HPlogo DTC Device File Access Utilities and Telnet Port Identification: HP 9000 Computers

Chapter 1 Introduction


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This manual explains how to use the DTC Device File Access Utilities (DDFA) and the Telnet Port Identification feature to communicate with HP 9000 serial devices connected to network terminal servers such as the HP Datacommunications and Terminal Controller (DTC) . DDFA facilitates the use of pseudoterminal (pty) device files to open outgoing Telnet connections to the DTC or other terminal server, while Telnet Port Identification uses them to establish incoming Telnet connections from known devices on the server. Telnet is one of the HP 9000 Internet Services (HP B1030B), formerly known as the HP 9000 ARPA Services.

DDFA was originally designed for use with DTCs, but as of HP-UX 10.0, it can now be used with other terminal servers which use addressing schemes similar to the DTC. There will be some guidelines on how to configure DDFA for use with non-DTC terminal servers, but the DTC will be used as the primary example throughout this manual.

In addition, there is general discussion on the topic of pty use with HP DTC terminal servers versus the HP MUX, and how to troubleshoot incoming and outgoing DDFA connections.

© 1995 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.