HPlogo HP C/HP-UX Release Notes: HP 9000 Series Systems

Chapter 2 Installation Information


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Read this entire document, and any other Release Notes or READMEs you may have, before you begin an installation.

Be aware that, if you install all components included in the HP C/ANSI C Developer's Bundle, they occupy approximately 123 megabytes of disk space:

  • The HP C/ANSI C compiler uses approximately 18 megabytes. It includes the products:

    • C-ANSI-C

    • C-Dev-Tools

    • C-Analysis-Tools

    • Auxiliary-Opt

  • Other language tools and debuggers use approximately 30 megabytes. They include:


    • DDE

    • DebugPrg

    • HPPAK

    • XDB

  • The HP-UX Developer's Toolkit uses approximately 75 megabytes. It includes the products:

    • X11MotifDevKit

    • ImagingDevKit

    • AudioDevKit

    • TechPrintSvcDK

    • CDEDevKit

    • DigitalVideoDK

    • GraphicsPEX5DK

    • GraphicsSBaseDK

After loading your HP-UX 10.30 operating system, you can install your HP C/ANSI C Developer's Bundle. To install your software, run the SD-UX swinstall command (see swinstall(1M)). It will invoke a user interface that will lead you through the installation.

For more information about installation procedures and related issues, refer to Managing HP-UX Software with SD-UX and other README, installation, and upgrade documentation provided or described in your HP-UX operating system package.

NOTE: Most files related to the HP C compiler now are installed in the directories /opt/ansic and /opt/langtools. The installation scripts add /opt/ansic/bin and /opt/langtools/bin to the login file /etc/PATH. They also add /opt/ansic/share/man/%L:/opt/ansic/share/man and /opt/langtools/share/man/%L:/opt/langtools/share/man to the login file /etc/MANPATH. (%L is replaced by the value of the LC_MESSAGES environment variable when the man command is executed. It determines the language used for manpage searches. If LC_MESSAGES is not set, %L defaults to null. See environ(5).)

NOTE: The HP C/ANSI C compiler installation package provides the capability to create and remove transition links from HP-UX release 9.x locations to HP-UX release 10.x locations. The HP C/ANSI C product installs the ISU transition link table specification files on the system.

The Software Distribution update tool tlinstall will use these files to install transition links from HP-UX 9.x file and directory names to the corresponding HP-UX 10.x file and directory names. To remove these transition links, use the update tool tlremove. For more detail, read the update tools manpages. These tools are installed in /opt/upgrade/bin.

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