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Obtains configuration and status information about a particular DTC.

Security level: 2.


DT[C] dtcnum



This is the number TermDSM associates with a particular DTC. The DTC command lists each DTC with its assigned number. This is also printed when you make a mistake while typing in a DTC number.


When this subcommand is entered, a large amount of information related to the DTC is printed on the terminal.

The following is a brief explanation of key fields printed on the terminal:

  • Machine Type. The HP product number of the DTC.

  • DTC Node Name. The user-assigned node name of the DTC.

  • NOVRAM Value. A code that indicates location of Nodal address and Boot Multicast address within DTC RAM.

  • Nodal address. 802.3 station address of the DTC.

  • Boot Multicast address. 802.3 multicast address which DTC uses when requesting its code file.

  • Host Node Address. 802.3 address of MPE/iX system that downloaded the DTC.

  • DTC Lan Multicast Addresses. These fields will be used by DTC diagnostics in future releases.

  • Selftest Status Readout. Provides results of most recent DTC selftest. The first two columns list and identify SIC cards. The next two columns show status of the SICs. For details on the DTC selftest readout, refer to the description of the DIAG Selftest DTC subcommand.

  • Version Numbers. The version numbers of hardware and software modules on the DTC.

The remaining fields provide a detailed record of DTC events. They tell what events are being logged (by MPE/iX) and list event frequencies. This information can be used by HP support representatives for detailed diagnosis of DTC problems. Further explanation of these fields is beyond the scope of this manual.

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