HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix A NMS Error Messages

NMDUMP Error and Warning Messages


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MESSAGE: Unable to retrieve text of message #! of set #! from the message catalog. (NMDUMPERR 0)


CAUSE: This message is actually not returned by the message catalog, but by the program, if the error message requested to be returned cannot be retrieved by the program. It will be displayed when there is no message catalog, NMCAT.PUB.SYS, or the message catalog is not valid (corrupt).

ACTION: Verify that the message catalog exists and is valid.

CAUSE: The version of the NMS message catalog on the system is not compatible with the current NMS software.

ACTION: Verify that the version of NMCAT.PUB.SYS on the system is compatible with the current NMS software.

CAUSE: File system error, a problem accessing and retrieving information from message catalog, or an internal error in the NMDUMP program.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Data type must be 1 or 2. (NMDUMPERR 1)


CAUSE: User responded incorrectly to prompt for data type.

ACTION: Correct input and re-enter.

MESSAGE: Invalid subsystem ID entered. (NMDUMPERR 2)


CAUSE: User responded incorrectly to prompt for subsystem ID.

ACTION: Correct input and re-enter.

MESSAGE: Input must be YES or NO. (NMDUMPERR 3)


CAUSE: User responded incorrectly to a prompt requiring a Y or N answer. "Y", "YES", "y', or "yes" are allowed for Y. "N", "NO", "n", or "no" are allowed for N.

ACTION: Correct input and re-enter.

MESSAGE: Error — File is not of log type. (NMDUMPERR 4)


CAUSE: User specified that he wanted to format a log file, but the input file specified was not type NLOG.

ACTION: Check spelling of filename. Check file's type code. Correct input and re-enter.

MESSAGE: Error — File is not of trace type. (NMDUMPERR 5)


CAUSE: User specified that he wanted to format a trace file, but the input file specified was not type NTRAC.

ACTION: Check spelling of filename. Check file's type code. Correct input and re-enter.

MESSAGE: Invalid date and time string entered. (NMDUMPERR 6)


CAUSE: User entered an invalid date and/or time. User entered the date and/or time in improper format. Type "Help" for a list of allowed formats.

ACTION: Correct input and re-enter.

MESSAGE: Time not within time range of file. (NMDUMPERR 7)


CAUSE: User entered a date and/or time that is beyond the time range of the input file.

ACTION: Correct input and re-enter.

MESSAGE: Finishing time earlier than starting time. (NMDUMPERR 8)


CAUSE: User entered a finishing date and time that was earlier than the starting date and time.

ACTION: Correct input and re-enter.

MESSAGE: LOADPROC failed on procedure !, LOADPROC error !. Will output this subsystemid's entries in dump format. (NMDUMPWARN 9)


CAUSE: NMDUMP was unable to LOADPROC (via MODCAL ADDR function) the trace or log formatter procedure for the specified subsystemid number. The procedure name is SUBSYSnLOGFORMAT or SUBSYSnTRACEFORMAT, for log or trace files, for subsystemid = n. NMDUMP will continue and will print out data for this subsystemid, but it will be in a raw dump (hex and ASCII) format. The procedure is not in an SL accessible to NMDUMP. Normally it should be present in SL.PUB.SYS on those systems that have installed the NMS software. Either the initial installation of these procedures was faulty, or these procedures have been deleted since their initial installation.

ACTION: Get a known good copy of these procedures and install them in SL.PUB.SYS.

MESSAGE: LOADPROC failed on procedure !, LOADPROC error !. Default formatting options will be assumed for this subsystemid. (NMDUMPWARN 13)


CAUSE: Similar to NMDUMPWARN 9, except the procedure that failed to load was a menu procedure.

ACTION: Get a known good copy of these procedures and install them in SL.PUB.SYS.

MESSAGE: Error — unexpected end of input data file. (NMDUMPERR 20)


CAUSE: There was a system failure while tracing/logging was enabled and the file was closed improperly.

ACTION: Attempt to re-log or re-trace the error situation.

CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace/log facility or the NMDUMP facility.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: Attempt to recreate the trace or log file.

MESSAGE: Error occurred during output of file header. (NMDUMPERR 21)


CAUSE: A file system error occurred.

ACTION: Attempt to find out what file system error occurred: Re-run NMDUMP and see if error occurs.

CAUSE: An internal error in NMWRITE.

ACTION: Re-run NMDUMP. File an SR if the same problem occurs. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: No data records, from the subsystems selected, were found in the input file. (NMDUMPWARN 22)


CAUSE: No records were logged/traced to the file from the selected subsystems.


CAUSE: If the input file is a log file, logging for the subsystems selected may not be enabled.

ACTION: Check the logging configuration portion of NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS to ensure that logging to disk is enabled for the subsystem(s) and log class(es) desired. If it is not, make the appropriate changes to the configuration file through NMMGR.PUB.SYS.

CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace/log facility or the NMDUMP facility.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: No data records, from the subsystems selected, were found within the time selected. (NMDUMPWARN 23)


CAUSE: No records were logged/traced to the file from the selected subsystems during the time range specified.


CAUSE: If the input file is a log file, logging for the subsystems selected may not be enabled.

ACTION: Check the logging configuration portion of NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS to ensure that logging to disk is enabled for the subsystem(s) and log class(es) desired. If it is not, make the appropriate changes to the configuration file through NMMGR.PUB.SYS.

CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace/log facility or the NMDUMP facility.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Error — invalid data record in trace file. (NMDUMPERR 24)


CAUSE: There was a system failure while tracing was enabled and the file was closed improperly.

ACTION: Attempt to re-trace the error situation.

CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace facility or the NMDUMP facility.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: Attempt to recreate the trace file.

MESSAGE: Error — invalid data record in log file. (NMDUMPERR 25)


CAUSE: There was a system failure while logging was enabled and the file was closed improperly.

ACTION: Attempt to re-trace the error situation.

CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS log facility or the NMDUMP facility.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: Attempt to recreate the logfile.

MESSAGE: Error — invalid trace data file. (NMDUMPERR 26)


CAUSE: There was a system failure while tracing was enabled and the file was closed improperly.

ACTION: Attempt to re-trace the error situation.

CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace facility or the NMDUMP facility.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: Attempt to recreate the trace file.

MESSAGE: Error — invalid log data file. (NMDUMPERR 27)


CAUSE: There was a system failure while logging was enabled and the file was closed improperly.

ACTION: Attempt to re-trace the error situation.

CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS log facility or the NMDUMP facility.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: Attempt to recreate the log file.

MESSAGE: EOF was reached on the output file. The output listing is incomplete. (NMDUMPWARN 28)


CAUSE: The output disk file was not built large enough to hold the full dump listing.

ACTION: Redirect the output to a non-disk file, or increase the number of records in the output file with a FILE equation or BUILD command.

MESSAGE: Error occurred during output of formatted data record. (NMDUMPERR 29)


CAUSE: A file system error occurred when NMWRITE was trying to write to the output file. (A probable file system error in this case would be "out of disk space.")

ACTION: Verify that the system is at least not "out of space": Re-run NMDUMP and see if the same error occurs.

CAUSE: An internal error in NMWRITE.

ACTION: Re-run NMDUMP. File an SR if the same problem occurs. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

MESSAGE: Invalid trace destination specified in global header. Reassigned according to file characteristics. (NMDUMPWARN 30)


CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace facility which caused bad data to be written to the data file.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, an SR may be filed against the trace facility. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, you may attempt to recreate the data file.

MESSAGE: No data records are in the input file. (NMDUMPWARN 31)


CAUSE: No data records were logged/traced to the data file.


CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace/log facility or the NMDUMP facility.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: Attempt to recreate the data file.

MESSAGE: No additional data records are in the input file. (NMDUMPWARN 32)


CAUSE: It is the end of the file.


CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace/log facility or the NMDUMP facility.

ACTION: File an SR. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: Attempt to recreate the data file.

MESSAGE: An out-of-range block length was found. It was reassigned the maximum allowable value, 1024. (NMDUMPWARN 33)


CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS log facility which caused bad data to be written to the log data file.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, an SR may be filed against the log facility. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Log data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, you may attempt to recreate the data file.

MESSAGE: An out-of-range data record length was found. It was reassigned the maximum allowable value, 2046. (NMDUMPWARN 34)


CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS log facility which caused bad data to be written to the log data file.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, an SR may be filed against the log facility. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Log data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, you may attempt to recreate the data file.

MESSAGE: An out-of-range start data record length was found. It was reassigned the maximum allowable value, 8192. (NMDUMPWARN 34)


CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace facility which caused bad data to be written to the trace data file.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, an SR may be filed against the log facility. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Trace data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, you may attempt to recreate the data file.

MESSAGE: An out-of-range continuation data record length was found. It was reassigned the maximum allowable value. (NMDUMPWARN 36)


CAUSE: An internal error in the NMS trace facility which caused bad data to be written to the trace data file.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, an SR may be filed against the log facility. Refer to "Submitting an SR" at the beginning of this appendix.

CAUSE: Trace data file has become corrupt.

ACTION: No action is actually needed. NMDUMP recovers from such an error in the data file. However, you may attempt to recreate the data file.

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