Using Elegance Commercially

Although Elegance was primarily designed for you to share your photographs with your friends and family, we place no prohibitions on its commercial use. In fact, we encourage such use. Elegance can be used to create exceptionally attractive displays for use in either informational kiosks or trade show displays. There is no charge or cost associated with such use. We only ask that you not change the name of the screensaver file.

A commercial display inherently implies both text and graphics. To create such material, any number of common applications, such as PowerPoint, may be used. After you have created your display slides in PowerPoint, converting your PowerPoint slides into usable screensaver images is relatively simple. Merely do the following:
  • prior to running PowerPoint, launch your favorite image processing program (QCPhoto is obviously suggested)

  • set your screen resolution to 1024 x 768 and display your first PowerPoint slide

  • press the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard and then ALT+TAB into the image processing program

  • paste the image onto the program's canvas

  • if the program allows it, set your JPEG quality setting to 80 or 90 for a very low-loss compressed image

  • save the slide as a JPEG file
Once you've done this with the first slide's image, press ALT+TAB to return to the PowerPoint program, advance the slide one image and repeat the procedure until you have walked your way through all of the slides, giving each slide a different name.

The procedure outlined above is not limited to PowerPoint, however. It will work just as well with Adobe Acrobat images, when presented full screen, or with Microsoft Word documents. What we're doing in each of these instances is letting the various programs convert their proprietary file structures into bitmap images on the screen, which you then save as individually compressed JPEG files.

When played back from a common folder, Elegance randomly chooses which slide to begin with, but once that choice has been made, slides are played out in the alphabetical order of their names. Thus you have control over the sequence of execution.

In order to provide you with a sense of what's possible, two self-extracting zipped screensaver sets of images are available for download below. The first is a set of very well done commercial-quality images for Motorola cellphones. These images were created for distribution as individual wallpapers, thus there is no continuity in the story that they tell, but the quality of the images is certainly worth examining. The second set is a group of four Star Trek Enterprise wallpapers. The item to observe in these images is that a part of each image blends into one another while another portion of the image remains static. That can often be used to create a very attractive effect.

Motorola Cellphone Images
(1.3 MB, 6 images) Various commercial art images of Motorola cellphones.
original source
Enterprise Drawings Note: I have been unable to find this file "//". If you had downloaded the StarTrekPictures.exe file from AICS in the paste, please share!!
(0.5 MB, 4 images) Drawings of four of the craft presumed to bear the name Enterprise.
original source
Note: I have been unable to find this file "//".
If you had downloaded the StarTrekPictures.exe file from AICS in the past, please share!!

Elegance   AICS Research
