HPlogo HP C++ Version A.11.01 Release Notes: HP 9000 Computers > Chapter 2 Installation Information

Migrating to the UNIX System V Release 4 (V.4) File System


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Two migration tools are provided for users. Either the system Upgrade Tools or the tlink_install script can be used to migrate from an HP-UX 9.x system to an HP-UX 10.x system.

If your system has Upgrade Tools installed (/usr/sbin/upgrade exists), transition links are created automatically upon product installation. A method of removing these links is also provided. For more information on automatic transition links refer to your operating system upgrade documentation.

If there are no Upgrade Tools on your system, you can use the C++ tlink_install script as a migration aid to create symbolic links for HP C++ product executables and include files when migrating from HP-UX 9.x locations to HP-UX 10.x locations. The script is located in /opt/CC/newconfig/tlink_install. Should you want to remove these links, use the script located in /opt/CC/newconfig/unlink_install. These scripts must be executed by a super user.

Note that to reverse your migration process, you must use the appropriate uninstall tool. That is, if links were installed using the system Upgrade Tools, they must be uninstalled using the system Upgrade Tools. If links were installed using the tlink_install script, they must be uninstalled with the unlink_install script.

© 1997 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.