AICS Research


Last updated:

February 15, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.13

Report highlights

MCU has, within its field of membership, several employer groups. We attempt to classify these groups by using the department code field on the MECH screen. This report reads that field and produces a summary profile for all members identified with this code.

The macro provided demonstrates a looping technique that reads and uses items stored in a storelist. Each time an item is read from the list, the macro loops through a series of commands. In this example, the department code field is written back to the worksheet and used as the basis for calculating the group's profile. In this way, the report will always be correct. No groups will go unreported and the entire membership will be represented.

Modifying the query that defines storelist !A will allow you to base your analysis on any field you wish. Changing the queries on row 8 of page B can customize the summary data reported.

A job is included to allow the report to be automated to run at the end of the month without input or interference from an operator. In this way, the report is printed and waiting with the other month end reports.

Files included
  • DepCodeW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • DepCodeM - QueryCalc macro
  • DepCodeJ - job which runs the macro
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions

Databases accessed
    - Spectrum Image Database (copy of MEMBRS)
    - KSAM Database created by QueryCalc
    - KSAM Database created by QueryCalc

Special Requirements

PostScript printer. In order to print the report to the PostScript form provided, you must have a PostScript printer. If you do not have a PostScript printer, you will need to edit the layout page(s).

Other Reports. The KSAM databases accessed are created with the End-of-Month Database Report. It also requires the MCU Pseudodatabase to be loaded.

QC Reports   QueryCalc
