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A- aborted
reopen sessions, Transport Statistics
- adaptation
layer, kernel build, Kernel Build
- addresses
- IP, Static Discovery, iSCSI Software Initiator Name Resolution Daemon (iscsi_resolvd), Message Descriptions
- Operational targets, Configuring CHAP Authentication Uni-directional, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys
- routing failures, Transport Statistics
- alert
level syslog message, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- asynchronous
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- authentication. (see CHAP)
- AuthMethod
- examples, Authentication Method Configuration Examples
- login key configuration, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys
- overview, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator
C- CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Protocol)
- configuration, Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) Configuration
- failure messages, Transport Statistics, Message Descriptions, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- iradd daemon, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, iSCSI Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Daemon (iradd)
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
- , Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) Configuration
- (see also AuthMethod)
- clearing
statistics, timing of, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- close requests, session, Transport Statistics
- closed connections, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- configuration
- CHAP, Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) Configuration
- driver, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Configuration
- I/O Configuration Daemon, Transport Statistics
- iSCSI Software Initiator, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator
- iscsiutil tool, The iscsiutil tool
- login keys, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys
- connection statistics, driver, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- connectivity problem messages
- definition, Transport Statistics
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- critical
level syslog message, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
D- DA (Directory Agent)
- role of, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- daemons
- driver, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Daemon (iswd)
- ioconfigd, Transport Statistics
- iradd, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, Starting the iradd (iSCSI CHAP) Daemon, iSCSI Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Daemon (iradd), Transport Statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- iscsi_resolvd, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, iSCSI Software Initiator Name Resolution Daemon (iscsi_resolvd)
- islpd, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- , iSCSI Software Interface Driver Daemon (iswd)
- (see also iswd daemon)
- Data Digest
- errors, Software Interface Driver Statistics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- login keys, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys
- overview, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator
- Data-In
PDUs, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- debug
level syslog message, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- debugging file, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- devices. (see target storage systems)
- diagnostics
- descriptions, Message Descriptions
- driver-related, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- files for, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- message levels, Diagnostic Messages
- overview, Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- troubleshooting, Diagnostics
- Directory Agent (DA)
- function, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- Discovery
- login key issues, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys, Displaying Login Keys
- methods supported, Device Discovery
- SAM functions, SAM
- SendTargets commands, Transport Statistics
- tracking sessions, Transport Statistics
- disk
space problems, Troubleshooting the iSCSI Software Initiator Installation
- DNS (Domain Name Service) capability, Static Discovery, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Configuration
- downloading iSCSI Software
Initiator, Locating and Installing the iSCSI Software Initiator
- driver
daemon. (see iswd daemon)
- drivers
- (see iSCSI Software Interface Driver)
- dynamic Discovery, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery, Configuring iSCSI Service Location Protocol (SLP) Scope
E- EMS, Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- EMS (Event Monitoring Services), Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- EMS (Event Monitoring
- , Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- (see also diagnostics)
- ENETUNREACH error, System Startup
- error
level syslog message, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- error
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- system startup and SWD, System Startup
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- , Message Descriptions
- (see also syslog file messages)
- Event Monitoring Services (EMS), Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- Event Monitoring
Services (EMS)
- , Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- (see also diagnostics)
- exception
status class values, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- ext_bus instances, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
H- hardware
path representation, Hardware Path Representation
- HBA (Host Bus Adapter), Hardware Path Representation
- Header Digest
- error messages, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- examples, Header and Data Digest Configuration Examples
- login keys, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys
- overview, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator
- Host Bus Adapter (HBA), Hardware Path Representation
- host systems
- driver configuration, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Configuration
- static Discovery, Static Discovery
- hostname
- configuration, Configuring CHAP Authentication Bi-directional
- iscsi_resolvd daemon, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, iSCSI Software Initiator Name Resolution Daemon (iscsi_resolvd)
- resolution of, Transport Statistics, Message Descriptions
- hostname resolution daemon (iscsi_resolvd), iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- HP-UX Event
Monitoring Services (EMS)
- , Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- (see also diagnostics)
- HP-UX iSCSI Software Initiator. (see iSCSI Software Initiator)
- HP-UX iSCSI Software
Interface Driver, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- HP-UX operating system,
startup issues, System Startup
- HP-UX Support Tool Manager (STM), Diagnostics
I- I/O Configuration Daemon, Transport Statistics
- I/O functions
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- R2T responses, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- Immediate
Command Reject, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- info
level syslog message, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- informational (I) messages
- definition, Transport Statistics
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- initiator alias, Configuration with iscsiutil
- initiator
name, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator, Configuration with iscsiutil
- installation
- basic procedure, Locating and Installing the iSCSI Software Initiator
- file components, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- SLP server resources, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting the iSCSI Software Initiator Installation
- verification, Verifying the Installation
- interface driver. (see iSCSI Software Interface Driver)
- Internet protocols. (see iSCSI Software Initiator)
- Invalid
PDU field error, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- ioconfig file, Hardware Path Representation
- ioconfigd daemon, Transport Statistics
- ioscan command
- dynamic Discovery, Static Discovery
- iSCSI virtual node management, ioscan
- tracking, Transport Statistics
- verifying installation, Verifying the Installation
- IP addresses
- name resolution daemon, iSCSI Software Initiator Name Resolution Daemon (iscsi_resolvd)
- routing failures, Message Descriptions
- static Discovery, Static Discovery
- iradd daemon
- CHAP function, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, iSCSI Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Daemon (iradd)
- login failures, Transport Statistics
- starting, Starting the iradd (iSCSI CHAP) Daemon
- target authentication timeouts, Software Interface Driver Statistics
Software Initiator
- configuration, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator
- driver software, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Overview
- login key configuration, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys
- management of, SAM
- product overview, HP-UX iSCSI Software Initiator Features
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting the iSCSI Software Initiator Installation
- iSCSI Software Interface Driver, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- iSCSI Software
Interface Driver (SWD)
- configuration, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Configuration
- daemons, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Daemon (iswd)
- driver statistics, Management with iscsiutil, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Management, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Statistics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Statistics
- kernel build, Kernel Build
- management, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Management
- overview, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Overview
- specifications, Features
- syslog file messages, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- transport statistics, iSCSI Transport Statistics, Transport Statistics
- iSCSI specification compliance, HP-UX iSCSI Software Initiator Features
- iscsi statement, Kernel Build
Transport Driver, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- iscsi_dbg.0, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- iscsi_resolvd
daemon, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, iSCSI Software Initiator Name Resolution Daemon (iscsi_resolvd)
- iscsi_virtual_HBA, Hardware Path Representation
- iscsial statement, Kernel Build
- iscsidiag, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- iscsiutil tool
- Discovery process, Static Discovery
- driver management, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Management
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- file identification, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- functions, The iscsiutil tool
- transport statistics, iSCSI Transport Statistics, Transport Statistics
- islpd daemon
- dynamic Discovery, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- file identification, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- isw statement, Kernel Build
- iswd
- connection failures, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- driver configuration, Kernel Build
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- function, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Daemon (iswd)
- installation, Kernel Build
- overview, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
L- Lack
of Target Resources error, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- libiscsi.a
file, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- limitations
of iSCSI Software Interface Driver, Limitations
- log
files and troubleshooting, Troubleshooting the iSCSI Software Initiator Installation, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
- , Message Descriptions
- (see also syslog file messages)
- login failures
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- login negotiation, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
- syslog messages, Message Descriptions, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- login keys
- configuration, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys
- syslog messages, Message Descriptions
- types, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator
- logouts, tracking, Transport Statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- LUNs (logical unit numbers)
- and hardware path, Hardware Path Representation
- diagnostic messages, Message Descriptions
- SCSI-3 REPORT LUNs, Transport Statistics
- static Discovery, Static Discovery
- tracking unclaimed, Transport Statistics
- LVL_ALERT, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- LVL_CRIT, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- LVL_DEBUG, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- LVL_ERR, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- LVL_INFO, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- LVL_NOTE, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- LVL_PANIC, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- LVL_WARN, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
M- man pages, iSCSI, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- mass storage transport
protocol. (see iSCSI Software Initiator)
- master
iSCSI file, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- memory allocation failures
- diagnostic messages, Message Descriptions
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- memory
resource constraint failures, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- messages, types, Transport Statistics
- , System Startup, Message Descriptions
- (see also error messages)
- (see also syslog file messages)
N- name resolution daemon (iscsi_resolvd), iSCSI Software Initiator Name Resolution Daemon (iscsi_resolvd)
- name, driver, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Management
- NAS (Network Access
Server), Configuring CHAP Authentication Bi-directional, Starting the iradd (iSCSI CHAP) Daemon
- Negotiation
Reset errors, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- network protocols. (see iSCSI Software Initiator)
- NICs (Network Interface Cards), iSCSI Software Interface Driver Overview
- NOP-IN PDUs, unsolicited, Transport Statistics
- normal sessions
- definition, Static Discovery
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
- note level syslog message, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
O- offline session messages, Transport Statistics
- offline
state machine messages, Transport Statistics
- online state
machine messages, Transport Statistics
- open connections, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- open requests, session, Transport Statistics
- operating system (HP-UX), startup issues, System Startup
- operational
sessions, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices, Transport Statistics
- Operational target addresses
- CHAP procedures, Configuring CHAP Authentication Uni-directional
- login keys, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys
- overflows,
I/O, Software Interface Driver Statistics
P- panic level syslog message, Logging Levels for the syslog.log File
- Parallel SCSI vs.
iSCSI, Hardware Path Representation, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
- PDUs (Protocol Data Units)
- Data-In PDUs, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- exchange errors, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- function, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Overview
- kernel failures, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- NOP-IN, Transport Statistics
- PDU headers with errors, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- R2T, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- Reject, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- SCSI Response, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- Perl
scripts, iSCSI, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- physical vs. virtual HBA
nodes, Hardware Path Representation
- portal group tag, target, Static Discovery
- protocols, network. (see iSCSI Software Initiator)
R- R2T PDUs, Software Interface Driver Statistics
server daemon (iradd)
- CHAP function, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, iSCSI Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Daemon (iradd)
- login failures, Transport Statistics
- starting, Starting the iradd (iSCSI CHAP) Daemon
- target authentication timeouts, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- RADIUS server hostname, Configuring CHAP Authentication Bi-directional
- rebooting, Static Discovery, Kernel Build
- Reject PDUs, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- reopening
of sessions, Transport Statistics
- REPORT_LUNS command, Message Descriptions
- response code errors, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- root
path modifications for iSCSI, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator
S- S532iscsi, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, Troubleshooting the iSCSI Software Initiator Installation
- SA (Service Agent), Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- SAM (System Administration Manager), SAM
- SAM-2 (SCSI-3), Hardware Path Representation, Static Discovery, Transport Statistics
- Scope List, iSCSI, Configuring iSCSI Service Location Protocol (SLP) Scope
- SCSI INQUIRY commands, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices, Transport Statistics, Message Descriptions
Response PDUs, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- SCSI Services layer, Static Discovery
- SCSI-2, Hardware Path Representation, Static Discovery
- SCSI-3, Hardware Path Representation, Static Discovery, Transport Statistics
- SD (Software Distributor) tool, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- secret, CHAP, Configuring CHAP Authentication Uni-directional, Configuring CHAP Authentication Bi-directional, Message Descriptions
- SendTargets command
- syslog messages, Message Descriptions
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- Service Agent (SA), Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- services layer, Static Discovery
- sessions, iSCSI
- initiation of, Static Discovery
- ioscan operation, ioscan
- overflow error message, Message Descriptions
- transport statistics for, Transport Statistics
(Service Location Protocol)
- Discovery, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery, Configuring iSCSI Service Location Protocol (SLP) Scope
- driver specifications, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Configuration
- islpd daemon, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
rejects, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- socket interface, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Daemon (iswd)
- Software Distributor (SD) tool, iSCSI Software Initiator Components
- Software Interface Driver, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- Software Interface
Driver (SWD). (see iSCSI Software Interface Driver)
- specifications, driver, Features
- startup, system
- driver operation, System Startup
- name resolution daemon, iSCSI Software Initiator Name Resolution Daemon (iscsi_resolvd)
- script for, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, Troubleshooting the iSCSI Software Initiator Installation
- state machine messages, Transport Statistics
- static Discovery, Static Discovery, SAM
- statistics
- driver, Management with iscsiutil, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Management, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Statistics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Statistics
- transport, iSCSI Transport Statistics, Transport Statistics
- status sequencing
errors, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- STM, Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- STM log files, Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- streams
message failures, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- Support Tool Manager (STM), Diagnostics
- Support Tools Manager
(STM), Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- SWD (iSCSI Software Interface
Driver). (see iSCSI Software Interface Driver)
- syslog file messages
- descriptions, Message Descriptions
- driver-related, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- syslog.log
file, Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- system calls, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Daemon (iswd)
- system startup
- driver operation, System Startup
- name resolution daemon, iSCSI Software Initiator Name Resolution Daemon (iscsi_resolvd)
- script for, iSCSI Software Initiator Components, Troubleshooting the iSCSI Software Initiator Installation
T- target error (T) messages
- definition, Transport Statistics
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- target storage systems
- adding/deleting, Configuration with iscsiutil
- authentication failures, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- Discovery, Device Discovery, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator
- displaying, Management with iscsiutil
- hardware path, Hardware Path Representation
- login keys, Configuring the iSCSI Software Initiator
- Operational addresses, Configuring CHAP Authentication Uni-directional, Configuring iSCSI Login Keys
- SAM tool, SAM
- undetected, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
- Task in
progress errors, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- Task Management commands, Transport Statistics
- TCP port number, Static Discovery
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- tracking connections, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- technical specifications, driver, Features
- technical support
resources, Troubleshooting the iSCSI Software Initiator Installation
- timeout errors
- I/O, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- PDU exchange, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- target authentication, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- transient driver error (D) messages
- definition, Transport Statistics
- driver statistics, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- transport statistics, Transport Statistics
- transient state machine messages, Transport Statistics
- Transport Driver, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- transport layer, Kernel Build, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Overview
- transport statistics, iSCSI Transport Statistics, Transport Statistics
- troubleshooting
- installation, Troubleshooting the iSCSI Software Initiator Installation
- undetected target devices, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
- , Diagnostic Messages, Diagnostics, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Diagnostic Messages
- (see also diagnostics)
U- UA (User Agent), SLP
- Discovery, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- underflows,
I/O, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- underruns, I/O, Software Interface Driver Statistics
- undetected target devices, Troubleshooting Undetected Target Devices
- unexpected events, Transport Statistics
- Uni-directional CHAP authentication, Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) Configuration, iSCSI Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Daemon (iradd)
- User Agent
- Discovery, Service Location Protocol Based Dynamic Discovery
- user level processes, iSCSI Software Interface Driver Daemon (iswd)