AICS Research

List Report

Last updated:

February 15, 1999
Summit Spectrum 28.13

Report highlights

One member, one vote is the democratic concept at the heart of the difference between credit unions and banks. When it is time to put this philosophy into practice, you need a way to identify members in good standing that are allowed to vote on credit union issues.

Although this is also a detail report, we found that it simply took too much paper to only print one member per line. Instead, we wanted to be able to print two members per line. This was accomplished using the REPORT command to read the output from the detail report. We also wanted to be able to separate the board members and employees from other members, since they were the primary attendees at the annual meeting. This was accomplished by creating a pseudodatabase of board members and flagging all active employee accounts.

The macro separates members into various alphabetic categories (e.g. names starting with the letter(s) "A"). Then all members meeting these criteria are printed out.

A job is also included to make running the report easier. The job can be added to the schedule to automate the entire process.

Files included
  • BallotW - QueryCalc worksheet
  • BallotM - QueryCalc macro
  • BallotJ - job which runs the macro
  • Readme.txt - a text file of instructions

Databases accessed
    - Spectrum Image Database
    - Spectrum Image Database (copy of MEMBRS)
    - Pseudodatabase created by Mizzou Credit Union

Special Requirements

PostScript printer. In order to print the report to the PostScript form provided, you must have a PostScript printer. If you do not have a PostScript printer, you will need to edit the layout page(s).

Other Reports. The MCU Pseudodatabase used must be installed.

QC Reports   QueryCalc
