AICS Research


Last updated:

November 12, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.14

Report highlights

This report gathers information about returned sharedrafts from the SDRTRN database. This information is formatted into a file that can be downloaded into the FedLine terminal and transmitted to the Federal Reserve Bank.

Drafts are added to the database using Spectrum's PDSDRADD program. They may be modified using an RTCH command, or deleted using an RTDL.

A template has been created that allows an operator to input the date of the return items. This template has been added to a menu that can be accessed from the front office using a RUN command.

Files included
  • FedRtnW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • FedRtnM - QueryCalc macro
  • FedRtnR - ASCII file which stores the report date
  • TFedRtn1 - template which runs the macro
  • FedRtnD - sample QueryCalc output file
  • FedRtnS - sample ASCII file which is transferred to FedLine
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions
  • FedRtn.rcl - sample Reflection script to transfer the file

Databases accessed
  • MEMBRS - Spectrum Image Database
  • SDRTRN - Spectrum Image Database

Special Requirements

Transmission. This report creates a file formatted for transmission to the Federal Reserve Bank. If you use a different processor, the layout may have to be modified.

QC Reports   QueryCalc
