HPlogo HP C++ Version A.11.01 Release Notes: HP 9000 Computers > Chapter 3 Related Documentation

Online Documentation


Technical documentation

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Xwindow users can invoke the HP C++ Online Programmer's Guide in any of the following ways:

  • Use the +help option on the CC command line.

  • Click the ``?'' icon on the HP CDE front panel. Then select the HP C++ icon.

  • Execute the dthelpview command in located in /usr/dt/bin:

     	 /usr/dt/bin/dthelpview -h /opt/CC/dt/appconfig/help/C/CXX.sdl

    If your HP compiler is installed on another system or your system is not running HP CDE, this command may be useful.

The following online documentation is included with the HP C++ product:

  • HP-DDE Debugger Online Help

    Refer to the discussion on basic-style (not advanced-style) debugging of optimized code in the HP/DDE debugger online help.

  • To access the HP C++ Online Programmer's Guide, use the command:

    CC +help

    To access the HP Linker and Libraries Online User Guide use the command:

    ld +help

    The HP Linker and Libraries Online User Guide online guide replaces the manual Programming on HP-UX.

    NOTE: Users with character-based terminals or terminal emulators can use the charhelp program to view or print the online help provided for C++ and the linker.

    To start charhelp enter the full pathname (or just charhelp if /opt/langtools/bin is in your $PATH environment variable), and you will get a usage statement:

    $ /opt/langtools/bin/charhelp
    charhelp: Usage: charhelp {cc | CC | aCC | f77 | ld | -helpVolume file}

    For help with C++, for example, enter charhelp CC and follow the menus for further direction. For more information, see the man page for charhelp(1) (/opt/langtools/share/man/man1.Z must be in your $MANPATH environment variable).

    If the +help option does not work, ensure the environment variable DTHELPSEARCHPATH is set. (It may not be set if you rlogin to a system, for example.) If it is not set, use the following command to set it:

    eval $(dtsearchpath)

    Ensure the LANG environment variable is set, typically LANG=C.

    As a workaround, you can view the linker online help using the ? icon on the HP CDE front panel or by using one of the following commands:

    /usr/dt/bin/dthelpview -helpVolume linker


    /usr/dt/bin/dthelpview -h /opt/langtools/lib/linker/dt/appconfig/help/C/linker.sdl
  • HP C++ Templates Technical Addendum describes template implementation in HP C++. You can access the addendum from within the HP C++ Online Programmer's Guide. It is also available in the postscript file, /opt/CC/newconfig/TecDocs/templates.ps and in the ASCII file, /opt/CC/newconfig/TecDocs/templates.ascii.

  • HP C++ Troubleshooting Notes focuses on methods of diagnosing and solving problems you may encounter. It contains a "troubleshooting matrix" and a list of tools available online in the /opt/CC/contrib/Tools directory.

    The document is available online in the postscript file, /opt/CC/newconfig/TecDocs/tools.ps, and in the ASCII file, /opt/CC/newconfig/TecDocs/tools.ascii. You can access the ASCII file from within the HP C++ Online Programmer's Guide.

  • HP C++ Release Notes is this document. The online ASCII file can be found in /opt/CC/newconfig/RelNotes/CXX.release.notes.

  • The HP PA-RISC Compiler Optimization Technology White Paper describes the benefits of using optimization. It is available in the postscript file, /opt/langtools/newconfig/white_papers/optimize.ps.

  • Online manual pages for CC, c++filt, nm++, gprof++, and the standard libraries (stream, task, complex, codelibs, and standard components) are provided under /opt/CC/share/man.

© 1997 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.