AICS Research


Last updated:

February 15, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.13

Report highlights

One of the strengths of QueryCalc as a report writer is that you cannot alter the data in your database. This allows users the freedom to "be aggressive" in programming their reports. However, there are times when changing your database is exactly what you need to do. Query can alter the databases but is a very primitive report writer. This report shows you a way to combine the strength of QueryCalc with the write capability of Query to arrive at the solution you need.

MCU processes VISA cards offline. The processor sends a file periodically which a Summit process reads. This file is added to the DFILES database and the information becomes available using the CSG1 command. This works great as long as the information being received from the processor is correct. However, we found that even after we had requested a card to be deleted (e.g. a classic card is replaced with a gold card), the processor was not always quick to update their system. If a file was received and more than one card was assigned to an account, the first card on the file would be displayed by the CSG1 command. This resulted in employees giving out erroneous data to members. Because the Call24 system is also reading this file, members would get erroneous data through this system as well.

The solution was to identify VISA card numbers that we knew were erroneous and delete them from the DFILES database. That was fine, but each time the VISA processor sent a new file (daily) the old card got added back into the system. It would continue to be added until the processor finally got around to deleting the card from their report file. (Everyone knows how easy and prompt vendors are about responding to your requests.)

This worksheet allows MCU to maintain a database of " bad" VISA card numbers. If a number needs to be added to the list, a template has been created to allow a new card to be added to the list. Then the report is recalculated and "writes" a second job that uses Query to delete the erroneous entries from the database. If no new items are being added, the second job can be streamed to insure the database is "clean". Now, whenever we receive a file from the VISA processor, we have incorporated into our procedure the step of streaming the second job to clean up the database. The job even sends e-mail to the appropriate staff members letting them know that the database has been cleansed.

Files included
  • DelVISAW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • DelVISAM - QueryCalc macro
  • DelVISAR - ASCII file which stores the card numbers
  • TDelVsa1 - template which runs the macro
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions

Databases accessed
  • DFILES - Spectrum Image Database

Special Requirements

PostScript printer. In order to print the report to the PostScript form provided, you must have a PostScript printer. If you do not have a PostScript printer, you will need to edit the layout page(s).

Warning!! Used properly, the jobs associated with this report will delete the credit card records listed in DELVISAR from the DFILES database.

QC Reports   QueryCalc
