Version 1.1.17

Downloading Elegance

Downloading and installing the Elegance screensaver is a very simple process. Don't be deterred by the length of these instructions. They're merely explained here in detail for your convenience. However, you may wish to print this page out before you begin.

Step One:

Click here to download Elegance:

Download Elegance (100K)

Once downloaded, save Elegance to your "C:\Windows" (or the "C:\WinNT") folder, depending on which version of the Windows operating system you're using. This is where Windows will look for its screensavers.

Step Two:

Minimize some or all of your programs so that you see at least a portion of the standard Windows desktop.

Use the right mouse button to click on any "empty" part of the screen. Do not right-click on any icons.

Right-clicking will cause this menu to appear:


Click the "Properties" option. That will cause this screen to appear:

Screen Properties

Click on the Screen Saver tab.

In the screen saver list box, choose "Elegance by QCPhoto." (If that choice does not appear in the list, then something went wrong in Step One above. Please return to Step One and repeat the instructions.)

Once done, click the Settings button. The following form will appear:


Either use the Browse button to select the folder that contains your images or type the folder's path into the space provided. Please note that if you choose the Browse option, only folder names will be displayed in the resulting tree. Individual file names aren't shown in this display.

Folder Tree

When you click on a folder, as in Japan Pictures, the images in that folder as well as every subfolder will be aggregated into the set of rotating images that Elegance will display. The images will be displayed in alphabetical order, sorted first by their subfolder names and then by their individual file names.

Step Three:

To set the timings for your use of Elegance, return to the "Display Properties" form above and select a Wait time of 5 or 10 minutes. This the amount of time that your PC must receive no input from either your mouse or your keyboard before Elegance is engaged.

Now click on Energy Savings Settings button on the "Display Properties" form. Once you do, you'll see this form:

Power Management

Choose times when you would like the monitor and the discs to turn themselves off. The settings shown above are commonly used values for desktop PCs.

Congratulations. Elegance is now completely installed. If you chose settings for a 10 minute wait and 30 minute power off, Elegance will display your images for the intervening 20 minutes, rotating a new image onto the screen every 15 seconds, allowing you to see approximately 80 images during that time.

To insure that you won't see just a few of the images that you have at the front of your selected folder over and over again, the first image that Elegance chooses each time it comes up will be randomly selected. Once that random image has been chosen however, all subsequent images are played out in alphabetical order, beginning with that randomly chosen file.

Elegance   AICS Research
