AICS Research


Last updated:

March 5, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.13

Report highlights

This report creates three ASCII files which are downloaded to a pc or LAN and then read by ProfitStar. The three files created represent the Loan, CD and GL download files requested by ProfitStar.

Information included in these files is customizable by the user. Additional fields may be added and existing fields may be changed or deleted as desired.

The worksheet is all that is necessary to create the files. However, the report has been automated to run when the GL books are closed without input or interference from an operator. The files are prepared and waiting for the user to initiate a file transfer.

Files included
  • ProStarW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • ProStarM - QueryCalc macro
  • ProStarJ - job which runs the macro
  • ProStar - a sample reflection basic script for downloading the ASCII files.
  • Download - a sample file for setting up the ProfitStar download.
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions

Databases accessed
  • GLDATA - Spectrum Image Database
  • REPORT - Spectrum Image Database (copy of MEMBRS)

Special Requirements


QC Reports   QueryCalc
