AICS Research

Loan Report

Last updated:

February 15, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.13

Report highlights

MCU uses K-method loan transfers for a large number of loan payments. A weakness was found in processing partial payments. When a partial payment was made to a loan, the program correctly assumed that the loan was still not current. On subsequent runs of the program, however, we found that a full loan payment was taken. (Note: Summit has fixed the logic associated with this program. However, the principle of creating tag files is still valid.)

The K-method job has the ability to read a "tag file " created for it. We use QueryCalc to create this tag file. By identifying the correct amount due on the accounts, we decreased the amount of time employees spent fixing problems that were avoidable.

A job and macro are included to make running the report easier. The job can be added to the schedule to automate the entire process. In fact, we have the payroll posting jobs stream this job so K-method transfers are posted after every payroll run.

Files included
  • KMethodW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • KMethodM - QueryCalc macro
  • KMethodJ - job which runs the macro
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions

Databases accessed
  • MEMBRS - Spectrum Image Database

Special Requirements


QC Reports   QueryCalc
