HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix A NMS Error Messages

Submitting an SR


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The messages that refer you to this section can indicate an internal error. For further assistance from HP, submit an SR. Include the following information where applicable:

  • A characterization of the problem. Describe the events leading up to and including the problem. Attempt to describe the source of the problem. Describe the symptoms of the problem.

  • Your characterization should include: MPE commands, communication subsystem commands, job streams, result codes and messages, and data that can reproduce the problem.

  • Illustrate as clearly as possible the context of any message(s). Prepare copies of information displayed at the system console and user terminal.

  • Obtain the version, update and fix information for all software. Use NMMAINT to obtain this information for NS, DTS, NRJE, SNA and Node Management. This allows Hewlett-Packard to determine if the problem is already known and if the correct software is installed at your site.

  • Record all result messages and numbers that appear at the user terminal and the system console.

  • Run NMDUMP to format the NM log file (NMGLnnnn.PUB.SYS) that was active when the problem occurred. You may need to issue the MPE command SWITCHNMLOG to free the NM log file.

    Using NMDUMP, format the log file for your NMS subsystem information. Inspect the formatted output and try to locate errors. Prepare the formatted output and a copy of the log file for your Hewlett-Packard representative to further analyze.

  • Prepare a listing of the configuration file and the MPE configuration you are using for your Hewlett-Packard representative to further analyze. Inspect the output and try to locate errors.

  • Try to determine the general area within the software where you think the problem exists. If you think the problem is caused by an NMS subsystem, refer to the manual(s) for that subsystem and try to resolve the problem by following the information-gathering guidelines in those manuals.

  • Issue the LINKCONTROLlinkname;STATUS= command for each link. Retain the output for your Hewlett-Packard representative to further analyze.

  • Document your interim, or "workaround" solution. The cause of the problem can sometimes be found by comparing the circumstances in which it occurs with the circumstances in which it does not occur.

  • Create copies of any trace files that were active when the problem occurred for your Hewlett-Packard representative to analyze.

  • In the event of a system failure, a full memory dump must be taken. Always send the unformatted memory dump, a listing of the configuration file, a copy of the file LOADMAP.PUB.SYS, and the I/O configuration.

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