AICS Research


Last updated:

February 15, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.13

Report highlights

This worksheet doesn't actually report anything. Instead, it creates three KSAM databases. It shows you just how easy creating a KSAM database is using QueryCalc's PRINTDB method. These databases are created as a precursor to calculating many of our end-of-month reports (e.g. the fee tag file report, the age analysis report and the department profile report).

By printing the information into a KSAM database, the longer, initial search for the information only has to be performed once. Subsequent requests from the KSAM database are much quicker.

Note that until these databases are replaced, they continue to hold information from a specific point in time.

The worksheet is all that is necessary to create the report. A job and macro are included to help automate running the report at the end of the month.

Files included
  • EoMonDbW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • EoMonDbM - QueryCalc macro
  • EoMonDbJ - job which runs the macro
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions

Databases accessed
  • ACH - Spectrum Image Database
  • HISTRY - Spectrum Image Database
  • REPORT - Spectrum Image Database (copy of MEMBRS)
  • MCUDB - Pseudodatabase created by Mizzou Credit Union

Special Requirements

Other Reports. The pseudodatabase used, (MCUDB) must be downloaded from this site and added to the QueryCalc dictionary.

QC Reports   QueryCalc
