AICS Research

CD Maturity

Last updated:

February 15, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.13

Report highlights

This management report summarizes when funds held in certificates of deposit are scheduled to mature. It also indicates the average cost of funds for the certificates in each time period. The find can easily be modified to limit the report to 1 (or a group) of certificate products.

The worksheet is all that is necessary to create the report. However, the report has been automated to run at the end of the month without input or interference from an operator. In this way, the report is printed and waiting with the other month end reports.

Files included
  • CDMaturW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • CDMaturM - QueryCalc macro
  • CDMaturJ - job which runs the macro
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions

Databases accessed
    - Spectrum Image Database (copy of MEMBRS)

Special Requirements

PostScript printer. In order to print the report to the PostScript form provided, you must have a PostScript printer. If you do not have a PostScript printer, you will need to edit the layout page(s).

QC Reports   QueryCalc
