HPlogo HP C/HP-UX Release Notes: HP 9000 Series Systems

Chapter 3 Related Documentation


Technical documentation

Complete book in PDF

 » Table of Contents

  • HP C/HP-UX Reference Manual

    Provides reference material for the HP 9000 Series servers and workstations C compiler.

  • HP C Programmer's Guide

    Contains a detailed discussion about selected C topics for the HP 9000 Series servers and workstations. Chapter 4 of this book provides information on optimization. You can invoke the online HP C Programmer's Guide with the cc +help command.

  • HP PA-RISC Compiler Optimization Technology White Paper

    Describes the benefits of using optimization. For printed copies of this document, contact your local HP sales office, the Customer Information Center at (800) 752-0900, or HP DIRECT at (800) 637-7740.

    The white paper is also available in the file:

    • /opt/langtools/newconfig/white_papers/optimize.ps

    To order printed versions of Hewlett-Packard documents, refer to manuals(5).

  • System Release Notes

    Provides information on HP-UX compatibility topics, including binary compatibility.

  • HP-UX Linker and Libraries Online User Guide

    Replaces the manual Programming on HP-UX. To access the HP Linker and Libraries Online User Guide use the ld +help command.

NOTE: Users with character-based terminals or terminal emulators can use the charhelp program to view or print the online help provided for C and the linker.

To start charhelp enter the full pathname (or just charhelp if /opt/langtools/bin is in your $PATH environment variable), and you will get a usage statement:

$ /opt/langtools/bin/charhelp 
charhelp: Usage: charhelp {cc|CC|f77|ld| -helpVolume file}

For help with the C compiler, for example, enter /opt/langtools/bin/charhelp cc and follow the menus for further direction. For more information, see the man page for charhelp(1) (/opt/langtools/share/man/man1.Z must be in your $MANPATH environment variable).

© 1997 - Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.