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lio_listio() — start a list of asynchronous I/O operations


#include <aio.h>

int lio_listio(int mode, struct aiocb * const list[], int nent, struct sigevent *sig);


The lio_listio() function allows the calling process to request a list of asynchronous I/O operations with a single function call. The function call returns when all operation requests have been enqueued for processing. Once enqueued, processing of the operations may proceed concurrently with execution of the calling process thread.

The list argument is an array of nent pointers to aiocb structures. Each aiocb in list is treated as if it were being handled in a separate call to aio_read() or aio_write() depending on the value of its aio_lio_opcode. When aio_lio_opcode is LIO_READ, the aiocb is treated as though it had been referenced in a call to aio_read(), and the aio_fildes, aio_buf, and aio_nbytes fields are interpreted accordingly. When aio_lio_opcode is LIO_WRITE, the aiocb is treated as though it had been referenced in a call to aio_write(), and the aio_fildes, aio_buf, and aio_nbytes fields are interpreted accordingly. If aio_lio_opcode is LIO_NOP, nothing is enqueued.

If an error condition is detected that prevents the list from being processed, lio_listio() returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the cause of the failure. If any requests are enqueued by the call to lio_listio(), and mode is LIO_WAIT, then the function returns only after all enqueued operation requests have completed. The sig argument of the call is ignored. If mode is LIO_NOWAIT, the function returns as soon as all requests are enqueued. The sigevent action specified by sig is performed after all enqueued requests have completed.

Once the requested operations have been successfully enqueued, an aio_error() and aio_return() function referencing the corresponding aiocb from list must be used to determine their status and any error conditions, including those normally reported by read() or write(), as appropriate. Requests remain enqueued and consume process and system resources until aio_return() is called for each one.

Re-using, altering the contents of, or deallocating memory associated with the list or any aiocb referenced in list or the buffer referred to by list[n]->aio_buf while an asynchronous I/O operation is outstanding may produce unpredictable results because aio_return() has not been called for the aiocb.

To use this function, link in the realtime library by specifying -lrt on the compiler or linker command line.


When LIO_NOWAIT is set, lio_listio() returns the following values:


Success. All of the non-empty operations, if any, were successfully enqueued.


Failure or partial success. At least one requested operation was either not enqueued or completed with an error before the lio_listio() function call returned. errno is set to indicate the error.

When LIO_WAIT is set, lio_listio() returns the following values:


Success. All of the non-empty operations, if any, were successfully enqueued and completed.


Failure or partial success. At least one requested operation was either not enqueued or completed with an error. errno is set to indicate the error.

The three errno values EAGAIN, EINTR, and EIO are the only ones associated with partial success. aio_error() and aio_return() must be used to determine the outcomes of individual requests.


If lio_listio() detects one of the following error conditions, errno is set to the indicated value:


At least one request could not be queued either because of a resource shortage or because the per-process or system-wide limit on asynchronous I/O operations or asynchronous threads would have been exceeded.


The sigevent specified by sig is not valid.


The mode argument is neither LIO_WAIT nor LIO_NOWAIT.


The value of the nent argument is negative or greater than the maximum value allowed. The maximum value allowed can be obtained using the sysconf() call with the argument _SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX.


The mode argument was LIO_WAIT and a signal was delivered while waiting for the requested operations to complete. This signal may result from completion of one or more of the requested operations and other requests may still be pending or completed.

Once an operation has been enqueued by lio_listio(), all of the errors normally reported by the appropriate read() or write() function and the following errors may be reported asynchronously and returned in a subsequent call to aio_error() referencing the aiocb pointer supplied in the successful lio_listio() call.


The aiocbp->aio_fildes was not a valid file descriptor open for reading or writing as appropriate to the aio_lio_opcode.


The value of aiocbp->aio_reqprio is not valid, or the value of aiocbp->aio_nbytes is invalid, or the file offset implied by aiocbp->aio_offset or aiocbp->aio_offset+aiocbp->aio_nbytes is not valid.


One or more of the enqueued operations did not complete successfully.


The following code sequence and call to lio_listio() starts two asynchronous write operations and one asynchronous read operation and waits for all operations to complete.

#include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <aio.h> char buf1[4096], buf2[4096], buf3[4096]; int nent; struct aiocb myaiocb1, myaiocb2, myaiocb3; struct aiocb *list[] = { &myaiocb1, &myaiocb2, &myaiocb3 }; bzero( &myaiocb1, sizeof (struct aiocb)); bzero( &myaiocb2, sizeof (struct aiocb)); bzero( &myaiocb3, sizeof (struct aiocb)); myaiocb1.aio_fildes = open( "/dev/null", O_RDWR); myaiocb3.aio_fildes = myaiocb2.aio_fildes = myaiocb1.aio_fildes; myaiocb1.aio_offset = 0; myaiocb3.aio_offset = myaiocb2.aio_offset = myaiocb1.aio_offset; myaiocb1.aio_buf = (void *) buf1; myaiocb2.aio_buf = (void *) buf2; myaiocb3.aio_buf = (void *) buf3; myaiocb3.aio_nbytes = sizeof (buf3); myaiocb2.aio_nbytes = sizeof (buf2); myaiocb1.aio_nbytes = sizeof (buf1); myaiocb1.aio_lio_opcode = myaiocb3.aio_lio_opcode = LIO_WRITE; myaiocb2.aio_lio_opcode = LIO_READ; myaiocb1.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_NONE; myaiocb2.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_NONE; myaiocb3.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_NONE; retval = lio_listio( LIO_WAIT, list, 3, NULL ); if (retval) perror("lio_listio:"); while ( nent-- ) { (void) aio_return( list[nent] ); }


lio_listio(): POSIX Realtime Extensions, IEEE Std 1003.1b

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