HPlogo Customizing Terminal and Printer Type Files with Workstation Configurator: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Using a New Terminal or Printer Type File

Using Terminal Type Files in Logon Strings


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A terminal type file can be specified in the logon string. When a terminal type file is specified in the logon string, the file is associated with the ldev number for the duration of the session. The :HELLO command accepts either a terminal type number or a terminal type file name with the ;TERM=parameter. For example, the following logon allows the terminal user called TEMPUSER.TEST to use the terminal type file called MYTERM.


If a terminal type file is specified in the logon string, that file remains active until the :BYE command is entered. Unless a terminal type file is specified in the logon string, the configured terminal type file associated with that ldev number is used until the :BYE command is entered.

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