HP 3000 Manuals

HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference MPE/iX 5.0 Documentation

HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference

Table of Contents

 HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference

   Ch 1.  Introduction to HP FORTRAN 77
      The FORTRAN 77 Compiler
      FORTRAN Vocabulary
          Sample FORTRAN Source File
          FORTRAN Terms
      Source File Structure

   Ch 2.  Language Elements
      The FORTRAN 77 Character Set
      Special Symbols
      Symbolic Names
          External Names
          FORTRAN Intrinsic Functions
      Data Types
          BYTE (LOGICAL*1) Data Type
             BYTE Constants
          INTEGER*2 Data Type
             INTEGER*2 Constant
          INTEGER*4 Data Type
             INTEGER*4 Constant
          REAL*4 Data Type
             REAL*4 Constant
          REAL*8 Data Type
             REAL*8 Constant
          REAL*16 Data Type
             REAL*16 Constant
          COMPLEX*8 Data Type
             COMPLEX*8 Constant
          COMPLEX*16 Data Type
             COMPLEX*16 Constant
          LOGICAL*2 Data Type
             LOGICAL*2 Constants
          LOGICAL*4 Data Type
             LOGICAL*4 Constants
          CHARACTER Data Type
             CHARACTER Constant
          Typeless Constants
          Hollerith Constants
          Octal Constants
             Octal Constants in Assignments
             Octal Constants as Actual Parameters
          Hexadecimal Constants
          Hexadecimal Constants in Assignments
          Hexadecimal Constants as Actual Parameters
          Simple Variables
             Array Declarators
             Adjustable Arrays
             Dynamic Arrays
             Array Element Storage
             Arrays as Parameters
          Character Substrings
          Structure Declarations
          Record Declarations
          Record References
          Arithmetic Expressions
             Hierarchy of Arithmetic Operators
             Consecutive Operators
             Expressions with Mixed Operands
             Arithmetic Constant Expressions
          Character Expressions
             Character Constant Expressions
          Relational Expressions
             Arithmetic Relational Expressions
             Character Relational Expressions
          Logical Expressions
          Bit Masking Expressions

   Ch 3.  FORTRAN Statements
      FORTRAN Statement Format
      Statement Classification
      Order of Statements
      ACCEPT Statement (Executable)
      ASSIGN Statement (Executable)
      Assignment Statement (Executable)
          Arithmetic Assignment Statement (Executable)
          Logical Assignment Statement (Executable)
          Character Assignment Statement (Executable)
          Aggregate Assignment Statement (Executable)
      BACKSPACE Statement (Executable)
      BLOCK DATA Statement (Nonexecutable)
      BYTE Statement (Nonexecutable)
      CALL Statement (Executable)
      CHARACTER Statement (Nonexecutable)
      CLOSE Statement (Executable)
      COMMON Statement (Nonexecutable)
      COMPLEX Statement (Nonexecutable)
      COMPLEX*8 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      COMPLEX*16 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      CONTINUE Statement (Executable)
      DATA Statement (Nonexecutable)
          Implied DO Loops in DATA Statements
      DECODE Statement (Executable)
      DELETE Statement (Executable)
      DIMENSION Statement (Nonexecutable)
      DO Statement (Executable)
          Labeled and Block DO Loops
             Labeled DO Loop
             Block DO Loop
          DO Loop Execution
          Implied DO Loop
          Implied DO Loops in Input/Output Statements
             Collapsed Implied DO Loop
          DO-WHILE Statement (Executable)
          Nesting DO Loops
          Ranges of DO Loops
          Extended Range DO Loop
          END DO Statement (Executable)
      DOUBLE COMPLEX Statement (Nonexecutable)
      DOUBLE PRECISION Statement (Nonexecutable)
      ELSE Statement (Executable)
      ELSE IF Statement (Executable)
      ENCODE Statement (Executable)
      END Statement (Executable)
      END DO Statement (Executable)
      END MAP Statement (Nonexecutable)
      END STRUCTURE Statement (Nonexecutable)
      END UNION Statement (Nonexecutable)
      ENDFILE Statement (Executable)
      ENDIF Statement (Executable)
      ENTRY Statement (Nonexecutable)
      EQUIVALENCE Statement (Nonexecutable)
          Equivalence of Character Variables
          Multi-Dimensioned Equivalence
      EXTERNAL Statement (Nonexecutable)
      FORMAT Statement (Nonexecutable)
      FUNCTION Statement (Nonexecutable)
      GOTO Statement (Executable)
          Unconditional GOTO Statement (Executable)
          Computed GOTO Statement (Executable)
          Assigned GOTO Statement (Executable)
      IF Statement (Executable)
          Arithmetic IF Statement (Executable)
          Logical IF Statement (Executable)
          Block IF Statement (Executable)
             IF-THEN Statement (Executable)
             ELSE Statement (Executable)
             ELSE IF Statement (Executable)
             ENDIF Statement (Executable)
             Nesting IF Statements
      IMPLICIT Statement (Nonexecutable)
      INCLUDE Statement (Nonexecutable)
      INQUIRE Statement (Executable)
      INTEGER Statement (Nonexecutable)
      INTEGER*2 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      INTEGER*4 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      INTRINSIC Statement (Nonexecutable)
      LOGICAL Statement (Nonexecutable)
      LOGICAL*1 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      LOGICAL*2 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      LOGICAL*4 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      MAP Statement (Nonexecutable)
      NAMELIST Statement (Nonexecutable)
      ON Statement (Executable)
      OPEN Statement (Executable)
      PARAMETER Statement (Nonexecutable)
          Alternate PARAMETER Statement (Nonexecutable)
      PAUSE Statement (Executable)
      PRINT Statement (Executable)
      PROGRAM Statement (Nonexecutable)
      READ Statement (Executable)
          Standard Input READ Statement (Executable)
          File READ Statement (Executable)
      REAL Statement (Nonexecutable)
      REAL*4 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      REAL*8 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      REAL*16 Statement (Nonexecutable)
      RECORD Statement (Nonexecutable)
      RETURN Statement (Executable)
      REWIND Statement (Executable)
      REWRITE Statement (Executable)
      SAVE Statement (Nonexecutable)
      Statement Function Statement (Nonexecutable)
      STOP Statement (Executable)
      STRUCTURE Statement (Nonexecutable)
          Field Declarations
          Unnamed Fields
          Data Initialization
          UNION Statement (Nonexecutable)
          MAP Statement (Nonexecutable)
      SUBROUTINE Statement (Nonexecutable)
      SYSTEM INTRINSIC Statement (Nonexecutable)
          A Value Parameter
          A Reference Parameter
          The ANYVAR Parameter and UNCHECKABLE_ANYVAR Option
          An EXTENSIBLE Parameter
          A DEFAULT_PARMS Parameter
          A READONLY Parameter
      TYPE Statement (Executable)
      UNION Statement (Nonexecutable)
      UNLOCK Statement (Executable)
      VIRTUAL Statement (Nonexecutable)
      VOLATILE Statement (Nonexecutable)
      WRITE Statement (Executable)

   Ch 4.  Input/Output
      Formatted Input/Output
          Formatted Input
          Formatted Output
          Carriage Control
      Format Specifications
          Format Specifications in Format Statements
          Format Specifications in Input/Output Statements
      Format Descriptors
          Numeric Format Descriptors
          Integer Format Descriptor (I)
          Real Format Descriptors (D, E, F, G)
          Floating-Point Format Descriptors (D, E)
          Fixed-Point Format Descriptor (F)
          Fixed- or Floating-Point Format Descriptor (G)
          Character Format Descriptors (A, R)
             Numeric Data with Character Format Descriptors
          Logical Format Descriptor (L)
          Octal Format Descriptors (@, K, O)
          Hexadecimal Format Descriptor (Z)
          Variable Format Descriptor (<expression>)
          Monetary Format Descriptor (M)
          Numeration Format Descriptor (N)
      Edit Descriptors
          Blank Interpretation Edit Descriptors (BN, BZ)
          End-of-Line Edit Descriptors (NL, NN, $)
          Plus Sign Edit Descriptors (S, SP, SS)
          Literal Edit Descriptors ('string', "string", H)
          Input Bytes Remaining Edit Descriptor (Q)
          Position Edit Descriptor (X)
          Tab Edit Descriptors (T, TL, TR)
          Record Terminator Edit Descriptor ( / )
          Colon Edit Descriptor ( : )
          Scale Factor Edit Descriptor (P)
      Repeat Specification
      Nesting of Format Specifications
      Processing a Format Specification
      Unformatted Input/Output
          Unformatted Input
          Unformatted Output
      List-Directed Input/Output
          List-Directed Input
          List-Directed Output
      Namelist-Directed Input/Output
          Namelist Specifier
          Namelist-Directed Input
          Namelist-Directed Output

   Ch 5.  File Handling
      The OPEN Statement
      The FNUM Procedure
      The FSET Procedure
      The UNITCONTROL Procedure
      Automatically Opening Files

   Ch 6.  Compiling and Running HP FORTRAN 77/iX Programs
      The FTNXL Command
      The FTNXLLK Command
      The FTNXLGO Command
      Running the Compiler
      Passing Run Command Parameters
      Listing Format

   Ch 7.  Compiler Directives
      Effects of the Directives
      ALIAS Directive
      ALIGNMENT Directive
      ANSI Directive
      ASSEMBLY Directive
      CHECK_ACTUAL_PARM Directive
      CHECK_FORMAL_PARM Directive
      CHECK_OVERFLOW Directive
      CODE Directive
      CODE_OFFSETS Directive
      CONTINUATIONS Directive
      COPYRIGHT Directive
      CROSSREF Directive
      DEBUG Directive
      ELSE Directive
      ENDIF Directive
      EXTERNAL_ALIAS Directive
      FTN3000_66 Directive
          FTN3000_66 CHARS
          FTN3000_66 IO
          FTN3000_66 LOGICALS
      HP1000 Directive
          ARRAYS Option
          ALIGNMENT Option
          STRING_MOVE Option
          DO_LOOP Option
      HP3000_16 Directive
      IF Directive
      INCLUDE Directive
      INIT Directive
      LINES Directive
      LIST Directive
      LIST_CODE Directive
      LITERAL_ALIAS Directive
      LOCALITY Directive
      LONG Directive
      LOWERCASE Directive
      MIXED_FORMATS Directive
      NLS Directive
      NLS_SOURCE Directive
      NOSTANDARD Directive
          CHARS Option
          LOGICALS Option
          IO Option
          SYSTEM Option
          INTRINSICS Option
          OPEN Option
      ONETRIP Directive
      OPTIMIZE Directive
          Flagging Uninitialized Variables
          Loop Unrolling
             Limits on Use
      PAGE Directive
          Page Eject with Control-L
      PAGEWIDTH Directive
      POSTPEND Directive
      RANGE Directive
      RLFILE Directive
      RLINIT Directive
      SAVE_LOCALS Directive
      SEGMENT Directive
      SET Directive
      SHORT Directive
      STANDARD_LEVEL Directive
      SUBTITLE Directive
      SYMDEBUG Directive
      SYMTABLE Directive
      SYSINTR Directive
      SYSTEM INTRINSIC Directive
      TABLES Directive
      TITLE Directive
      UPPERCASE Directive
      VERSION Directive
      WARNINGS Directive
      XREF Directive

   Ch 8.  Interfacing with Non-FORTRAN Subprograms
      Parameter Passing Methods
      Use of COMMON and Labels
      FORTRAN and C
          Parameter Passing Methods
          Complex Numbers
             Default Character Passing Method
      FORTRAN and Pascal Data Types
      Condition Codes
      Built-In Functions

   Ch 9.  Managing Run-Time Errors and Exceptions
      Trapping Run-Time Errors
          Trap Actions
             Arithmetic Trap Procedure
             System Trap Procedure
             Basic External Function Trap Procedure
             Internal Function Trap Procedure
             Control-Y Trap Procedure
          Exiting a Trap Procedure
      I/O Run-Time Errors

   Ch 10.  Data Format in Memory
      Overflow Conditions
      BYTE (LOGICAL*1) Format
      INTEGER*2 Format
      INTEGER*4 Format
      REAL*4 Format
      REAL*8 Format
      REAL*16 Format
      COMPLEX*8 Format
      COMPLEX*16 Format
      LOGICAL*2 Format
      LOGICAL*4 Format
      Character Format
      Hollerith Format

   Ap A. Diagnostic Messages
      Compile-Time Diagnostics
      Run-Time Errors
      Compile-Time Errors
      Compile-Time Errors (cont.)
      Compile-Time Warnings
      ANSI Warnings
      Run-Time Errors

   Ap B. Intrinsic Functions and Math Subroutines
      Invoking an Intrinsic Function
      Generic and Specific Function Names
      Summary of the Intrinsic Functions
          Notes for Tables B-1 through B-8
      FORTRAN Intrinsic Functions and Subroutines
          DATE Subroutine
          IDATE Subroutine
          EXIT Subroutine
          RAN Function
          SECNDS Function
          TIME Subroutine
             Setting the TZ Environment Variable
      Function Descriptions
          ABS Function
          ACOS Function
          ACOSD Function
          ACOSH Function
          AINT Function
          ANINT Function
          ASIN Function
          ASIND Function
          ASINH Function
          ATAN Function
          ATAN2 Function
          ATAND Function
          ATAN2D Function
          ATANH Function
          BADDRESS Function
          BTEST Function
          CHAR Function
          CMPLX Function
          CONJG Function
          COS Function
          COSD Function
          COSH Function
          DBLE Function
          DCMPLX Function
          DIM Function
          DNUM Function
          DPROD Function
          EXP Function
          IAND Function
          IBCLR Function
          IBITS Function
          IBSET Function
          ICHAR Function
          IEOR Function
          IMAG Function
          INDEX Function
      Function Descriptions (cont.)
          INT Function
          INUM Function
          IOR Function
          ISHFT Function
          ISHFTC Function
          IXOR Function
          JNUM Function
          LEN Function
          LGE Function
          LGT Function
          LLE Function
          LLT Function
          LOG Function
          LOG10 Function
          MAX Function
          MIN Function
          MOD Function
          MVBITS Subroutine
          NINT Function
          NOT Function
          QEXT Function
          QNUM Function
          QPROD Function
          REAL Function
          RNUM Function
          SIGN Function
          SIN Function
          SIND Function
          SINH Function
          SIZEOF Function
          SQRT Function
          TAN Function
          TAND Function
          TANH Function
          ZEXT Function

   Ap C. FORTRAN Comparisons
      Extensions to the Standard
          MIL-STD-1753 Extensions
          Other Extensions
      Comparison of HP FORTRAN 77 and FORTRAN 66/V
      Comparison of HP FORTRAN 77 and FORTRAN 7X

   Ap D. HP Character Set

   Ap E. Indexed Sequential Access Program

MPE/iX 5.0 Documentation