HPlogo Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix A NMS Error Messages

Resolving Problems


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There are problems that are common to many situations, such as invalid software installation, version incompatibilities, insufficient MPE resources, corrupt configuration files, and file system errors. This section describes some of the resolutions for these problems. In many cases, you can use these descriptions to help you resolve these problems yourself. In addition, if you are running NMMGR, you can use the Error Information screen to help determine what the problem is. See Chapter 2 “Basics of NMMGR” of this manual for more information on the Error Information screen.

Note that you may get an error which is caused by an internal procedure. Some internal errors can be remedied only by qualified HP representatives. The causes and actions listed with the error messages will tell you which ones these are. In such cases, you should file a service request (SR) to get help. To enable HP to solve you problem in an efficient manner, please follow the guidelines listed on the following pages.

Invalid Software Installation

A software installation may be invalid. Run NMMAINT to get a listing of all software modules and their version IDs. Check that all required modules are present and that the first five characters of the version ID numbers of these modules are the same within each subsystem (these are the v.uu.ff fields). Finally, check these version ID numbers with the System Status Bulletin or other HP source to be sure the versions of software you have are supported with the version of MPE you have. If there is a problem found with any of these checks, you have an incorrect software version installed. Locate a known valid version of the suspect software (perhaps from one of your system backup tapes) and install it correctly.

Version Incompatibilities

There may be version incompatibilities between NMS software and other subsystem software. Run NMMAINT to get a listing of version ID numbers for NMS and for all of the NMS-dependent subsystems. Locate the overall version ID numbers for NMS and for each subsystem. Compare the first five characters of these version ID numbers with those listed as compatible with each other in the System Status Bulletin or other HP sources. If a discrepancy is found, locate a known set of compatible software and install it.

Insufficient MPE Resources

There may be insufficient MPE resources, such as configured table sizes. Check if the MPE configuration has enough DST and PCB entries configured. (If possible, use the HP Glance/XL product to check MPE table utilization.) Reconfigure MPE to fix any problems found and restart the system.

Corrupt Configuration Files

The configuration file is possibly corrupt. If the error persists, use NMMGR to manually check the configuration file (if possible). If bad records seem to be localized to a particular item, delete that item and reconfigure it. If necessary, restore a backup copy of the file.

File System Errors

An NM and/or MPE file system error (NMFSERR, NMFSWARN, FSERR) may have occurred while attempting to access the configuration file. Try to access the configuration file under the same user ID using NMMGR. Use the NMMGR Error Information screen to find out what the underlying error is. Correct the problem and try again.

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