Year 2000

We hereby certify QueryCalc to be
fully compliant with the Year 2000
on the HP3000.

In fact, QueryCalc has always been Y2K compliant. QueryCalc's internal calendar runs from January, 1583 to January, 10,000.

The year 1583 is the first full year of the Gregorian calendar. The year 10,000 is the first year that will require 5 digits in the year number. Any date between these extremes is an acceptable date to QueryCalc.

QueryCalc has been tested to found to be fully functional for the 1999/2000 year crossover, for the year 2010, and for the year 2025. The testing was conducted on both an MPE V 3P machine and an MPE/iX 5.0 machine.

However, because QueryCalc is a report writer, QueryCalc and its reports are also a reflection of the information held within your databases. Existing reports that use two-digit dates will clearly have to be modified by you to be fully Y2K compliant.


At the moment, the largest internally maintained date that MPE may be set to is December 31, 2027, thus QueryCalc routines that call out the system date will fail if further modifications to the MPE operating system are not performed by Hewlett Packard before January 1, 2028. All other date routines will reliably work until the year 10,000.

Similarly, but of far less interest, it is currently known that two or three leap days will need to be inserted into the calendar before the year 10,000. No governmental body has yet determined when those leap days are to be observed, thus the calendar that QueryCalc has programmed within it will be in error by one day in about one thousand years and that error will grow by one day approximately every 3000 years.

Intro   QueryCalc   AICS Research
