returned by NMWRITELOG. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid LogDataMode parameter. (NMERR 13)

Level: NMERR 13

CAUSE: The caller of an NMS procedure passed an invalid value to the LogDataMode parameter. Returned by NMWriteLog. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to create new datafile. (NMERR 15)

Level: NMERR 15

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFOPEN. NMCONFOPEN detected an error on MIDASOPEN, attempted on the user's stack, on a new file that was to be created. A File System error occurred. (Normal File System restrictions apply when creating NM files.)

ACTION: See "File System Error" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to open the datafile. (NMERR 16)

Level: NMERR 16

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFOPEN. A File System error occurred. (Normal File System restrictions apply when accessing NM files.)

ACTION: See "File System Error" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to close the datafile. (NMERR 17)

Level: NMERR 17

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFCLOSE. NMFILE detected an error on MIDASCLOSE.

ACTION: See "Submitting an S" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to write to datafile. (NMERR 18)

Level: NMERR 18


ACTION: See "File System Error" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Returned by NMOPENTRACE, NMWRITETRACE, NMCLOSETRACE, NMWRITELOG, and NMCLOSELOG. NMS Tracing or Logging could not write to a trace or log file. Check for File System errors such as out of file, group, account, or system disk space, or I/O errors.

ACTION: If error persists and no File System error is detectable, then see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to read from datafile. (NMERR 19)

Level: NMERR 19

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFGETDATA. NMFILE detected an error on MIDASGETDATA, besides NMFSERR 9 or NMFSERR 18. A File System error occurred. (Normal File System restrictions apply when accessing NM files.)

ACTION: See "File System Error" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to obtain data segment for tracing. (NMERR 20)

Level: NMERR 20

CAUSE: Main NMLogMon was unable to get an extra data segment, or if internal tracing was specified, was unable to lock the extra data segment it did get.

ACTION: See "Insufficient MPE Resources" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Must have 1 <= data length <= 8192 bytes. (NMERR 21)

Level: NMERR 21

CAUSE: A call to NMCONFadddata or NMCONFupdatedata cannot send more than 8192 bytes of data. This is probably an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Multiple accesses to a trace entity are not supported. (NMERR 25)

Level: NMERR 25

CAUSE: The trace entity passed to NMOPENTRACE is a duplicate trace entry. NMS tracing will not support multiple NMOPENTRACE calls for the same trace entity. A trace entity is a unique combination of the parameters SubSystemID, TraceElement, and TraceType. A user entered a command requesting a particular kind of trace when this trace is already active.

ACTION: Do not request a trace when that trace is already active.

CAUSE: An internal error has occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Trace entity is not currently being traced. (NMERR 26)

Level: NMERR 26

CAUSE: A request was made for the TraceID of a trace entity that is not currently active. Returned by NMGETTRACEID. (A trace entity is composed of a SubSystemID, TraceElement, and TraceType).

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Request can not be completed immediately. (NMERR 27)

Level: NMERR 27

CAUSE: A nowait type request cannot be processed immediately. Returned by some of the NMnnTRACE and NMnnLOG procedures when the MODE parameter is set to 1 (nowait mode) and NMS Tracing or NMS Logging cannot process the request immediately.

ACTION: Normally this is not an error condition.

MESSAGE: Subsystem not configured in logging configuration. (NMERR 28)

Level: NMERR 28

CAUSE: The SubSystemID passed to NMOPENLOG cannot be found in the LOGGING subtree of the NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS configuration file. The subsystem has not been configured for logging, or the entry is spelled wrong, or the configuration file has been corrupted.

ACTION: Manually check the configuration using NMMGR and ensure the logging entry for that subsystem is configured properly. Refer to the appropriate reference manual for assistance.

MESSAGE: LogClass not configured in configuration file. (NMERR 29)

Level: NMERR 29

CAUSE: NMS logging cannot find the specified log class in the configuration file NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS. Returned by NMWRITELOG. The log class specified for the calling subsystem is not configured correctly in NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS.

ACTION: Use NMMGR to manually check and correct the logging configuration in CONFIG.PUB.SYS. Make sure that the class name is spelled correctly. Refer to the appropriate reference manual for assistance.

MESSAGE: Unable to repetition trace to beginning of file. (NMERR 31)

Level: NMERR 31


ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: This program may not be run as a user process. (NMERR 32)

Level: NMERR 32

CAUSE: User attempted to :RUN one of the NMS program files that are not allowed to be :RUN. These program files include LINKMGR.PUB.SYS, NMFILE.PUB.SYS, NMLOGMON.PUB.SYS, PCMANAGE.PUB.SYS, NMLOGICS.PUB.SYS.


MESSAGE: Unable to access logging configuration file. (NMERR 33)

Level: NMERR 33

CAUSE: An unexpected error occurred while NMS logging was trying to read the logging configuration data in NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS. Returned by NMOPENLOG.

ACTION: See "Corrupt Configuration File" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid reference parameter specified. (NMERR 34)

Level: NMERR 34

CAUSE: Condition code ">" returned from an internal data segment move routine. One of the parameters, passed by reference, would cause a bounds violation if written to. This message is returned if a bad condition code is received after call of one of the move routines between data segments: MBFDS, MFDS, MBTDS, MTDS. This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Internal error: Invalid data segment number. (NMERR 35)

Level: NMERR 35

CAUSE: Condition code ">" returned from an internal data segment move routine. An invalid DST number was specified. This message is returned if a bad condition code is received after call of one of the move routines between data segments: MBFDS, MFDS, MBTDS. This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to find port for NM Monitor process. (NMERR 36)

Level: NMERR 36

CAUSE: Returned by NMMONADDID and NMMONMAINTREQ. NMMON does not have an entry in Port Dictionary. Cause: internal problem, or bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Version Incompatibilities" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Calls from split stack are not supported. (NMERR 37)

Level: NMERR 37

CAUSE: Returned by NMMONADDID, NMMONSTARTREQ, NMMONMAINTREQ, NMOPENLINK, NMCLOSELINK, NMMANAGELINK, NMLINKINFO and NMLINKDIAL. Attempt to call above procedures in Split stack. Caused by an internal problem, or bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Parameter length out of range. (NMERR 38)

Level: NMERR 38

CAUSE: Returned by NMMONSTARTREQ, NMOPENLINK, and NMOPENLOG2. Length given for string parameter negative or too long. Caused by an internal problem, or bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: System shutdown in progress. Can't complete request. (NMERR 39)

Level: NMERR 39


ACTION: This is normally not an error condition.

MESSAGE: Port table full. Unable to expand capacity. (NMERR 40)

Level: NMERR 40

CAUSE: Returned by NMMONADDID. NMMON cannot expand its DL DB area. Caused by an internal problem, or bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" and "Submitting an SR"' at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Port identifier not found in port table. (NMERR 41)

Level: NMERR 41

CAUSE: Returned by NMMONDELETEID. Port ID to be deleted does not exist in NMMON's table, NMMONADDID was not called for this ID. Caused by an internal problem, or bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" and "Submitting an SR"' at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to create specified system process. (NMERR 42)

Level: NMERR 42

CAUSE: Returned by NMMONSTARTREQ. Error calling CREATEPROCESS intrinsic. Caused by not enough MPE resources in system, an internal error, a loader error, or bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Insufficient MPE Resources," "Invalid Software Installation," and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to obtain data segment for port. (NMERR 43)

Level: NMERR 43

CAUSE: Returned by NMOPENLINK. Link Manager found an error calling procedure INITPORTDST.

ACTION: See "Insufficient MPE Resources," "Invalid Software Installation," and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to create IPC port. (NMERR 44)

Level: NMERR 44

CAUSE: Returned by NMOPENLINK. Link Manager found an error calling CREATEPORT.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR'" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Add to NM Monitor port table failed. (NMERR 45)

Level: NMERR 45

CAUSE: Returned by NMOPENLINK. Error calling procedure NMMONADDID (see message NMERR 40). Caused by an internal error, or bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Add to port dictionary failed. (NMERR 46)

Level: NMERR 46

CAUSE: Returned by NMOPENLINK. Error calling procedure DICTADD to add Link Manager in Port Dictionary. Caused by an internal error, or bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to access message catalog NMCAT.PUB.SYS. (NMERR 47)

Level: NMERR 47

CAUSE: Returned by Version Checking Routines. Unable to FOPEN file NMCAT.PUB.SYS. Caused by a bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to open $STDIN for process. (NMERR 48)

Level: NMERR 48

CAUSE: Returned by NMOPENLINK. Unable to FOPEN $STDIN for Link Manager process. Caused by an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to open $STDLIST for process. (NMERR 49)

Level: NMERR 49

CAUSE: Returned by NMOPENLINK. Unable to FOPEN $STDIN for Link Manager process. Caused by an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to find port for Link Manager process. (NMERR 50)

Level: NMERR 50

CAUSE: Returned by NMOPENLINK. Link Manager does not have an entry in Port Dictionary. Caused by an internal problem, or bad software installation.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Length of data to be logged not in range 1 <= logDataSize <= max allowed (ICS, =58 bytes; non-ICS =2034 bytes. (NMERR 51)

Level: NMERR 51

CAUSE: Caller of NMWRITELOG has requested either too much or too little data to be logged.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid NMCONF pathname. Non-printable characters not allowed. (NMERR 53)

Level: NMERR 53

CAUSE: Returned by most NMCONF intrinsics. Caller has sent NMCONF intrinsic a pathname with non-printable character(s). May be a subsystem problem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid transaction number. (NMERR 54)

Level: NMERR 54

CAUSE: Returned by most of the NMCONF procedures.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.


Level: NMERR 55

CAUSE: NMS Trace finds that files NMTC0000 through NMTC9999 all already exist. It is more likely that a directory problem or an internal problem exists.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid infolen, must be in range: 1 <= infolen <= 8. (NMERR 56)

Level: NMERR 56


ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Duplicate identifier already exists. (NMERR 57)

Level: NMERR 57

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFADDPATH, NMCONFRENAMEPATH. NMFILE detected NMFSERR 21 on MIDASADDPATH. User of configuration program entered erroneous information.

ACTION: Enter correct data specifications.

CAUSE: Configuration database has internal error.

ACTION: See "Corrupt Configuration File" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Internal software error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to find identifier in path name. (NMERR 58)

Level: NMERR 58


ACTION: Enter correct pathname.

CAUSE: Configuration file internal error.

ACTION: See "Corrupt Configuration File" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Path depth < minimum or > maximum allowed. (NMERR 59)

Level: NMERR 59

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFNEXTPATH. Procedure received a path depth < 0, or > 256. Returned by: NMCONFADDDATA, NMCONFUPDATEDATA, NMCONFGETDATA, NMCONFDATALENGTH, NMCONFPURGEDATA, NMCONFRENAMEPATH, NMCONFPURGEPATH, NMCONFADDPATH. Procedure received a path depth < 1, or > 256. Internal error in the calling program

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to find NM Log Monitor. (NMERR 60)

Level: NMERR 60

CAUSE: An NM Trace or Logging procedure is unable to locate the server trace or log process (NMLogMon). Returned by NMOPENTRACE, NMGETTRACEID, NMCLOSETRACE, NMOPENLOG, NMCLOSELOG, and by the SHOWNMLOG CI command. The trace or log server process creation failed at system startup due to a bad software installation, a loader error, or an internal error.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An =SHUTDOWN or NMMAINT,SHUTDOWN has been executed prior to the Trace or Logging procedure call. The server process has already shut down. This is not an error condition.


MESSAGE: DB register at absolute. (NMERR 61)

Level: NMERR 61

CAUSE: Caller's DB register is at an absolute DB location (WHERES'DB returned a < condition code). This is not allowed in the called procedure. Returned by those trace and log procedures that can otherwise be called in split stack mode. This is probably an internal error by the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: NM trace dictionary table is full. (NMERR 62)

Level: NMERR 62

CAUSE: An unexpectedly large number of NMOPENTRACE calls have been made, each specifying a different combination of SubSystemID, TraceType, and TraceElement. If this is being done by user request, turn off some of the traces, then retry. If this is not being done by user request, then this is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: NM log table is full. (NMERR 63)

Level: NMERR 63

CAUSE: An unexpectedly large number of NMOPENTRACE calls have been made, each specifying internal memory tracing or a different destination filename. If this is being done by user request, turn off some of the traces, then retry. If this is not being done by user request, then this is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Specified file is a system file. (NMERR 64)

Level: NMERR 64

CAUSE: The file name (FileName) parameter of the NMOPENTRACE procedure contains a system file name (the first ASCII character is "$"). User specified an incorrect filename either in the command that starts tracing, or in the configuration file.

ACTION: Specify a valid file name and retry.

MESSAGE: Specified file is a back reference file. (NMERR 65)

Level: NMERR 65

CAUSE: The file name (FileName) parameter of the NMOPENTRACE procedure contains a back referenced file name (the first ASCII character is "*"). User specified an incorrect filename either in the command that starts trace for that subsystem, or in the configuration file for that subsystem.

ACTION: Specify a valid file name and retry.

MESSAGE: User logging entries are not available. (NMERR 67)

Level: NMERR 67

CAUSE: The LogBuf XDS used for a particular NMS trace file or for NMS logging has no more available entries to add one more user. An additional entry is used for tracing whenever additional traces are requested to go to an existing open trace file. An additional entry is used for logging whenever a subsystem opens a log file. The user has requested an unexpectedly large number of concurrent traces to go to the same trace file.

ACTION: Turn off some of the traces and retry.

CAUSE: An internal error has occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to create the trace process. (NMERR 69)

Level: NMERR 69

CAUSE: The tracing subsystem is unable to create a trace server process for the NMOPENTRACE request (NMMONSTARTREQ failed).

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation," "Insufficient MPE Resources," and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to initialize the trace process. (NMERR 70)

Level: NMERR 70

CAUSE: The tracing subsystem is unable to initialize the trace server process for the NMOPENTRACE request (unable to create a port or acquire a data segment).

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation," "Insufficient MPE Resources," and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Logging has stopped. (NMERR 71)

Level: NMERR 71

CAUSE: An I/O error or File System error occurred earlier and logging is not currently taking place. Returned by NMOPENLOG.

ACTION: Enter the SHOWLOG command to find out the status of the log file and the type of error. Correct the error, and restart logging with a RESUMENMLOG or a SWITCHNMLOG command. Then retry the action that led to this error.

MESSAGE: This command has no parameter. (NMERR 72)

Level: NMERR 72

CAUSE: Parameters were specified for an NMS command that does not require any parameters. Returned by SHOWNMLOG, RESUMENMLOG, and SWITCHNMLOG. User entered parameters for an NMS CI command SHOWNMLOG, SWITCHNMLOG, or RESUMENMLOG.

ACTION: Enter the command name alone without any other text on the $STDIN or $STDINX record.

MESSAGE: Invalid logging configuration file. (NMERR 73)

Level: NMERR 73

CAUSE: NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS contains invalid logging configuration data. Returned by NMOPENLOG, NMWRITELOG.

ACTION: See "Corrupt Configuration File" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: NM Log dictionary table is full. (NMERR 74)

Level: NMERR 74

CAUSE: Network management logging facility has a log dictionary table with a fixed number of available entries. If no free entries are available to complete the caller request this error message is returned. Incompatible software versions installed.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" and "Version Incompatibilities" at the beginning of this appendix. If this does not resolve the problem, then see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Data is already associated with this identifier. (NMERR 75)

Level: NMERR 75

CAUSE: Returned by: NMCONFADDDATA. NMFILE detected NMFSERR 12. User attempted to add data to a path location where data already exists. This may not necessarily be an error if the calling program is trying to determine if data already exists at that location. This could also be caused by database corruption, or by an internal error.

ACTION: If data base corruption is suspected, then see "File System Error" at the beginning of this appendix. If an internal error is suspected, then see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: File associated with this transaction is not locked. (NMERR 76)

Level: NMERR 76

CAUSE: Returned by: NMCONFUNLOCKFILE. NMFILE determined that an NMCONFUNLOCKFILE was attempted on a transaction without a corresponding NMCONFLOCKFILE. This is not necessarily an error if the intent of the caller was to determine the lock status of the file. This could also be caused by an internal error.

ACTION: If an internal error is suspected, see "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: File associated with this transaction is locked. (NMERR 77)

Level: NMERR 77


ACTION: Wait until the file is unlocked by the other user(s) before proceeding.

MESSAGE: No data associated with this identifier. (NMERR 78)

Level: NMERR 78

CAUSE: Returned by: NMCONFGETDATA, NMCONFDATALENGTH, NMCONFPURGEDATA, NMCONFUPDATEDATA. NMFILE detected NMFSERR 18. This may not be an error if the call to these procedures was using this return to test if data was associated with the identifier. If it was an error, it could be due to corruption of the database.

ACTION: If file corruption is suspected, see "Corrupt Configuration File" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Buffer length parameter out of allowable range. (NMERR 82)

Level: NMERR 82

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFGETDATA. Length parameter is longer than 8192 or less than 7. Probable internal error by caller.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Transaction table is full. (NMERR 83)

Level: NMERR 83

CAUSE: Returned if the maximum number of transactions via NMCONF are already opened, and a call to NMCONFOPEN is made.

ACTION: See "Corrupt Configuration File" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Data structures internal error in NMFILE. (NMERR 85)

Level: NMERR 85

CAUSE: Returned by most NMCONF procedures.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Switch to CM failed. (NMERR 86)

Level: NMERR 86

CAUSE: Returned by native mode NMS procedures if an error is returned by SWITCH.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: CM data segment improperly mapped to NM object. (NMERR 87)

Level: NMERR 87

CAUSE: Returned by native mode NMWRITETRACE if an error is returned by wrap-dst.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Parameter not aligned properly. (NMERR 88)

Level: NMERR 88

CAUSE: Internal error by the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid path type value, must be 1 or 2. (NMERR 90)

Level: NMERR 90

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFNEXTPATH. NMCONFNEXTPATH detected invalid path type value. Internal error by the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to purge datafile. (NMERR 92)

Level: NMERR 92

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFPURGE NMOPENTRACE. File system error.

ACTION: Try to purge the file from a CI session, and note the error. Correct this and retry.

MESSAGE: No identifiers beyond this point in datafile. (NMERR 94)

Level: NMERR 94

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFNEXTPATH. NMFILE detected warning NMFSWARN 23, in MIDASNEXTPATH. This may not be an error if the caller's intention is to search the data file. Otherwise it might indicate corruption of the file.

ACTION: If file corruption is suspected, see "Corrupt Configuration File" at the beginning of this appendix. If this is not a problem, it may be due to incompatible software modules, or an internal error by the calling subsystem. See "Version Incompatibilities" and "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Read truncated to capacity of buffer. (NMERR 95)

Level: NMERR 95

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFGETDATA. NMFILE detected NMFWARN 19 on MIDASGETDATA. This is probably an internal error by the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: File code mismatch. (NMERR 96)

Level: NMERR 96

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFOPEN. NMFILE detected NMFSWARN 6 on MIDASOPEN. The file is not a valid configuration file.

ACTION: Type LISTF <filename>, 1 on the file. The file type should be type NCONF.

CAUSE: Internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to find port for NMFILE process. (NMERR 97)

Level: NMERR 97

CAUSE: Returned by all NMCONF procedures. Error detected on DICTSEND.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Subsystem does not support version checking. (NMERR 100)

Level: NMERR 100

CAUSE: Returned by NMVERSCHECK. Coding error by caller of NMVERSCHECK. The SUBSYSID parameter must refer to a subsystem number that has a second level version cross check routine.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Fix levels differ in one or more modules. (NMERR 101)

Level: NMERR 101

CAUSE: There is a version mismatch between the various modules of the subsystem. Incorrect installation of the subsystem software.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Update levels differ in one or more modules. (NMERR 102)

Level: NMERR 102

CAUSE: There is a version mismatch between the various modules of the subsystem. Incorrect installation of the subsystem software.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Version levels differ in one or more modules. (NMERR 103)

Level: NMERR 103

CAUSE: There is a version mismatch between the various modules of the subsystem. Incorrect installation of the subsystem.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: One or more subsystem modules are missing. (NMERR 104)

Level: NMERR 104

CAUSE: A module required for normal operation of the subsystem is missing.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: One or more subsystem modules are invalid. (NMERR 105)

Level: NMERR 105

CAUSE: An error has occurred trying to read the version ID of one or more of the subsystem's modules. An I/O error, disk error, or similar has prevented reading the version stamp correctly.

ACTION: Correct this problem and retry. If necessary see "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Some of the program files and data files have the version stamp located in the last user label record. Perhaps the file was copied without copying its user label records properly.

ACTION: See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: MODULE FLAGS parameter invalid. (NMERR 106).

Level: NMERR 106

CAUSE: The MODULE FLAGS MODE field (bits 7:6) is not in the range 0 to 5, or the TYPE field (bits 13:3) is not in the range 0 to 2. Returned by NMSUBSYSVERS, SUBSYSOVERS, and other subsystem level 2 version check procedures. Probable internal error by caller.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: FLAGS options are incompatible. (NMERR 107)

Level: NMERR 107

CAUSE: Some mutually incompatible option bits were set in the FLAGS parameter. Returned by NMSUBSYSVERS, SUBSYSOVERS, and other subsystem level 2 version check procedures.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to create the link manager process. (NMERR 130)

Level: NMERR 130

CAUSE: A non-zero result code was returned by NMMONSTARTREQ to NMOPENLINK.

Returned by NMOPENLINK. Loader error trying to load LINKMGR.PUB.SYS program file.

ACTION: Try to ALLOCATE LINKMGR.PUB.SYS. If this fails, correct the problem according to the error messages given. If this succeeds, retry the action that led to the problem. If this error occurs again, this is not the problem.

CAUSE: Out of MPE resources.

ACTION: See "Insufficient MPE Resources" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: A non-zero result code was returned by NMMONSTARTREQ to NMOPENLINK. Returned by NMOPENLINK. Internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid item detected in configuration record. (NMERR 131)

Level: NMERR 131

CAUSE: Error reading and/or interpreting data from configuration file. Returned by NMOPENLINK.

ACTION: See "Corrupt Configuration File" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Link in exclusive use by another subsystem. (NMERR 132)

Level: NMERR 132

CAUSE: Link has already been opened by another process. Returned by NMOPENLINK. Another process has this link opened.

ACTION: Shut down the other process to free the link.

CAUSE: A LINKMGR process which had this link previously did not close it when expected. This is an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix. If possible, include a memory dump with the SR.

MESSAGE: Startparm length error in Link Manager. (NMERR 133)

Level: NMERR 133

CAUSE: Either a software version mismatch, or an internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: A successful NMOPENLINK for this link must occur before executing this function. (NMERR 134)

Level: NMERR 134

CAUSE: NMOPENLINK has not yet been called successfully. Returned by NMCLOSELINK, NMMANAGELINK, NMLINKINFO, and NMLINKDIAL. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Required items missing in configuration record. (NMERR 135)

Level: NMERR 135

CAUSE: Error reading data from configuration file. Returned by NMOPENLINK. Configuration file is not valid.

ACTION: See "Corrupt Configuration File" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Parameter information exceeds permissible length. (NMERR 136)

Level: NMERR 136

CAUSE: Information buffer given by caller exceeds 128 words in length. Returned by NMMANAGELINK and NMLINKDIAL. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: A successful NMOPENLINK for this link must occur before executing this function. (NMERR 137)

Level: NMERR 137

CAUSE: NMOPENLINK has not been executed successfully for this link. Returned by NMCLOSELINK, NMMANAGELINK, NMLINKINFO and NMLINKDIAL. This is usually an internal error in the calling subsystem.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to find DC/LDM in system I/O tables. (NMERR 138)

Level: NMERR 138

CAUSE: The NSLINK ldev was not configured for the link in NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS when the system was started.

ACTION: Ensure the NSLINK ldev is configured for the link used by NS, and re-boot. More information may be found in the NMLG log file.

MESSAGE: Unable to find the specified linkname in system I/O tables. (NMERR 139)

Level: NMERR 139

CAUSE: The specified linkname is not configured in the LINK subtree of the configuration file.

ACTION: Check that the linkname specified to the subsystem has a matching linkname configured under the LINK configuration subtree.

MESSAGE: Status request to communication board failed. (NMERR 142)

Level: NMERR 142

CAUSE: Call to procedure TRAN'GETINFO failed. Returned by NMLINKINFO and LINKCONTROL. Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software and port translator software are compatible. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: User specified buffer inadequate for request. (NMERR 146)

Level: NMERR 146

CAUSE: Caller did not supply a buffer large enough for returned data. Returned by NMLINKINFO. Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software and port translator software are compatible. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Link manager buffer area inadequate for request. (NMERR 147)

Level: NMERR 147

CAUSE: Link Manager's internal buffer is not large enough to handle this request. Returned by NMLINKINFO. Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software and port translator software are compatible. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Specified item code is out of range. (NMERR 148)

Level: NMERR 148

CAUSE: No information item corresponds to the given item code. Returned by NMLINKINFO. Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software and port translator software are compatible. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Dial request to communication board failed. (NMERR 149)

Level: NMERR 149

CAUSE: Error calling procedure TRAN'CONFIGDIAL. Returned by NMLINKDIAL. Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software and port translator software are compatible. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Dial facility is not supported. (NMERR 154)

Level: NMERR 154

CAUSE: Call to LINKDIALREQ failed. Returned by NMLINKDIAL. Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software and port translator software are compatible. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Multicast address downloading is not supported. (NMERR 155)

Level: NMERR 155

CAUSE: Call to NMLINKDOWNMC is not supported. Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software and port translator software are compatible. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid ParmArray code. (NMERR 156)

Level: NMERR 156

CAUSE: The caller of an NMOPENLINK2 procedure has passed an invalid item code in the parameter ParmArray.


CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: DS/LDM open request failed. (NMERR 157)

Level: NMERR 157

CAUSE: The request to open the DC/LDM failed. Returned by NMOPENLINK. Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software and port translator software are compatible. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: DS/LDM close request failed. (NMERR 158)

Level: NMERR 158

CAUSE: The request to close the DC/LDM failed. Returned by NMCLOSELINK. Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software and port translator software are compatible. See "Invalid Software Installation" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Unable to lock the Link Manager port DST. (NMERR 159)

Level: NMERR 159


ACTION: Call to procedure failed.

CAUSE: Bad software installation.

ACTION: Make sure that the versions of NMS software are compatible.

CAUSE: An internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Number of parameters exceeds maximum of 20. (NMERR 160)

Level: NMERR 160

CAUSE: Returned after entering LINKCONTROL command incorrectly.

ACTION: Check the parameters against the LINKCONTROL syntax. Try again.

MESSAGE: Expects link name parameter. (NMERR 161)

Level: NMERR 161

CAUSE: Returned after entering LINKCONTROL command incorrectly.

ACTION: Specify the link name parameter and try again.

MESSAGE: Expects a name from one to eight characters long. (NMERR 162)

Level: NMERR 162

CAUSE: Returned after entering LINKCONTROL command incorrectly.

ACTION: Check the spelling and try again.

MESSAGE: Expects alphanumeric name starting with alphabetic. (NMERR 163)

Level: NMERR 163

CAUSE: Returned after entering LINKCONTROL command incorrectly.

ACTION: Check the spelling and try again.

MESSAGE: Expects a semicolon after link name parameter. (NMERR 164)

Level: NMERR 164

CAUSE: Returned after entering LINKCONTROL command incorrectly.

ACTION: Check the spelling and try again.

MESSAGE: Expects TRACE keyword. (NMERR 165)

Level: NMERR 165

CAUSE: Returned after entering LINKCONTROL command incorrectly.

ACTION: Specify keyword and try again.

MESSAGE: Expects an equals sign after keyword. (NMERR 166)

Level: NMERR 166

CAUSE: Returned after entering LINKCONTROL command incorrectly.

ACTION: Correct and try again.

MESSAGE: Specified linkname is not an active datacomm device. (NMERR 171)

Level: NMERR 171

CAUSE: The specified linkname does not exist.

ACTION: Check the spelling of your entry and try again.

CAUSE: The device specified is not configured.

ACTION: Check the list of configured devices and try again.

MESSAGE: Specified pathname is not a datacomm device. (NMERR 172)

Level: NMERR 172

CAUSE: The specified pathname is not a valid datacomm device address.

ACTION: Check the pathname in the configuration file and re-enter.

MESSAGE: Unexpected internal error accessing configuration data. (NMERR 175)

Level: NMERR 175

CAUSE: An unexpected error has occurred.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Locked(!) HW Recover(!) HW Sick(!) HW Dead(!) Resource(!). Run diagnostics for more information. (NMERR 177)

Level: NMERR 177

CAUSE: This message is likely caused by a hardware problem, and is a generic status request to the I/O manager returned with the specified bits set. One particular example is that the user has entered the LINKCONTROL command while the system is in power fail recovery.

ACTION: Correct the problem and try again.

MESSAGE: Link H/W device indicates self test failure. Run diagnostics for more information. (NMERR 178)

Level: NMERR 178

CAUSE: A failure has occurred in the datacomm hardware.

ACTION: Run diagnostics and replace the defective hardware as necessary.

MESSAGE: Unexpected internal error accessing I/O manager. (NMMERR 179)

Level: NMERR 179

CAUSE: The I/O Manager is an unknown state.

ACTION: Run diagnostics for more information.

MESSAGE: Trace buffer size must be in the range 1 to 16. (NMERR 181)

Level: NMERR 181

CAUSE: The user has entered a number that is not in the acceptable range. The current buffer sizes supported are within the ranges of 1K to 16K. Returned by the LINKCONTROL command parsing routine.

ACTION: Enter a valid number (1 through 16).

MESSAGE: HPE status : info =!, subsystem ID = !. (NMERR 182)

Level: NMERR 182

CAUSE: Status information reported by each individual module.

ACTION: Look at "DHPESTAT.HPESTD.OFFICIAL" for the definitions of subsystem constants. Find out the error information by checking the status reporting file for that particular module.

MESSAGE: Only the LANIC link is supported. (NMERR 185)

Level: NMERR 185

CAUSE: No link other than LAN is currently supported.

ACTION: Specify only the LANIC for this application.

MESSAGE: Trace request for linkname failed due to : HPE status: INFO = ! subsystem ID = !.

Level: NMERR 186

CAUSE: You attempted to start or stop tracing, but tracing was already enabled or disabled.


CAUSE: An improper value was specified in the LINKCONTROL command.

ACTION: Reissue the LINKCONTROL command with the correct value.

CAUSE: An error occurred while accessing the specific I/O manager.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Trace for linkname has been initiated with some exceptions : HPE status: INFO = ! subsystem ID = !.

Level: NMERR 187

CAUSE: This error is often returned even though tracing has been enabled.

ACTION: None. If this error occurs frequently, submit an SR. See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid length for a trace file name.

Level: NMERR 189

CAUSE: MPE/iX trace file names are in the format of filename.group.account and must contain a maximum of eight characters in the filename, group, and account fields.

ACTION: Reissue the command using a valid trace file name which contains no more than eight characters in the filename, group, and account field.

MESSAGE: Trace buffer size for a LAPB, SDLC or RJE link must be between 5 & 16. (NMERR 193)

Level: NMERR 193

CAUSE: The current buffer sizes supported for LAPB and SDLC are 5K to 16K.

ACTION: Configure values in the correct range.

MESSAGE: Unable to access ! subsystem message catalog !. (NMERR 200)

Level: NMERR 200

CAUSE: The first parameter is the subsystem name or subsysid. The second parameter is the message catalog file name. This is returned by a datacomm subsystem message-generating routine. The specified subsystem encountered an error trying to access an error message in the specified message catalog file.

ACTION: Something is wrong with the specified message catalog file. Either it does not exist, or is the wrong version, or is inaccessible due to someone else either storing it or accessing it exclusively, or some other I/O error has occurred. Correct the problem with the message catalog and retry.

MESSAGE: Error accessing NMCAT.PUB.SYS set=! msg=!. (NMERR 201)

Level: NMERR 201

CAUSE: Returned by NMPRINTERRMSG and usually followed by one or more of messages 202 through 205 below, which further clarifies the error. NOTE: This message is actually hard-coded in NMPRINTERRMSG and is included here only for documentation purposes.

ACTION: Look for one or more of NMERR 202 through 205 following this message, and take the remedial action as suggested. Read the text and comments for the original message specified in the message, and take the suggested actions.


Level: NMERR 202

CAUSE: Returned by NMPRINTERRMSG and usually followed by the text of the FSError message.

ACTION: Correct the FOPEN problem and retry.

MESSAGE: Encountered GENMESSAGE error !. (NMERR 203)

Level: NMERR 203

CAUSE: Returned by NMPRINTERRMSG. If error number is 1 or 2, NMERR 204 follows with a further description. Otherwise the error is described in the MPE Intrinsics Manual under GENMESSAGE.

ACTION: If the error number is 1 or 2, see the NMERR 204 message and comments. If the error number is not 1 or 2, look up the error number in the MPE Intrinsics Manual under GENMESSAGE. It is likely the problem is due to a bad software installation. If this is consistent with the GENMESSAGE error, see "Getting Help" at the beginning of this appendix. Otherwise, correct the problem causing the GENMESSAGE error and try again.


Level: NMERR 204

CAUSE: Returned by NMPRINTERRMSG. This message follows NMERR 203 message, and is usually followed with the text of the FSError message as well.

ACTION: Correct the File System error and retry.


Level: NMERR 205

CAUSE: Returned by NMPRINTERRMSG after printing a message from NMCAT.PUB.SYS. The FCLOSE of NMCAT.PUB.SYS failed.

ACTION: Correct the File System error and retry.

MESSAGE: !: Error trying to access ! msgnum ! setnum !. (NMERR 206)

Level: NMERR 206

CAUSE: Returned by a subsystem message-generating routine when it was unable to access the specified message catalog. The first parameter is the Subsys (module) name. The second parameter is the Subsys message catalog name. The third parameter is the message number. The fourth parameter is the set number. Note that this message is usually followed by one or more of messages NMERR 207 through 210.

ACTION: Check to see that the names entered actually exist and are spelled correctly. Read any other error messages which are also displayed, and take the action(s) recommended to correct the problem(s) described by those messages.

MESSAGE: Encountered FOPEN FSERR ! on !. (NMERR 207)

Level: NMERR 207

CAUSE: Returned by a subsystem message-generating routine when it was unable to FOPEN the specified message catalog. The first parameter is the FSERR number. The second parameter is the message catalog name. This message is usually preceded by message NMERR 206.

ACTION: Correct the FOPEN error and retry.

MESSAGE: Encountered GENMESSAGE error !. (NMERR 208)

Level: NMERR 208

CAUSE: Returned by a subsystem message-generating routine, usually following NMERR 206. The parameter is the GENMESSAGE errnum. If the error number is 1 or 2, NMERR 209 follows with a further description. Otherwise, the error is described in the MPE Intrinsics Manual under GENMESSAGE.

ACTION: If the error number is 1 or 2, see message NMERR 209. If the error number is not 1 or 2, look up the error number in the MPE Intrinsics Manual under GENMESSAGE. It is likely the problem is due to a bad software installation. If this is consistent with the GENMESSAGE error, the configuration file may be corrupted. Run NMMGR and verify that the configuration file is okay. Otherwise, correct the problem causing the GENMESSAGE error and try again.


Level: NMERR 209

CAUSE: Returned by a subsystem message-generating routine. The parm is the FSERR number. This message usually follows NMERR 208, and is usually followed with the text of the FSError message as well (by calling the intrinsic FErrMsg).

ACTION: Correct the FS error and retry.

MESSAGE: Encountered FCLOSE FSERR ! on !. (NMERR 210)

Level: NMERR 210

CAUSE: Returned by a subsystem message-generating routine after reading a message from the specified message catalog. The first parameter is the FSERR number. The second parameter is the message catalog name. The FCLOSE of the message catalog failed.

ACTION: Correct the File System error and retry.

MESSAGE: Config file internal error detected and recovery failed. (NMERR 220)

Level: NMERR 220

CAUSE: The configuration file is possibly corrupted.

ACTION: See "Corrupt Configuration Files" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Total data length too large to return as integer. (NMERR 221)

Level: NMERR 221

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFSONINFO. The total data length associated with the path name and all its first level sons was greater than 32767 and could not be returned to caller. It is possible that the configuration file is corrupt. It is also possible that there is no error at all. It is theoretically possible, although unlikely, to have more than 32767 bytes of data associated with a path and its first level sons.

ACTION: See "Corrupt Configuration Files" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Possible internal error.

ACTION: See "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Son count too large to return as integer. (NMERR 222)

Level: NMERR 222

CAUSE: Returned by NMCONFSONINFO. The number of first level sons linked to the path name sent by the calling subsystem exceeds 32767. It is possible that the configuration file is corrupt. It is also possible that an internal error occurred.

ACTION: See "Getting Help" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Request type out of bounds — error in port msg to NMFILE. (NMERR 223)

Level: NMERR 223

CAUSE: Returned if NMFILE receives a request type that it does not recognize as being a valid NMCONF intrinsic request on its NMCONF subqueue.

ACTION: Internal error. See "Getting Help" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Will use LOGGING configuration for this subsystem that is already active. (NMERR 301)

Level: NMERR 301

CAUSE: Returned by NMOPENLOG, NMOPENLOG2. The open log was successful and logging may proceed. Note that there is another openlog outstanding for the same subsystem id, so the configuration information already in use will continue to be used. This result code is returned as a negative number (-301) to indicate it is not an error and that the openlog was in fact successful.


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