AICS Research

The Comments & Observations
of a Few Long-time Users

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Picture of Alfredo Rego

Alfredo Rego
Adager Corporation
Sun Valley, Idaho

Those of you who know Adager are well aware that we treasure excellence. It is part of what we do. It is part of the "Adager Way." We also want it to be very much part of the way that we run our business.

Thus, when we find a solution like QueryCalc, we want the world to know about it. To that end, a little while ago, without first asking permission from AICS, we created a full-color Adager advertisement about QueryCalc that we ran in several of the HP3000 trade publications, simply to express our joy with QueryCalc. You can still see a copy of that ad on Adager's web site in either HTML format or the way that it originally appeared, in Adobe Acrobat's much richer PDF format.

When you get a fax from Adager now, it is created on the HP3000, in QueryCalc. When you get an Adager update tape, all of the personalized material in the package is created in QueryCalc. Even the UPS label, with its Adager logo and bar codes, is created in QueryCalc automatically on the HP3000.

Rene Woc, Adager's General Manager, tells me that what he likes most about QueryCalc is the part that you don't immediately see when you first begin to use the product: the business model that underlies the design of QueryCalc.

You quickly forget that QueryCalc is a report writer. As you begin to integrate QueryCalc into your operation, it becomes part of the way by which you conduct your business. QueryCalc has allowed us to automate operations which were not possible with previous products, and its modular approach made it possible to integrate QC into our existing operations on a step-by-step basis, freeing our staff to perform additional activities.

QueryCalc's PostScript output option has also allowed us to significantly cut our pre-printed materials cost and has simplified our pre-printed forms requirements. Yet for all of its power, QueryCalc uses very little in terms of HP3000 resources.

But the greatest value has been QueryCalc's support. It has always been just a dial tone away. We've found QC's support to be very willing to go in-depth into the application flow and implementation. We've gotten our support calls answered no matter the day of the week or time of the day.

As I write these notes I realize once more how much QueryCalchas helped us improve our business operation. Mil gracias.

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