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HP-UX 11i Version 2: December 2007 Update

Technical documentation

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pfs_mountd, pfs_mountd.rpc — PFS mount request server




This program is available with the Portable File System Package (PFS). pfs_mountd is an RPC server that answers file system mount requests. In the case of remote mount requests, it reads the file /etc/pfs_xtab, described in pfs_exports(5), to determine which file systems are available for mounting by which machines.

It is recommended that the pfs_mountd daemon be invoked by rc(1M). It must be invoked in the background.

The pfs mount daemon is composed of two programs: pfs_mountd and pfs_mountd.rpc. The pfs_mountd.rpc program should not be run directly. It is invoked by the pfs_mountd program.

The mount daemon assigns servers to mounted file systems in a round-robin fashion. For example, if there are four pfs daemons, and four pfs_mount's are performed, each daemon will be serving a different mount.



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PFS is obsolete and no longer supported on any HP-UX release. Delivery of PFS interfaces will be discontinued in the next HP-UX release.

PFS, from Young Minds, Inc. (now defunct), was originally adopted by HP to provide accessibility to Rock Ridge Interchange file system format on CD-ROM file systems. The equivalent functionality is now provided via the HP-UX CDFS file system type and HP-UX's standard file systems commands.

PFS has known functionality and performance problems. HP customers are urged to stop using the PFS interfaces, including these interfaces, pfs_mountd and pfs_mountd.rpc. Customers should move to accessing all CD-ROM file system formats by using the standard HP-UX commands, specifying the file system type as cdfs. For example, to mount a CD-ROM file system, use:

mount -F cdfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d4 /cdrom

There is no need to treat the cdfs file system type differently from any other file system type, therefore no special daemons or commands are required to access the variety of CD-ROM file system formats.

See mount(1M) and mount_cdfs(1M).


pfs_mountd was developed by Young Minds, Inc.

