HP 3000 Manuals

DBUPDATE [ TurboIMAGE/XL Database Management System Reference Manual ] MPE/iX 5.0 Documentation

TurboIMAGE/XL Database Management System Reference Manual



Modifies values of data items in the entry residing at the current record
address of a specified data set.  To call DBUPDATE, you must open the
database in access mode 1, 2, 3, or 4.  The update is always carried out
correctly against the latest version of the data, regardless of
modifications made by other users.

In database access mode 1, 3, or 4, you can use DBUPDATE to modify the
values of detail data set search and sort items if permitted by the
critical item update (CIUPDATE) option settings for the database and the
current process.  Master data set key item values cannot be modified even
if CIUPDATE is permitted.




base                  is the name of the array used as the base parameter
                      when opening the database.  The first element of
                      the array must contain the base ID returned by
                      DBOPEN. (Refer to DBOPEN for more information about
                      base ID.)

dset                  is the name of an array containing the
                      left-justified name of the data set to be read, or
                      is an integer referencing the data set by number.
                      The data set name can be up to 16 characters long.
                      If shorter, it must be terminated by a semicolon or
                      a blank.

mode                  must be an integer equal to 1.

                      If your database is enabled for third-party
                      indexing (TPI), refer to your vendor documentation
                      for additional DBUPDATE mode information.  The
                      section on DBUTIL in chapter 8 of this book has a
                      brief description of the TPI option.

status                is the name of an array of 10 halfwords in which
                      TurboIMAGE/XL returns status information about the
                      procedure.  If the procedure operates successfully,
                      the status array contents are:

                      Element    Contents 

                      1          If the procedure succeeds, the return
                                 status is 0.  Table 5-23  describes
                                 the contents of element 1 when the
                                 procedure does not succeed.

                      2          Length of the values in buffer (in

                      3-10       Same word values set by preceding
                                 procedure call which positioned the data
                                 set at the current entry.  If critical
                                 item update is permitted, the value
                                 contained in element 3 determines the
                                 message returned.

list                  is the name of an array containing an ordered set
                      of data item identifiers, either names or numbers.
                      Values supplied in the buffer array replace the
                      values of data items occupying the same relative
                      position in the list array.  The user class
                      established when the database is opened must allow
                      at least read access to all the items included in
                      the list array.

                      If the corresponding buffer array values are the
                      same as the current data item values, the list 
                      array can include data items to which the user has
                      read access only, such as, key, search and sort
                      items.  This feature permits reading and updating
                      with the same list array contents.  Those items to
                      be updated must allow write access and cannot be
                      key, search, or sort items.

                      The list array can contain a left-justified set of
                      data item names, separated by commas and terminated
                      by a semicolon or a blank.  No embedded blanks are
                      allowed and no name can appear more than once.

                      When referencing by number, the first element of
                      the list array is an integer n followed by n unique
                      data item numbers (one-halfword positive integers).

                      The list not only specifies the data items to be
                      updated immediately but is saved internally by
                      TurboIMAGE/XL as the current list for this data
                      set.  The current list is unchanged until a
                      different list is specified in a subsequent call to
                      DBGET, DBPUT, or DBUPDATE for the same access path
                      and data set.

                      Some special list constructs are allowed.  These
                      are described in Table 5-20  with the DBPUT
                      procedure.  List processing is a relatively high
                      overhead operation that can be shortened
                      substantially in subsequent calls by using the
                      asterisk construct to specify that the current list
                      is to be used.

buffer                is the name of an array containing concatenated
                      values to replace the values of data items
                      occupying the same relative position in the list
                      array.  The number of halfwords for each value must
                      correspond to the number of halfwords required by
                      its type multiplied by the sub-item count.  Search
                      and sort item values can be included in this update
                      list if their values will not change.


Before performing an update for a database opened in access mode 1,
TurboIMAGE/XL verifies that locks are in effect to cover the data entry
both before and after it is modified.

The current record number, forward and backward pointers are unchanged.
(Refer to the description of status words 3 through 10.)

If the process is logging, a call to DBUPDATE causes a log record to be
written with such information as the time, date, user identification
number, and a copy of both the old and new data item values.

When DBUPDATE is called within a dynamic transaction, a log record is
written after the successful completion of the physical transaction.  If
the intrinsic cannot be completed, an error is returned.  This error
condition must be checked, and you must decide to use DBXUNDO, DBXEND, or
continue with the remainder of the dynamic transaction.  DBXUNDO will
abort the entire transaction.  DBXEND will terminate the dynamic
transaction; the modifications completed thus far within the transaction
will remain in the database.[REV END]

          Table 5-23.  DBUPDATE Return Status Values 

| File System, Memory       | -1       | FOPEN failure.                                      |
| Management, and           | -3       | FREADDIR failure.                                   |
| Transaction Management    | -4       | FREADLABEL failure.                                 |
| Failures:                 | -5       | FWRITEDIR failure.                                  |
|                           | -167     | Cannot begin MPE XL XM transaction:  XM error.      |
|                           | -168     | Cannot attach n to MPE XL XM: file system error nn. |
|                           | -169     | Invalid mode for XM attach options.                 |
|                           | -175     | Cannot attach n to MPE XL XM: XM error nn.          |
|                           | -176     | Cannot detach n from MPE XL XM: XM error nn.        |
|                           | -178     | Cannot detach n from MPE XL XM: file system error   |
|                           | -199     | nn.                                                 |
|                           | -209     | Cannot end MPE XL XM transaction:  XM error nn.     |
|                           |          | Invalid mode for XM detach options.                 |
| Calling Errors:           | -11      | Bad database reference.                             |
|                           | -12      | No locks cover the data entry to be updated.        |
|                           |          | (Occurs only if database is open in access mode 1.) |
|                           | -14      | Illegal intrinsic in current access mode.           |
|                           | -21      | Bad data set reference.                             |
|                           | -31      | Bad mode.                                           |
|                           | -51      | Bad list length.                                    |
|                           | -52      | Bad list or bad item.                               |
|                           | -82      | CIUPDATE is set to DISALLOWED; cannot use critical  |
|                           |          | item update.                                        |
|                           | -222     | Only DBXUNDO allowed when a dynamic transaction     |
|                           |          | encounters an error.                                |
| Communications Errors:    | -102     | DSWRITE failure.                                    |
|                           | -106     | Remote 3000 data inconsistent.                      |
|                           | -107     | NS 3000 or DS 3000 system error.                    |
- Logging System Failures:  - -111     - WRITELOG failure.                                   -
| Exceptional Conditions:   | -193     | DBU control block is full.                          |
|                           | -3nn     | Internal error.                                     |
|                           | 17       | No entry.                                           |
|                           | 41       | DBUPDATE attempted to modify value of critical      |
|                           |          | item--key, search or sort.                          |
|                           | 42       | Read only item.                                     |
|                           | 49       | Illegal buffer address.                             |
|                           | 50       | Buffer too small.                                   |
|                           | 62       | DBG full.                                           |
|                           | 63       | DBG disabled; potential damage; only DBCLOSE        |
|                           |          | allowed.                                            |

Appendix A contains more information about these conditions.

MPE/iX 5.0 Documentation