AICS Research

VISA Payment

Last updated:

November 15, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.14

Report highlights

This report produces a detail list of VISA advances/payments from the HISTRY database(s) for a specified range of dates. These transactions are written into a KSAM database. The database is then read to produce a detail report of VISA transactions and formats an output file which can be transmitted to Connect One for Equifax.

This report has been automated to run each night without input or interference from an operator. In this way, the report is printed and waiting on the department printer when employees come in in the morning. A template is provided to allow the report to be run for operator determined date ranges.

This model assumes that your VISA program is offline, that your processor is Equifax, that the VISA command is used to record payments/advances and that ATCH records are maintained for all VISA cards with a type code of "V".

Files included
  • VISAPmtW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • VISAPmtM - QueryCalc macro
  • VISAPmtR - ASCII file which stores the report dates
  • VISAPmtD - sample ASCII file which is transmitted to Connect One
  • VISAPmtJ - job which runs the macro
  • TVISAPm1 - template which runs the macro
  • TVSAXmt1 - template which transmits the data to Connect One
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions

Databases accessed
  • HISTRE - Spectrum Image Database
  • HISTRY - Spectrum Image Database
  • MEMBRS - Spectrum Image Database
  • MEMBR2 - Spectrum Image Database
    - KSAM Database created by QueryCalc

Special Requirements

Postscript printer. In order to print the report to the postscript form provided, you must have a postscript printer. If you do not have a postscript printer, you will edit the layout page(s).

Transmission. This report creates a file formatted for transmission to Connect One for Equifax. If you use a different vendor, the layout may have to be modified.

QC Reports   QueryCalc
