AICS Research

The HP3000 in 1972

The HP3000 in 1972

Although BASIC/V was developed 30 years ago, it remains an excellent development language for IMAGE database applications on the HP3000.

And now it's free.

Even after 30 years, as you can see in the table below, BASIC/V can still hold its own against the most "modern" of languages in a CPU-intensive sieving task.

The following data was presented at the HP World 2000 show in Philadephia recently:

  Language     Iterations

  sys script         0.01 

  commandfile        0.10

  Powerhouse         1.00

  MPEX               1.09

  Perl               1.20

  Interpreted        1.64

  Speedware          2.61

  java classic
  no jit            12.00

  java hotspot
  Xint              21.00

  unoptimized      106.00

  Pascal(CM)       119.33

  (unopt)          130.10

  (opt lvl 1)      155.50

  c89 unopt        158.00

  (unopt)          167.00

  (opt lvl 1)      182.00

  java classic
  jit              194.00

  SPL(CM)          197.63

  (compiled)       199.60

  java hotspot
  xmixed           288.00

   octcomped)     ~300.00 

  (opt lvl 2)      379.90

  gcc -O3          640.00

  gcc -O3
  loops            667.00

  c89 opt          702.00

Source: Mike Yawn, HP

Do not think of "old" as being passe. Rather, because of the era of slow processors and small machines in which BASIC was developed, there are significant advantages to the use BASIC.

  • Philosophically Simple
  • Extremely Efficient
  • Very Fast to Execute
  • Very Stable, in the sense that BASIC/V code will run on every version of MPE without concern as to the specific features of the current release.

Further, BASIC/V contains its own internal full-screen editor. And every line of input is syntax-checked as it is entered. Both attributes provide the best, most productive elements of the most modern IDE's (integrated development environments), and they've always been there.


A simple, rapid applications development language for the HP3000

Because BASIC/V is now a shared source program, BASIC/V is freely available to all HP3000 users, without any further licensing restrictions. You may freely obtain the two necessary files, BASIC and BASICOMP, here. The wrq versions are for Reflection Label transfers.
Download the two files and FTP them to the PUB.SYS group of your HP3000. Make sure you use binary transfer with your FTP.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> put basic.prog.bin basic;
200 PORT command ok.
150 File: basic;rec=128,,f,binary;code=PROG
 opened; data connection will be opened
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 99584 bytes sent in 0.17Seconds 582.36Kbytes/sec.
ftp> put basicomp.prog.bin basicomp;
200 PORT command ok.
150 File: basicomp;rec=128,,f,binary;code=PROG
 opened; data connection will be opened
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 73216 bytes sent in 0.22Seconds 335.85Kbytes/sec.
Note: BASIC needs to run from a group with CAP=BA,IA,MR,DS,PH.
Group PUB.SYS should have these already.

That's it. You're now ready to use BASIC.

The BASIC/V Manuals

The following manuals were scanned in as 300dpi, image-only (non-searchable) PDF files. If you wish to recreate the exact look and feel of the original manuals, print the following PDF files using a duplex printer filled with 8.5 x 11" paper. To insure that the manuals print at the correct size, be sure that the checkbox "shrink to fit" is not set in your Adobe Acrobat reader (European users, on the other hand, may need to check the box in order to print the material on their papers).

The original manuals were punched for both 3-hole and 2-hole binders. You can see traces of the hole punches in the images you will download. If you print the output in duplex and use a standard 3-hole punch, you will quite faithfully recreate the look of the original manuals.

Some pages are blank in the manuals. These are not mistakes. Before the advent of computer-based typesetting, inserted pages were quite common. These blank pages were purposefully left in these scans simply to keep the left-right pagination of the manuals properly aligned.

BASIC Interpreter Reference Manual

Table of Contents (390K)

I: Introduction to BASIC (670K)

II: Essentials of BASIC (2.9M)

III: Arrays (865K)

IV: Variable Types (556K)

V: Strings (1.1M)

VI: User-Defined Functions(589K)

VII: Debugging (941K)

VIII: Files (1.9M)

IX: Formatted Output (936K)

X: Segmentation (727K)

XI: Communication with non-BASIC Programs(582K)

XII: Non-Interactive Programs (431K)

Appendices (2.4M)

Other BASIC/3000 related documents

BASIC/3000 Compiler Reference Manual(1.6M)


BASIC/V Pocket Guide(1.0M)

AICS Research
