Equater! Equater!

Financial, Statistical, Scientific & Programmer's Calculators for the HP3000

The Free Use &
Distribution of Equater!

Equater! is freely distributed to all HP3000 users for their personal and corporate use, without time limit or any form of obligation being incurred by any party. The free distribution of Equater! is a promotional mechanism, the purpose of which is to introduce AICS Research and the quality of its products, especially QueryCalc, to the HP3000 user community.

Equater! is a set of four calculators for the HP3000: financial, statistical, scientific & programmer's. Each calculator is equal or better than the best equivalent handheld calculator - and much easier to use. Extensive on-line help accompanies each calculator.

Equater! is the copyrighted property of AICS Research, Inc., PO Box 4691, University Park, NM 88003, USA. The sale of Equater! by any party other than AICS Research is strictly prohibited. Equater! is a gift to the HP3000 community.
Features of the Financial Calculator
  • Mathematical functions include: integer, fraction, trigonometric functions (including arc, hyperbolic and archyperbolic trig), factorial, square root, random number generator, logarithmic and exponential calculations
  • Amortization calculator
  • Cashflow calculator
  • Leasing calculator
  • NPV/IRR calculator
  • Depreciation calculator
  • Perpetual calendar
  • Days difference calculator
  • Table of common business ratios
  • On-line manual explaining the theory of cashflows in detail

Features of the Scientific Calculator
  • Mathematical functions include: integer, fraction, trigonometric functions (including arc, hyperbolic and archyperbolic trig), factorial, square root, random number generator, logarithmic and exponential calculations
  • Complex number calculations
  • Polar/rectangular conversion functions
  • Numerical integration calculator
  • Numerical differentiation calculator
  • Units (length, mass, volume, etc.) conversion calculator
  • Useful Tables (properties of free space, periodic table of elements, etc.)
  • On-line manual explaining the theory of complex numbers in detail

Features of the Statistical Calculator
  • Mathematical functions include: integer, fraction, trigonometric functions (including arc, hyperbolic and archyperbolic trig), factorial, square root, random number generator, logarithmic and exponential calculations
  • One- and two-dimensional data entry routines
  • Statistical significance calculator
  • Trend/forecasting calculator
  • On-line manual explaining the theory of statistical significance tests in detail

Features of the Programmer's Calculator
  • Simulated accumulator and appropriate arithematic operators
  • Octal/hex/decimal conversion calculator
  • ASCII/EBCDIC tables in hex, octal or decimal
  • Load/store accumulator from/to memory locations
  • On-line manual explaining the basic theory of a digital computer

Equater! was written by Dawson Schaffer and Wirt Atmar. The current download version is Version 1.4 11/90 © 1990 AICS Research
Download Equater! here. (208K)

Using an MPE Store-To-Disk format
equatstd.wrq (326K) with Reflection Labels,
equatstd.bin (326K) with binary FTP,
skip steps 1-5, use the RESTORE command, add CAP=+PH as in step4, and go on to step 6.
:file E=equatstd;dev=disc

Downloading Instructions

Although downloading Equater! is quite simple, you may wish to print these instructions before proceeding. The procedure outlined below requires the use of: (i) a relatively recent version of the Reflection terminal emulator and (ii) either Netscape Navigator 3.0 (or greater) or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 (or greater), running on any version of Windows (3.x, 95, or NT). If you're missing any of these pieces, the downloading procedure unfortunately will not work.

Step 1.
Click on the download link above. Store the self-extracting file (equater.exe) anywhere you wish on your PC. Its residency on your PC will only be temporary. At the conclusion of the downloading process, after Equater! has been successfully transfered to your HP3000, this file will be deleted.
Step 2.
Once the file has been downloaded, double click on the newly downloaded file. When you press the UnZip button, the file will unzip itself and automatically build an AICS directory (folder) on the C: drive, with a subdirectory (subfolder) labeled Equater.
Step 3.
You will now find six files in the Equater subdirectory. The six files are the Equater! calculator and its attendant on-line manuals, help files, and UDC file. These files are stored in Reflection's WRQ protocol (LABEL mode) and must be transferred back onto your HP3000 in that format. The particular version of Reflection that was used to originally upload these six files was 5.10. It would probably be best to use a reasonably similar version.
Step 4.
Using Reflection, sign onto your HP3000 as MANAGER.SYS. Please type (typing each separate command as one long line; no carriage returns):


Step 5.
Using Reflection, transfer the six files, using LABEL mode transfer, into the AICS group of the SYS account.
Step 6.
Once the transfer is complete, please type:



The UDCs :EQ, :EQF, :EQS, :EQX, :EQP will now activate Equater from every account. This procedure will work without disturbing any user. System-wide UDCs can be added at any time. The UDCs do not take effect, however, until the user signs on again and re-establishes his or her UDC set. The first UDC (:EQ) activates Equater! normally. The others skip the initial screens and jump directly to the financial, statistical, scientific, and programmer's calculators, respectively.
Step 7.
Test your newly downloaded version of Equater! by signing on to any account and typing any one of the UDCs we just added in the previous step.
Step 8.
Once you are satisfied that Equater! is indeed working, you may leave Reflection and delete the self-extracting downloader file (equater.exe) as well as the Equater! subdirectory and its six files from your PC's file directory.
Step 9.
Congratulations on a successful download. We sincerely hope you enjoy your new copy of Equater!.

AICS Research
