HP 3000 Manuals

DBPUT [ TurboIMAGE/XL Database Management System Reference Manual ] MPE/iX 5.0 Documentation

TurboIMAGE/XL Database Management System Reference Manual



Adds new entries to a manual master or detail data set.  The database
must be opened in access mode 1, 3, or 4.




base                  is the name of the array used as the base parameter
                      when opening the database.  The first element of
                      the array must contain the base ID returned by
                      DBOPEN. (Refer to DBOPEN for more information about
                      base ID.)

dset                  is the name of an array containing the
                      left-justified name of the data set to which the
                      entry is to be added, or is an integer referencing
                      the data set by number.  The data set name can be
                      up to 16 characters long.  If shorter, it must be
                      terminated by a semicolon or a blank.

mode                  must be an integer equal to 1.

                      If your database is enabled for third-party
                      indexing (TPI), refer to your vendor documentation
                      for additional DBPUT mode information.  The section
                      on DBUTIL in chapter 8 of this book has a brief
                      description of the TPI option.

status                is the name of an array of 10 halfwords in which
                      TurboIMAGE/XL returns status information about the
                      procedure.  If the procedure executes successfully,
                      the status array contents are:

                      Element    Contents 

                      1          If the procedure succeeds, the return
                                 status is 0.  Table 5-21  describes
                                 the contents of element 1 when the
                                 procedure does not succeed.

                      2          Length of logical entry in buffer array
                                 (in halfwords).

                      3-4        Word record number of new entry.

                      5-6        Word count of number of entries in
                                 chain.  If master data set, chain is
                                 synonym chain.  If detail data set,
                                 chain is current chain of new entry.

                      7-8        If master, word record address of
                                 predecessor on synonym chain.  If
                                 detail, word record number of
                                 predecessor on current detail chain.

                      9-10       If detail, word record number of
                                 successor on current chain.  If master,
                                 word zero.

list                  is the name of an array containing an ordered set
                      of data item identifiers; names or numbers.  The
                      new entry contains values supplied in the buffer
                      array for data items in the list array.  Search or
                      sort items defined for the entry must be included
                      in the list array.  Fields of unreferenced items
                      are filled with binary zeros.

                      The list array can contain a left-justified set of
                      data item names, separated by commas and terminated
                      by a semicolon or blank; no embedded blanks are
                      allowed, and no name can appear more than once.
                      For example:


                      When referencing by number, the first halfword of
                      the list array is an integer n that is followed by
                      n single positive integers identifying unique data
                      item numbers.  Example:  4 1 10 3 16 lists for the
                      four data item numbers 1, 10, 3, and 16.

                      The list specifies data items for which values are
                      supplied in the buffer array, and is saved
                      internally by TurboIMAGE/XL as the current list for
                      the data set.  The current list is unchanged until
                      a different list is specified in a subsequent call
                      to DBGET, DBPUT, or DBUPDATE for the same access
                      path and data set.

                      Some special list constructs are allowed.  These
                      are described in Table 5-20  and illustrated in
                      the programs in chapter 6.  List processing is a
                      relatively high overhead operation which can be
                      shortened in subsequent calls by using the asterisk
                      construct to specify that the current list is to be
                      used.  Be sure a current list exists before using
                      the asterisk construct, or a null list is assumed.

buffer                is the name of an array containing data item values
                      to be added.  The values must be in the same order
                      as their data item identifiers in the list array.
                      The number of halfwords for each value must
                      correspond to the number required by its type; for
                      example, I2 values must be 2 halfwords long.

          Table 5-20.  Special list Parameter Constructs 

|                   |                                |                                        |
|     Construct     |      list Array Contents       |                Purpose                 |
|                   |                                |                                        |
|                   |                                |                                        |
| Empty             | 0; or 0_ or ; or _             | Request no data transfer.              |
|                   | (0 must be ASCII.)             |                                        |
|                   |                                |                                        |
|                   |                                |                                        |
| Empty Numeric     | 0 (n, length of data item      | Request no data transfer.              |
|                   | identifier list, is zero)      |                                        |
|                   |                                |                                        |
|                   |                                |                                        |
| Asterisk          | *; or *_                       | Request procedure to use previous list |
|                   |                                | and apply it to same data set.  This   |
|                   |                                | construct saves TurboIMAGE/XL          |
|                   |                                | processing time, especially if more    |
|                   |                                | than one or two items are involved.    |
|                   |                                | If "*" is used to define the list in   |
|                   |                                | the first call to DBGET and DBPUT,     |
|                   |                                | TurboIMAGE/XL treats it as a zero.     |
|                   |                                |                                        |
|                   |                                |                                        |
| Commercial        | @; or @_                       | Request procedure to use all data      |
| At-Sign           |                                | items of the data set in the order of  |
|                   |                                | their occurrence in the entry.         |
|                   |                                |                                        |
|                                                                                             |
| Note:                                                                                       |
|                                                                                             |
|        _ indicates blank.                                                                   |
|                                                                                             |


When adding entries to master data sets, the following rules apply:

   *   The data set must be a manual master.

   *   The key item must be referenced in the list array and its value in
       the buffer array must be unique in relation to other entries in
       the master.

   *   Space must be available in the master set to add an entry.

   *   The order of data item values in the new entry is determined by
       the set definition in the schema and not by the order of the
       items' occurrence in the list and buffer arrays.

   *   Values for data items not included in the list array are filled
       with binary zeros.

   *   The caller must have a lock on the data set or the database if the
       database is open in access mode 1.

When adding entries to detail data sets, the following rules apply:

   *   The data set must have free space for the entry.

   *   If the database is opened in access mode 1, the caller must have a
       lock covering the entry to be added.

   *   All search and sort items defined for the entry must be referenced
       in the list array.

   *   Each related manual master data set must contain a matching entry
       for the corresponding search item value.  If any automatic master
       does not have a matching entry, it must have space to add one.
       This addition occurs automatically.

   *   The order of data item values in the new entry is determined by
       the set definition in the schema and not by the order of the
       items' occurrence in the list and buffer arrays.

   *   Values for data items not included in the list array are filled
       with binary zeros.

   *   The new entry is linked into one chain for each search item, or
       path, defined according to the search item value.  It is linked to
       the end of chains having no sort items and into its sorted
       position according to the collating sequence of the sort item
       values in the chain.  If two or more entries have the same sort
       item value, their position in the chain is determined by the
       values of the items following the sort item in the entry.  The
       position of an entry on a sorted chain is determined by a backward
       search of the chain beginning at the last entry.  The position is
       maintained by logical pointers rather than physical placement in
       the file.

   *   Proper Native Language collating sequence must be maintained for
       chain sorting.[REV BEG]

   *   If dynamic capacity expansion is allowed for the detail data set,
       when the detail data set reaches the end of the current allocation
       (that is, data set free count is zero), expansion is requested by
       the incremental amount.  If the expansion is successful, the new
       record is added to the database.  If the expansion is not
       successful, an error message is displayed, and the record is not
       added to the database.  If there is insufficient disc space to
       expand the data set to the full incremental amount, DBPUT will
       perform a partial expansion up to the disc space available.  DBPUT
       will terminate if there is no available group or account disc
       space even if there is enough system disc space.  (The current
       capacity for a data set can be displayed by the SHOW CAPACITY
       command in DBUTIL or the output buffer from DBINFO modes 202 and
       205.)[REV END]

The record in which the new data entry is placed becomes the current
record for the data set.  The forward and backward pointers reflect the
new entry's position.  Refer to the description of status elements 7
through 10.

The record number of the new data entry is returned to status halfwords
3-4; and its forward and backward pointers are returned in status
halfwords 7-8 and 9-10, respectively.  If you intend to use these numbers
for directed reads (see "Directed Access" in chapter 4), save them
because subsequent TurboIMAGE/XL procedure calls can overwrite the status

The execution of a call to DBPUT could require extensive resources
depending on the amount of chain maintenance required.  For example, when
an entry is added to a detail data set, the new entry must be linked to
all other related entries with the same key values and to all of its
related master entries.  This operation could involve many blocks of
data.  TurboIMAGE/XL prevents data block access conflicts with all other
users and ensures data integrity by applying a temporary lock on other
processes until the call to DBPUT completes.  The timing of this
temporary lock can be controlled with the PREFETCH option of DBUTIL.
Refer to "Coordinating Additions to a Database" in chapter 4 for
considerations when enabling or disabling this option.

Performance may be impacted by the number of entries incremented when
DBPUT is used to dynamically expand the detail data set.  The number of
disc extents used for the data set file may also impact the performance

If the process is logging, a call to DBPUT causes a log record to be
written with such information as the time, date, user identification
number, and a copy of the new record to be added.

If DBPUT is called within a dynamic transaction, a log record is written
after the physical transaction has been successfully completed.  If the
intrinsic cannot be completed, an error is returned.  This error
condition must be checked, and you must decide to use DBXUNDO, DBXEND, or
continue with the remainder of the dynamic transaction.  DBXUNDO will
abort the entire dynamic transaction.  DBXEND will terminate the dynamic
transaction; the modifications completed thus far within the transaction
will remain in the database.

          Table 5-21.  DBPUT Return Status Values 

| File System, Memory       | -1       | FOPEN failure.                                      |
| Management, and           | -3       | FREADDIR failure.                                   |
| Transaction Management    | -4       | FREADLABEL failure.                                 |
| Failures:                 | -5       | FWRITEDIR failure.                                  |
|                           | -6       | FWRITELABEL failure.                                |
|                           | -167     | Cannot begin MPE XL XM transaction:  XM error nn.   |
|                           | -168     | Cannot attach n to MPE XL XM: file system error nn. |
|                           | -169     | Invalid mode for XM attach options.                 |
|                           | -175     | Cannot attach n to MPE XL XM: XM error nn.          |
|                           | -176     | Cannot detach n from MPE XL XM: XM error nn.        |
|                           | -178     | Cannot detach n from MPE XL XM: file system error   |
|                           | -199     | nn.                                                 |
|                           | -209     | Cannot end MPE XL XM transaction:  XM error nn.     |
|                           |          | Invalid mode for XM detach options.                 |
| Calling Errors:           | -11      | Bad database reference.                             |
|                           | -12      | No lock covers the data entry to be added.  (Occurs |
|                           |          | only if database is open in access mode 1.)         |
|                           | -14      | Illegal intrinsic in current access mode.           |
|                           | -21      | Bad data set reference.                             |
|                           | -23      | Data set not writable.                              |
|                           | -24      | Operation not allowed on automatic master data set. |
|                           | -31      | Bad mode.                                           |
|                           | -51      | Bad list length.                                    |
|                           | -52      | Bad list or bad item.                               |
|                           | -53      | Missing search or sort item.                        |
|                           | -222     | Only DBXUNDO allowed when a dynamic transaction     |
|                           |          | encounters an error.                                |
| Communications Errors:    | -102     | DSWRITE failure.                                    |
|                           | -106     | Remote 3000 data inconsistent.                      |
|                           | -107     | NS 3000 or DS 3000 system error.                    |
- Logging System Failures:  - -111     - WRITELOG failure.                                   -
| Exceptional Conditions:   | -193     | DBU control block is full.                          |
|                           | -196     | DBB control block is full.                          |
|                           | 16       | Data set full.                                      |
|                           |          | (In the following messages, dataset# and FSERR #    |
|                           |          | will be replaced by the actual number.)             |
|                           |          | DBPUT cannot expand dataset#:  dataset at maximum   |
|                           |          | capacity.                                           |
|                           |          | DBPUT dataset# incomplete expansion:  File system   |
|                           |          | error #.                                            |
|                           |          | DBPUT cannot expand dataset#:  Out of disc space    |
|                           |          | (FSERR #).                                          |
|                           | 18       | Broken chain; forward and backward pointers not     |
|                           |          | consistent.                                         |
|                           | 43       | Duplicate key item value.                           |
|                           | 62       | DBG control block is full.                          |
|                           | 63       | DBG disabled; potential damage; only DBCLOSE        |
|                           | 1nn      | allowed.                                            |
|                           | 2nn      | Missing chain head for path number nn.              |
|                           | 3nn      | Full chain for path number nn.                      |
|                           |          | Internal error.                                     |

Refer to appendix A for more information about these conditions.

MPE/iX 5.0 Documentation